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/di/ - Sexy Beautiful Traps

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Rules & Requests Closet Homosexual ## Mod ## 11/10/20(Thu)16:18 No. 60866 ID: e04fb8 Stickied

File 131912031544.jpg - (8.19KB , 259x194 , She's actually a guy.jpg )

After a bit of toying with the system, we feel like we've come to a point where everything is where it should be, but just so it's clarified:

1) "Who is this?" "Source" "Moar?" etc.. Go in this thread. Only reply to this thread if you have something to contribute.

2) All new threads require at least three relevant images; anything less will be considered a request and will be subject to deletion and banning. Relevant conversation threads are exempt from this rule.

3) Use the Report button and the Hide Thread feature. No flaming, bitching about board appropriate content, hook-up threads or furry content is allowed. Reverse Traps are allowed.

4) Make sure you're posting on the right board. Cross-dressers go to /cd/, men go to /men/, women go to /s/.

Update: 5) All video download links should be posted in the video links sticky. Having 4 separate threads for downloads is a waste.

Where can i find more?? Closet Homosexual 11/10/21(Fri)20:43 No. 60886 ID: 342092

File 131922259466.jpg - (70.51KB , 465x700 , tumblr_lrkcn2LFLl1qbchkqo1_500.jpg )

Just recently found her her name is Julia Avancini. Please tell me she does hardcore...if so where???

Closet Homosexual 11/10/22(Sat)05:07 No. 60893 ID: 968709

File 131925287422.jpg - (200.02KB , 1280x849 , whoisthis.jpg )

Anyone got a name on this girl?

Closet Homosexual 11/10/22(Sat)20:18 No. 60907 ID: 9c22e1

where is the original post's pic from?

Closet Homosexual 11/10/23(Sun)01:27 No. 60913 ID: f53c04

Any name on this one?


Closet Homosexual 11/10/23(Sun)03:32 No. 60914 ID: 138ea9

Anyone have any info on this cutie?


Closet Homosexual 11/10/23(Sun)05:23 No. 60915 ID: e04fb8

Click the comments section to at least check:
09/28/2011 8:35 pm
SHe's name MOROCHA"

I checked and yes that is her name.

Closet Homosexual 11/10/23(Sun)19:39 No. 60922 ID: 183170

Did you seriously delete the old sauce thread?

I was still making my way through that epic thing.

Closet Homosexual 11/10/24(Mon)08:42 No. 60933 ID: 51ee21

Particularly nice ones here.

Closet Homosexual 11/10/24(Mon)10:32 No. 60934 ID: f6555b

I'm always looking for more Rawr Kun if someone could point me in a direction I'd be thrilled and grateful.

R-kun 11/10/25(Tue)05:16 No. 60957 ID: ead748


I appreciate the interest! I won't be doing any new stuff but the guy who runs this site has an archive of my pics up there. enjoy.

Closet Homosexual 11/10/25(Tue)11:20 No. 60970 ID: 843d3c

File 131953440989.jpg - (162.73KB , 679x1024 , 130773920277.jpg )


Closet Homosexual 11/10/26(Wed)11:09 No. 61005 ID: 61b7df

File 131962018355.jpg - (184.76KB , 1016x2184 , whoisshe.jpg )

Any idea on her?

Closet Homosexual 11/10/26(Wed)11:14 No. 61006 ID: 5633b7

Domino Presley she also went by Jazmin Aviance before she did porn. She has a blog that has a ton of pics of her

Closet Homosexual 11/10/27(Thu)07:33 No. 61052 ID: 22612f

I'd like to request a rar or a dump of hadentrap

Closet Homosexual 11/10/28(Fri)17:56 No. 61089 ID: 5ecf04

File 131981738243.jpg - (38.16KB , 640x480 , 1319756218598.jpg )

im not expecting much but if some one could identify or point me in the direction of moar i would be very grateful

Closet Homosexual 11/10/28(Fri)23:23 No. 61097 ID: 5633b7

File 131983703880.jpg - (210.90KB , 1245x1023 , 131983687132.jpg )

Who is this girl?

anonfan 11/10/29(Sat)00:17 No. 61099 ID: ace11e


Any info on this girl?

Closet Homosexual 11/10/29(Sat)07:21 No. 61114 ID: 7dddea

File 131986571041.jpg - (16.07KB , 240x180 , 419277.jpg )

there was a video on pornerbros with this girl called "Hot shemale has got a big and thick cock for fuck" that has since been deleted. She was one of the most hung individuals I've ever seen. Anyone know who she is? I think she might be an escort since she mentioned something about doing the video for all her fans at the start, but I have no idea.

