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/di/ - Sexy Beautiful Traps

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Rules & Requests Closet Homosexual ## Mod ## 11/10/20(Thu)16:18 No. 60866 ID: e04fb8 Stickied

File 131912031544.jpg - (8.19KB , 259x194 , She's actually a guy.jpg )

After a bit of toying with the system, we feel like we've come to a point where everything is where it should be, but just so it's clarified:

1) "Who is this?" "Source" "Moar?" etc.. Go in this thread. Only reply to this thread if you have something to contribute.

2) All new threads require at least three relevant images; anything less will be considered a request and will be subject to deletion and banning. Relevant conversation threads are exempt from this rule.

3) Use the Report button and the Hide Thread feature. No flaming, bitching about board appropriate content, hook-up threads or furry content is allowed. Reverse Traps are allowed.

4) Make sure you're posting on the right board. Cross-dressers go to /cd/, men go to /men/, women go to /s/.

Update: 5) All video download links should be posted in the video links sticky. Having 4 separate threads for downloads is a waste.

949 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Closet Homosexual 12/12/15(Sat)21:59 No. 81886 ID: 4b6ab3

Closet Homosexual 12/12/15(Sat)22:04 No. 81887 ID: 4b6ab3

Closet Homosexual 12/12/15(Sat)22:07 No. 81888 ID: 4b6ab3

Trapmeout (tumblr was deactivated a couple weeks ago T_T)

Is there anymore?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/16(Sun)00:07 No. 81889 ID: 2563b5

looking for this video for a while.

Closet Homosexual 12/12/16(Sun)06:54 No. 81894 ID: 891f8e


anyone have a clue who this girl is??

Closet Homosexual 12/12/16(Sun)21:02 No. 81908 ID: 4b6ab3

I found a video of that gif. It's horrible and what you see in the gif is practically all that happens. The full video is a ghost.

Closet Homosexual 12/12/16(Sun)21:04 No. 81909 ID: 4b6ab3

Any clue as to who this is? And more?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/16(Sun)22:09 No. 81911 ID: a20943


bumping for hope

Closet Homosexual 12/12/17(Mon)02:15 No. 81921 ID: f233ed

From ImageFap, don't have the link handy. ID/sauce/moar?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/17(Mon)11:23 No. 81927 ID: ba1279

The blonde one posted these on 4chan.

Closet Homosexual 12/12/18(Tue)02:34 No. 81954 ID: f233ed

Thanks. I'd love to see her nude. Anyone know a name?

The middle one in 81921 is apparently "Ellie Downing" or "Ellie Dowling", can't find any more pix though.

Closet Homosexual 12/12/18(Tue)03:15 No. 81955 ID: f233ed

I am looking desperately for the video of Vanna Siamese where she shows her penis and plays with it. I have a 30-second snippet from an Amateur Trap & Tranny compilation, but it is clearly from a longer video. The photo on the right is a still from the snippet. (These are not her YouTube videos, which are non-nude.)

Closet Homosexual 12/12/18(Tue)06:18 No. 81957 ID: 293c9d

Got a raging hard on when I first saw this. Kalindra is back and better than ever. I'm requesting this time. Got more?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/18(Tue)09:02 No. 81958 ID: c3f80e

Luciana Bano

Closet Homosexual 12/12/18(Tue)17:08 No. 81971 ID: 18fb47

Hey..... That's Me!

(I have no idea how to post on 7chan)

Closet Homosexual 12/12/18(Tue)22:38 No. 81978 ID: 4b6ab3

This means you'll post more of yourself now, right?
You look amazing.

Posting on here is very easy. Just go back to /di/ and feel free to start your own topic the same way you posted that comment. Obviously, you'll need to upload an image using the browse button.

Closet Homosexual 12/12/18(Tue)23:10 No. 81980 ID: 18fb47

File 135586863569.jpg - (284.57KB , 595x800 , 8265131592_27f1d4705c_c.jpg )

Well I used to post on 420chan but they banned me for no reason a few weeks ago, so I kinda get the interface just wasn't sure it was gonna work when I pressed "reply".

Despite what I look like in my pics I'm really not that much of a camwhore lol, I only posted one or two pics every couple of months on 420chan.

Saying that I've had a flickr account for years now thats got quite a few pictures :P


Pic is mfw they banned me :(

Closet Homosexual 12/12/19(Wed)00:54 No. 81983 ID: fca44e

Erika Schinaider

Closet Homosexual 12/12/19(Wed)03:31 No. 81987 ID: 4b6ab3

How have I never heard of you before? Just...dem hips♥

Closet Homosexual 12/12/19(Wed)13:42 No. 82007 ID: 18fb47

Well I don't really post my pictures on multiple sites.
It also helps that I'm not as attractive as some of the other girls so my pics aren't gonna get passed on and re-posted as much on other sites.
Also my penis isn't out in any of my pics :P

Closet Homosexual 12/12/19(Wed)18:01 No. 82014 ID: be5532

You are amazing, absolutely gorgeous! I'm in love. :D

traplover 12/12/19(Wed)18:26 No. 82015 ID: c8fb84

YEAH!!! what he said please!

