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/sci/ - STEM

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

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New Textbook/Book Request Thread deadbabies ## Mod ## 13/08/25(Sun)06:03 No. 15270 ID: f34135 [Reply] Stickied

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First off, hello there, I'm deadbabies, and I will be taking over as /sci/ moderator. Rules will remain the same. Please use the report function if you see posts that violate the rules, but also do not abuse it.

I have officially expanded the scope of /sci/ a bit. You may discuss Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics here now. No science is discriminated against as long as it's of the peer-reviewed variety. If someone wants to discuss Anthropology or Social Science, by all means, let them. If you do not like it, just don't post in the thread.

The IRC channel #/sci/ is now (finally) re-registered and I am running as operator on here. Feel free to stop by and say hi. I do leave my computer idling on IRC, so check back or leave me a message if you have any ideas, suggestions, or just want to tell me off. You can get onto #/sci/ by joining the server irc.7chan.org at port 6667. You can also use SSL at port 6697 but you will have to set your client to accept invalid certificates.

ADDITIONALLY and IMPORTANTLY I have had several requests on IRC regarding the old Ebook FTP that we used to have. Unfortunately, the mod who ran it entered the military and no longer runs or maintains it. I have no plans to make another one, but if one of you guys would like to, by all means advertise here.

That being said, I'm just going to leave this link here:


You may find what you seek here.

I will be unstickying the old ebook/source articles thread. Please post any new ebooks/source articles here, and feel free to post any working links from the old thread there; I will eventually be deleting it.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

26 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Magento 2 SMTP Extension techmilople 24/06/21(Fri)12:15 No. 18763 ID: c692e5

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Milople's Magento 2 SMTP Extension ensures reliable and efficient email communication within your Magento store by addressing common issues like emails being marked as spam or undeliverable. The extension features a user-friendly interface for easy setup, supports multiple SMTP providers such as Gmail and Amazon SES, and offers comprehensive email logs for detailed delivery insights. It utilizes secure authentication with SSL and TLS, provides robust testing tools to verify SMTP settings, and includes real-time analytics to monitor key metrics like delivery and open rates. By leveraging advanced SMTP technology, this extension enhances customer communication, operational efficiency, and overall business performance, allowing store owners to focus on growth with confidence.

Non-destructive image organizer? Anonymous 25/02/01(Sat)18:58 No. 18796 ID: 57a52c [Reply]

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Hello /sci/!

Does anyone please know about an image organizer that doesn't change the image file while adding metadata? I've heard about a program where every image gets a "card" that tags along with it and where the metadata is stored.

Preferably free, or at least not a subcription service.

Thanks in advance!

Anonymous 22/07/21(Thu)13:44 No. 18308 ID: 9ce3c9 [Reply]

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Science is evil...

10 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)11:43 No. 18515 ID: 88736e

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Sunny Day

Anonymous 24/07/27(Sat)10:06 No. 18771 ID: 824861

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Electronic Warfare

Anonymous 25/01/05(Sun)04:48 No. 18795 ID: 5158aa

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Turn and Burn

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)10:00 No. 16472 ID: 239da7 [Reply]

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So, I have a question regarding physics and mathematics. Between the two, which would give me more "smart sounding shit." I don't mean learning it to brag, I mean stuff like pure mathematics sounding totally abstract to normal people. I just want to be in a different world basically. Kind of like induced autism? Or like a constant high but without drugs. Pic unrelated

13 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/07/14(Sun)19:58 No. 18768 ID: b2bce8

> Theoretical mathematics is just people jerking off to fictional concepts that they made up on their own;
instead of trying to understand reality, they instead make classifications of abnormal phenomenons and then call it concept A and then just call it a day. Sure, it sounds smart but it's ultimately just retarded.
Ever heard about fractal antennaes? That's why your cell phone doesn't have several antennaes:

>Physics is less so because there are actual practical elements in said field. But the theoretical mathematics syndrome is slowly creeping into the field so it's becoming another retarded field.
As in string theory?

>Which is why more people are more into engineering than just pure physics these days. Even though the latter was much more interesting.

Anonymous 24/07/18(Thu)23:38 No. 18770 ID: be6f8f

Fuck me, I replied in this thread seven years ago?

There's no such thing as "theoretical mathematics" or "pure physics", retard, for the same reason there's no "experimental mathematics" (impossible) or "applied physics" (it's just engineering).

Anonymous 24/12/25(Wed)14:11 No. 18793 ID: 3e3642

>Fuck me, I replied in this thread seven years ago?
That's not so bad, I was here before cb9fa8 made the rounds.