I posted this request in the old thread but when I jsut came back today to see if there were any responses, well, I found that it was gone.

Closet Homosexual 11/10/29(Sat)10:07 No. 61124 ID: dd6863

lovely complex

Closet Homosexual 11/10/29(Sat)21:15 No. 61135 ID: a5e75f


Dyh Murder

Closet Homosexual 11/10/29(Sat)23:29 No. 61140 ID: f069e1

File 131992374151.jpg - (357.99KB , 2224x1732 , 1311313755271.jpg )

Who dis?

Closet Homosexual 11/10/30(Sun)01:11 No. 61141 ID: 5633b7

Jenna Rawks, also MOAR!

Closet Homosexual 11/10/30(Sun)04:38 No. 61144 ID: e5dd98

File 131994591881.jpg - (136.33KB , 742x1236 , ionpron_amateur_415_avi.jpg )

Need a name, or vids, or something!

Ive seen a couple of Jenna vids but sadly theyre all the same.

Closet Homosexual 11/10/30(Sun)08:21 No. 61145 ID: 98f8e5

Been obsessed with this trap for a while. I need to know who it is! AND MORE PICTURES OF HER.

Sex Bob-omb 11/10/30(Sun)19:32 No. 61153 ID: c4039c

Thats Reo

Closet Homosexual 11/10/30(Sun)21:37 No. 61154 ID: 172932

anyone nows a name

Closet Homosexual 11/10/30(Sun)22:14 No. 61156 ID: e3578d


That's Nicole Charming (according to ashematube.com)



Closet Homosexual 11/10/30(Sun)23:26 No. 61158 ID: e3578d


dem saggy tits

Her name's Andrea and she has 2 extra nipples, do not want.

I always wonder if the extra nipples are affected someways by hormones....

Closet Homosexual 11/10/31(Mon)06:22 No. 61170 ID: ce5e58

File 13200385361.gif - (1.71MB , 266x213 , 1290938749218.gif )

Source on this?

Booster 11/10/31(Mon)07:30 No. 61173 ID: f7d7e5


Here you go Bro, I uploaded my Reo folder. It's got 36 pics in it. Reo said she'll start posting again once she goes back on her hormones again.


Closet Homosexual 11/10/31(Mon)18:24 No. 61179 ID: c464a3



Closet Homosexual 11/10/31(Mon)19:09 No. 61180 ID: 044eab

File 132008459783.jpg - (292.43KB , 500x751 , 0009870765.jpg )


Closet Homosexual 11/11/01(Tue)04:23 No. 61185 ID: 9ff8be


That's grace, an escort from canada. Here have some more

Closet Homosexual 11/11/01(Tue)22:31 No. 61196 ID: 8117c7

File 13201830758.jpg - (61.09KB , 550x720 , jason-chan-illustration-04-550x720.jpg )

anyone got any nice trap drawings (no manga pls)?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/02(Wed)05:02 No. 61204 ID: 6c61fa

she is from chile, i know her and i fucked once, its very very very!!!! hot and sweet
name: lucyla, barbie, barbie fouche.... i got her msn but i can't give to you

Closet Homosexual 11/11/06(Sun)08:10 No. 61292 ID: 0677ef

That would be TS Madison (aka Big Dick Bitch).

Closet Homosexual 11/11/06(Sun)19:51 No. 61299 ID: d16dd5

moar of her please

Closet Homosexual 11/11/06(Sun)21:20 No. 61302 ID: ac5d40

File 132061082942.jpg - (40.47KB , 500x375 , tumblr_lqt3hvwK7P1qjz7blo1_500.jpg )

Anyone have more of her/info please?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/06(Sun)21:57 No. 61303 ID: d3ac04


goes by the name shytrap but idk where sause is

Closet Homosexual 11/11/06(Sun)23:50 No. 61314 ID: e115a0


I didn't find anything with so few informations but it seems that a fat black girl use the same pseudo making it even more worse to find sauce. Maybe she has an account on stickam.com...

God, I could totally kill just to touch her once.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/08(Tue)12:37 No. 61402 ID: 14695c

File 132075224452.jpg - (536.22KB , 677x1024 , 1320744138854.jpg )

Who is this?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/08(Tue)13:07 No. 61403 ID: c39b25

jeesus tuli

Closet Homosexual 11/11/09(Wed)20:46 No. 61452 ID: 7e84cc

File 132086801153.jpg - (30.33KB , 500x375 , ml0x3dgttkoj.jpg )


Mike Bob 11/11/10(Thu)02:19 No. 61464 ID: 3b732d

Mrs. Mike Bob :]]

Flim Flam 11/11/12(Sat)23:05 No. 61546 ID: e52cb3

File 132113549776.gif - (498.33KB , 320x240 , 663643361.gif )

Can I get a source on this one?

