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Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)21:13 No. 110863

File 133399878365.jpg - (30.01KB , 600x804 , nakedphotog.jpg )

Does anyone know the name of this photographer, or have anymore from the set? I know he shot another guy like this along with some women. If anyone can help me find the source I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)22:13 No. 110865


It's by artist Ryan McGinley (he's kind of from the VICE magazine and Dash Snow corner, really hip, very good photos)


Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)22:15 No. 110866


Okay two requests here. First image is 18mancuk. I can't find the one vid of his I've seen, just wondering if anyone know's of any others?
Second picture (ignore the girl) is of some guys at a party. Both are super hot. There IS a vid as I've seen a really low quality version of it, and just wondered if anyone had a link to a better one.

Anonymous 12/04/09(Mon)22:15 No. 110867

My bad, uploaded the pics the wrong way around. 18mancuk is the blonde guy

Anonymous 12/04/10(Tue)01:44 No. 110875

File 133401506115.gif - (0.97MB , 500x458 , 1333955688729.gif )

Would anyone happen to know the name of the video that this .gif was taken from?

Anonymous 12/04/10(Tue)03:39 No. 110879

Billy Hicks, YouLoveJack

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