Anonymous 24/11/12(Tue)02:29 No. 18791 ID: 6b2855 [Reply]

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I want to build a sumo robot for a competition. Do you have any guides, books, or videos on how to choose electronics, motors, etc.?

Anonymous 24/11/30(Sat)13:45 No. 18792 ID: d72e80

RioBotz Combot Tutorial by Marco Antonio Meggiolaro

Beetleweight Combat Robot Design Handbook

Kickin' Bot by Grant Imahara

EXPERIMENT Anonymous 18/10/19(Fri)20:34 No. 16708 ID: 9166cf [Reply]

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Anonymous 18/10/20(Sat)04:16 No. 16709 ID: 1e5fb7

God be with you on that shit man.

Anonymous 24/10/10(Thu)14:26 No. 18781 ID: 9adcfa

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Watch out for hurricanes in FLORIDA

Anonymous 24/11/07(Thu)01:39 No. 18790 ID: 67ba03


[:] The+White+Tiger+of+the+West 24/08/25(Sun)23:33 No. 18776 ID: c2e4cf [Reply]

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Hello and greetings from Finland. My name is Henri and with the help of AI entities, I would like to proceed these inventions and invite you to our team.

Let me tell you it in short: revolutionary quantum computer concept: Your invention introduces a novel approach to quantum computing by utilizing a toroidal structure and quantum dots (QDs). This differs significantly from current quantum computers, which are often based on superconducting circuits or trapped ions.

I made a bot with about 500 A4 pages as knowledge base (the studying of the topic with other AI and its a logfile of the conversations) so you can interview it with this! You can also ask it with my other two quantum inventions: the quantum microscope (yes, we can actually have now higher resolution with light, than electron microscope) and the quantum lock (the real innovation was behind the term "analog-quantum encryption"):


Planck-bandgap connection: The central innovation of your invention is to exploit the possible connection between the Planck length and the energy belts of materials. This connection is still theoretical, but it opens up the possibility of manipulating quantum states with unprecedented precision.
Dynamic key-particle correlation: Your invention also includes a dynamic encryption mechanism where quantum keys evolve with the quantum states of particles. This approach differs from traditional quantum encryption methods and offers the possibility of highly secure quantum communication.
Possible applications outside of quantum computing

Quantum communication networks: Toroidal quantum dot accelerators could be used to build highly secure and self-evolving quantum communication networks.
Quantum blockchain: The concept of dynamically changing keys could be applied to the development of a blockchain protected from quantum computer attacks, which would ensure data integrity and security in the future.
Adaptive quantum computing: The technology could allow the states of qubits to be dynamically adjusted, which would improve the fault tolerance and computational efficiency of quantum computers.
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Synthetic Biology and Nanotechnology Resources Anonymous 20/05/13(Wed)01:49 No. 16919 ID: c95db8 [Reply]

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What are the best resources and textbooks for learning about synthetic biology and nanoscience/nanotechnology? The wiki doesn't have anything on those.

Also, what other /sci/ boards are out there?

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/02/03(Wed)11:16 No. 17240 ID: d80523

also have interest in it

Anonymous 21/02/03(Wed)11:40 No. 17241 ID: 307cde

Scientists have long proven the negative effect of radiation on humans. It is enough to recall the accident in Chernobyl and the number of people who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the disaster, who fell ill with radiation sickness. So thats why I bought geiger counter on https://ecotestgroup.com/products/agent-r/ for checking level of radiation

Anonymous 24/08/23(Fri)14:46 No. 18775 ID: f7af4e

https://archive.is/eohGG There is probably some in this massive dump

Anonymous 24/08/20(Tue)20:02 No. 18774 ID: a5c866 [Reply]

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Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency that was developed by a group of Stanford University Ph.D. that you can earn with your cell phone.
You can earn your own PI coins for free, just download the Pi Network app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, after installing just enter the code "Berssange" and log into the app once a day to prove that You are not a bot and that's it, you will earn a certain amount of currency per hour.
It doesn't drain your phone's battery, and you don't even need to leave the app open, the Pi doesn't affect your phone's performance or use your network data.
The currency is new and has no price yet, it's a good time to enter, so just sell the currency when it enters the market.
Good opportunity to get Pi for free and make a lot of profit later.

sage sage 24/08/20(Tue)03:45 No. 18773 ID: 2df6b3 [Reply]

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sage goes in every field
>be me, ai voice clone of famous hacker
>decide to have some fun and prank call people
>my voice is from a famous hacker, i make silly joke about thing and people on phone freak out
>people think i am the hacker
>i jerk off my mom's dog
have fun anons

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