Wondering where I can find this? Marley!KX0RKa.cXE 11/11/13(Sun)22:51 No. 61571 ID: 63aab0

File 132122109931.gif - (0.96MB , 288x161 , zzz130203832076 (1).gif )

The girl in this gif is believed to be Mina Yumeno. However I'm trying to find the original video if anyone can help please.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/14(Mon)01:10 No. 61573 ID: c67846


a bunch of videos with her, the one from which your gif is sampled is about 77 minutes in.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/14(Mon)07:49 No. 61577 ID: 5633b7

anyone have more of her? Her name is meliamannequin.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/14(Mon)11:37 No. 61579 ID: 5fc34a

shes on okcupid named 'sammydays' or something like that

Closet Homosexual 11/11/14(Mon)15:03 No. 61580 ID: 6ad937


That would be Maria Pia


Closet Homosexual 11/11/15(Tue)18:58 No. 61645 ID: dad715

File 13213798291.gif - (3.31MB , 275x183 , 1313831234175.gif )

where tis from?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/16(Wed)22:44 No. 61690 ID: 5633b7

File 132147988458.jpg - (241.28KB , 600x800 , 0009589051.jpg )

I saw this on motherless under traps. Is this girl really a trap if so where can i find more?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/17(Thu)04:17 No. 61707 ID: 9a98f0

That is Tess, I think.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/17(Thu)11:10 No. 61727 ID: c79404

File 132152462624.jpg - (14.41KB , 180x135 , 4845345-0.jpg )

Any name or preferably MOAR?


Says her name is Batiana Braxton but I ccant find anything about her

Closet Homosexual 11/11/17(Thu)13:41 No. 61729 ID: 46d356

File 13215337116.png - (639.68KB , 665x499 , Untitled.png )


any sauce on this?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/18(Fri)16:58 No. 61782 ID: 3b4e47

File 132163191731.jpg - (525.90KB , 1080x1200 , 1321624571224.jpg )

supposed trap, can anyone confirm?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/19(Sat)11:31 No. 61852 ID: 9b7488


humm this has been floating around for a while, nobody's ever found anything else, and there's no real proof in the pic, so probably fake, but still nice to pretend.

WHO IS THIS?! Closet Homosexual 11/11/19(Sat)12:24 No. 61854 ID: b597ac


Closet Homosexual 11/11/19(Sat)14:18 No. 61856 ID: 6186f0



Closet Homosexual 11/11/19(Sat)19:28 No. 61868 ID: fe6210

File 132172730910.gif - (3.55MB , 320x230 , 131745347936.gif )

annyone has the vid?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/20(Sun)01:19 No. 61882 ID: 3984f1


Anybody got more of this?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/20(Sun)03:19 No. 61888 ID: dee6d1

File 132175559410.jpg - (131.21KB , 960x1280 , unf.jpg )

Used to have a video of her sucking the same didlo but lost it, anyone got it?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/20(Sun)06:05 No. 61892 ID: 741251

has anyone got moar of her? she used to go by the name of lenalou on cam4 and is currently going by the name of badshemale. only can find two pics (which are on cam4) and one video so far.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/20(Sun)22:14 No. 61908 ID: bbbe03


God please. Will settle for a name if not a video link :D

Closet Homosexual 11/11/20(Sun)22:52 No. 61909 ID: 6186f0

That is Fernanda Barros aka Fernanda Beatriz...

Closet Homosexual 11/11/21(Mon)04:57 No. 61918 ID: 9e340e


requesting info on this sweet blond

Closet Homosexual 11/11/22(Tue)01:26 No. 61947 ID: 494e70

File 132192158190.png - (401.29KB , 672x496 , Screen shot 2011-11-21 at 23_14_02.png )

any body know who this is?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/22(Tue)06:51 No. 61955 ID: 9f85b7

File 132194110237.jpg - (100.12KB , 800x593 , 131046138722.jpg )

Anyone know her name? I used to know it, but now it escapes me.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/23(Wed)07:24 No. 61983 ID: 5fafcb

I found the cutest tranny ever, apparently she was on 4cam but I can't find a profile anyway :/


I also have a small 4-5 min video of TsKatieKatt01 She's the second girl in

>>60933 's post. I'l try and upload it soon. It has no sound but I hope it's good for some people :)

Closet Homosexual 11/11/23(Wed)09:59 No. 61988 ID: 6186f0

That is Cinzia.

Photoshop. She even had a fake website with photoshopped pictures iirc... Forgot the name.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/23(Wed)10:50 No. 61989 ID: 6ed8ba

just found this video and must know who this is

Closet Homosexual 11/11/23(Wed)12:40 No. 61993 ID: 6186f0

Nicole Charming (transen Nicole).

