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/cake/ - Delicious

Welcome to /cake/, 7chan's board for drawn lolicon material.

The rules are as follows:

  • This board is not for the discussion of real life lolicon experiences. All threads relating to such content are subject to deletion and a ban.
  • Cartoons and photorealistic images will be deleted on sight. Offenders will be banned.
  • A character's canon age is irrelevant on this board. Should a character appear to be a loli, for all intents and purposes, they are.
  • This board is for porn, not for in-depth discussion of the subject matter of said porn. Repeat offenders will be banned and their threads deleted.
  • Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
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I <3 cunny!

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Lost And Found *Cake Edition* Anonymous 19/12/04(Wed)19:07 No. 63948 ID: 360e7d [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

File 157548286631.gif - (11.89KB , 500x353 , Lost-and-Found.gif )

I don't know if this has already been done before, but I'd like to start up a Lost And Found Thread for this forum!

If you don't know how it works, well, it goes like this:

You tell everyone on this thread what specific image you are looking for but am having great difficulty trying to find anywhere else, and hopefully the others will be able to help find what you are looking for!

Would any of you be down for that?

64 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/10/09(Wed)22:33 No. 66164 ID: 9ae43f

Back before WWOEC went down, somebody on the forums started drawing an FFVI comic with Relm and Terra fucking at an inn. Cover images were a cocky-looking Relm groping a nervous Terra, then Terra in monster form looming over a now-nervous Relm. Comic opened with standard Terra angst over her identity, with Relm cutting in saying "sounds like you're horny!"

Cue montage of pussy-eating and grinding. Dialogue was awful, I specifically remember when they're tribbing, Relm saying "that's the spot right there!" But the art style was cute. Simple. I don't know if it was even any good anymore, it just drives me crazy that I can't find it.

Anonymous 24/10/12(Sat)06:22 No. 66165 ID: 261530

Looking for a doujin I saw on not4chan about a brother and sister and the brothers best friend. Brother thinks the father is dead and cares for his sister. Turns out sister and the best friend are in a relationship hidden from the brother and the father is actually still alive but needed to begin his life again and the sister and best friend knew this.

Distinctly remember when the brother finds his sister and best friend in bed people making edits showing Rorschach coming into the room instead of the brother.

Anonymous 24/11/03(Sun)10:21 No. 66220 ID: a9b443

Looking for a CGI video. Futa girl having sex with Gabbygabby from Toy Story 4

The mods took down my link thread The asker pt.2 24/11/01(Fri)00:33 No. 66199 ID: f791e6 [Reply]

File 173041760768.png - (1.63MB , 1200x1200 , 9990248859642b2af3da60f299893861ca83a6c198ce3c8b56.png )

Why i was just making a more active and organized version of the already existing "any other loli sites" thread and i didn't even spamn i was simply putting links in the link thread. BM

The+asker+pt.2 24/11/01(Fri)00:34 No. 66200 ID: f791e6

Bring back the link thread plz it took a while to get all those links together

Anonymous ## Mod ## 24/11/01(Fri)02:11 No. 66218 ID: dbdb60

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not sure why it was deleted. i stickied it earlier, then another mod marked it as spam. we can't restore the actual thread, but here are the links and replies. feel free to copy them, start a new thread, then delete this one if you want.

Post link and websites for other loli sites here





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Any other lolicon sites? Bob+Saget 22/02/14(Mon)00:05 No. 64748 ID: 787b0e [Reply]

File 164479350070.png - (191.45KB , 407x386 , Capture.png )

Looking for sites like https://lolibooru.moe/

39 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/09/13(Fri)07:42 No. 66134 ID: b89556


Xam 24/10/06(Sun)03:58 No. 66159 ID: dbf2ff


Anonymous 24/10/31(Thu)20:47 No. 66181 ID: 89f161


Lolis in reverse suspended congress Anonymous 20/04/26(Sun)23:49 No. 64105 ID: ad6623 [Reply]

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I love seeing lolis getting fucked in this position. You can see them getting penetrated very clearly while also allowing to see most of their cute bodies at the same time

2 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/12/06(Mon)21:59 No. 64675 ID: 229a7f

Anonymous 22/12/29(Thu)11:53 No. 64974 ID: 20dbf4

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Anonymous 24/10/19(Sat)14:25 No. 66171 ID: 7757cc

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what do you think about this? Just4me 24/10/06(Sun)03:14 No. 66158 ID: 6a4faf [Reply]

File 172817728314.jpg - (321.13KB , 1080x2408 , Screenshot_20241006_015906_PureL.jpg )

a virtual loli friend

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/10/06(Sun)04:12 No. 66161 ID: af4f1c

Somebody call the Elric boys, we got another one that needs exploding.

Just4me 24/10/06(Sun)09:30 No. 66162 ID: 6a4faf

i should add a “call the Elric brothers” button in case of emergency, huh?

Anonymous 24/10/06(Sun)20:15 No. 66163 ID: a83c19

No, he is saying that whatever that thing in the picture is needs to be destroyed right away. Like, should have been put out of their misery yesterday.

Anal, anus, asshole butthole thread Anonymous 23/01/09(Mon)18:47 No. 64987 ID: 062f9c [Reply]

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17 posts and 38 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/09/10(Tue)23:57 No. 66129 ID: f77098

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Anonymous 24/09/10(Tue)23:57 No. 66130 ID: f77098

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Anonymous 24/09/10(Tue)23:58 No. 66131 ID: f77098

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Anywhere i can find some good lolicon erotica? Peeb 24/07/29(Mon)04:56 No. 66056 ID: 4a2ce3 [Reply]

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I'm looking for some decent loli erotica, but its rather hard to come by anything decent, even on ao3. I don't really have any relevent pictures because this is a request for written content.

Lpli 99 24/08/29(Thu)21:11 No. 66112 ID: 5f9881 [Reply]

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Kanna Kamui P3k2 24/02/16(Fri)03:41 No. 65690 ID: 23b950 [Reply]

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Anonymous 24/08/29(Thu)06:21 No. 66109 ID: f4f78c

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Anonymous 24/08/29(Thu)06:28 No. 66110 ID: f4f78c

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Anonymous 24/08/29(Thu)06:31 No. 66111 ID: f4f78c

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Feet thread Anonymous 19/12/28(Sat)20:25 No. 63970 ID: e9d962 [Reply]

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why isnt there one

3 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/02/11(Sat)04:54 No. 65021 ID: 1c3793


Anonymous 24/08/02(Fri)14:09 No. 66063 ID: e3c7dd

I fucking love little girls

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