Closet Homosexual 12/12/20(Thu)19:15 No. 82053 ID: 5fcbc0

File 135602732652.jpg - (793.34KB , 3000x2250 , 1353965339741.jpg )

i need to know who this is pls

Closet Homosexual 12/12/21(Fri)22:15 No. 82076 ID: 5fcbc0

File 135612451395.jpg - (74.15KB , 500x667 , tumblr_mbmzjkfSj51royhc0o1_500.jpg )

i also have this pic of him if it helps

Closet Homosexual 12/12/21(Fri)23:46 No. 82077 ID: 77cb88

File 135612998094.jpg - (78.79KB , 500x667 , tumblr_ma1v0dwpph1r9s3ato1_500.jpg )


anyone hast sauce or moar?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/22(Sat)12:52 No. 82106 ID: 18fb47

Are you the guy that emailed me a few days ago from Pennsylvania?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/22(Sat)14:19 No. 82110 ID: b58228

I'm also dying to find out/more from that trap. Extremely hot!

Closet Homosexual 12/12/22(Sat)18:00 No. 82114 ID: d739e1


looks hot, but not worth creating a paid account for

Closet Homosexual 12/12/23(Sun)20:13 No. 82135 ID: edc0a2

Requesting this video of a somewhat amateur trap sucking on a black dildo and then fucking herself in the ass with it. It's about 4 minutes long and has no sound other than some music. The trap is white and has black hair. I believe it was on xhamster

marc 12/12/23(Sun)22:57 No. 82139 ID: 7ee40d

82139 marc 12/12/23(Sun)23:00 No. 82140 ID: 7ee40d

Closet Homosexual 12/12/24(Mon)03:19 No. 82147 ID: 6584a8


op on xhamster is sauce. i verify.

Closet Homosexual 12/12/24(Mon)11:45 No. 82159 ID: b25963


Dear Santa...

let Op dump the rest of the vid

Closet Homosexual 12/12/24(Mon)13:55 No. 82161 ID: da5917

File 135635373779.jpg - (668.82KB , 800x844 , tumblr_mfh6jvF3cw1rj29dyo1_1280[1].jpg )

Name? Sauce?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/24(Mon)21:29 No. 82168 ID: da515f

File 135638095121.jpg - (61.02KB , 499x750 , yummy.jpg )

who has the name of this lovely princess?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/25(Tue)02:30 No. 82170 ID: 0e70f9


polish cindy bianco


other stuff elsewhere forget details

coolbot777 12/12/27(Thu)16:47 No. 82238 ID: 0256a2

name? anymore pics?


coolbot777 12/12/27(Thu)16:55 No. 82239 ID: 0256a2

No. 64785

the link is dead, can you repost?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/28(Fri)08:25 No. 82279 ID: 27fa21

That's Miss Bailey Jay

Closet Homosexual 12/12/28(Fri)08:31 No. 82280 ID: 27fa21

This is Halle Rayne and she has her own blog

ID on her? lolgasm 12/12/28(Fri)14:07 No. 82281 ID: be8604


Think I'm in love... seen a few vids but no name! Moar please.

Closet Homosexual 12/12/28(Fri)14:23 No. 82283 ID: 8e204b


Nicole Charming

Fake but who? Closet Homosexual 12/12/29(Sat)01:06 No. 82293 ID: 7bad6d

I know this is a shoop but I want to figure out the original girl anyways. Anyone know??

Closet Homosexual 12/12/29(Sat)04:18 No. 82296 ID: da515f

File 13567511222.jpg - (55.28KB , 499x750 , pretty lady.jpg )

here's another pic

Closet Homosexual 12/12/30(Sun)05:21 No. 82315 ID: e08e12


Izabelly Marquesine

Anime name coolbot777 12/12/30(Sun)10:08 No. 82323 ID: 0256a2

i see it every time i come here, but don't know the name of the anime of hentai show its from

thanks coolbot777 12/12/30(Sun)10:17 No. 82325 ID: 0256a2


Repost dead links? coolbot777 12/12/30(Sun)10:20 No. 82326 ID: 0256a2


the link is dead(removed), can you repost?

Closet Homosexual 12/12/30(Sun)20:48 No. 82330 ID: 8b01cf

File 135689688176.jpg - (72.56KB , 464x700 , tumblr_mfimf8owHn1retxoxo1_500.jpg )


Closet Homosexual 12/12/31(Mon)01:46 No. 82339 ID: 0ea001

Lovely Complex

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