Closet Homosexual 11/11/26(Sat)00:14 No. 62081 ID: b5a424

File 132226284356.jpg - (138.97KB , 1024x651 , 1322112811384.jpg )

I think I've found the most adorable shemale ever. Sauce?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/26(Sat)06:01 No. 62100 ID: a72585

It's shopped.

Closet Homosexual 11/11/28(Mon)02:57 No. 62224 ID: edc4fc

File 132244545514.jpg - (161.19KB , 742x1236 , a_56_avi.jpg )


Closet Homosexual 11/11/28(Mon)16:06 No. 62239 ID: f2dd3e

File 132249276666.gif - (1.96MB , 150x189 , now.gif )

name please

Closet Homosexual 11/11/28(Mon)19:39 No. 62247 ID: b597ac

That's Mia Isabella

Closet Homosexual 11/11/30(Wed)06:50 No. 62309 ID: 801ebe

File 132263224763.jpg - (161.16KB , 1200x790 , 10.jpg )


The girl in this video named Sabrina (the one with the glasses), anyone know her full name/where I could get more of her?

Closet Homosexual 11/11/30(Wed)17:41 No. 62326 ID: 8b5e42

i can only offer a description for this but any help is appreciated
it was only a short video and it starts off seemingly with a blonde lady in a bubble bath but after a bit she gets up and it turns out to be a shemale
any help will be awesome

Closet Homosexual 11/11/30(Wed)21:33 No. 62337 ID: 98977a

File 132268523127.jpg - (357.16KB , 681x1024 , 1322680982092.jpg )

Who this?

Closet Homosexual 11/12/01(Thu)23:22 No. 62385 ID: 0be1b5

can someone pls tell me the name of the first one, wanted to know this for a long time

Closet Homosexual 11/12/03(Sat)01:40 No. 62414 ID: d6b172

File 132287280224.jpg - (12.95KB , 320x240 , 09.jpg )


Anyone know her name or the source?

Closet Homosexual 11/12/03(Sat)02:32 No. 62416 ID: 57f111

File 132287592880.jpg - (129.79KB , 683x933 , 57.jpg )

does anyone have a source on the original image?

Closet Homosexual 11/12/04(Sun)10:39 No. 62467 ID: 7ae0c8

File 132299154839.jpg - (1.47MB , 1274x1993 , 1322986930434.jpg )

I have a name, but I have no pictures and can't find any links. Anyone know anything?

Labelled Xue on this chart.

Closet Homosexual 11/12/08(Thu)16:13 No. 62636 ID: 2fd2d8

File 132335717977.gif - (1.87MB , 250x221 , 2zmVz.gif )

i've seen gifs & pictures from this vid too many times already, and yet her name (and the other one in the video) escapes me every time. help please?

Closet Homosexual 11/12/08(Thu)16:14 No. 62637 ID: 018c29

candy dada

anonymous 11/12/09(Fri)05:49 No. 62650 ID: 780663


that is indeed a trap. go to motherless and just type trap in the search bar. you will find alot of her. Real name is Andy LaBarbera. can be found on facebook.


No vids but her name is nicole. she does live shows on cam4 ever so often. full name is Nicole Lynn Miller and can also be found on facebook.

I am the king of sauce.

Closet Homosexual 11/12/09(Fri)23:06 No. 62658 ID: fa9bf2

File 132346840753.jpg - (55.57KB , 450x678 , tscn.jpg )

These are the only 2 links/pics I've been able to find on this escort, does anyone else have any more information on her?



Closet Homosexual 11/12/10(Sat)03:23 No. 62661 ID: f3a765

File 132348379691.jpg - (234.42KB , 531x708 , 1323475071964.jpg )

Suspected transsexual.

Closet Homosexual 11/12/10(Sat)08:30 No. 62673 ID: 9f7037



Closet Homosexual 11/12/10(Sat)15:52 No. 62685 ID: bf5320

File 132352875917.jpg - (41.80KB , 450x356 , 1323475537001.jpg )

Who is this? Source? Moar?

Closet Homosexual 11/12/12(Mon)09:29 No. 62725 ID: 8aedfe

Алиса (Alice)

Closet Homosexual 11/12/13(Tue)03:02 No. 62746 ID: 2f659c

any more of this beauty?

Closet Homosexual 11/12/14(Wed)11:20 No. 62814 ID: a5e471

Video was posted a few weeks ago with a girl getting nailed on a couch doggy style. When she shifted her position her dick started oozing precum. No idea who she was or where the video was at. Any help?

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