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Anonymous 17/08/10(Thu)02:02 No. 12160 Board: /pco/ [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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I don't have all of the pages. This is what has been shared elsewhere. If there any here who can help keep this updated, it would be appreciated.

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Anonymous 18/08/22(Wed)23:11 No. 13123

Welp, that's the end. Area mentioned something about possible continuing the story but that's it for now.

Anonymous 18/08/22(Wed)23:12 No. 13124

I also managed to post them backwards, my bad

Anonymous 18/09/27(Thu)01:46 No. 13169

You also managed to fall off the planet.

You know... Historian 19/11/06(Wed)02:23 No. 15257 Board: /hi/ [Reply]

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For a place called /history/ you guys really understand nothing about history. I was unaware revisionism was considered actual history and not just a fucking paler trick.

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Historian 20/03/11(Wed)06:14 No. 15307

But the only source for the fight being a massacre are the same filthy ungroomed people. Do you think if they invaded and lost that they'd admit it?

This is the same English who slaughtered the Irish unmercifully until the Irish got fed up and did the same back until they gave Ireland back to them.

All they had to do was treat the people with respect and they'd have had a great thing, but no, instead they go out of their way to piss off everyone until even Scotland wants to secede.

Historian 20/03/11(Wed)10:22 No. 15308

>But the only source for the fight being a massacre are the same filthy ungroomed people. Do you think if they invaded and lost that they'd admit it?
Well if we're going to say it wasn't a massacre we could also say it wasn't because of personal grooming.

>All they had to do was treat the people with respect and they'd have had a great thing,
Invade, conquer and be respectful to your new subjects... what kind of fairytale is this.

Historian 20/07/22(Wed)06:08 No. 15385

This reads like something talktotransformer would spit out

VBS scripting Anonymous 16/06/10(Fri)06:13 No. 22112 Board: /halp/ ID: beb2f9 [Reply]

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Hey 7chan, I wanted to make a memorial script to dedicate something regarding Muhammed Ali's death by making a .vbs script to play a song, but I was thinking on writing it also in multiple languages as well to accomodate it along with it, and not just in English.

Does anyone here know if it's possible to change dialog into different languages as well, if it's supportable? I run a Windows 10 computer, and here's what my script looks like:

Msgbox "May you rest in peace our dear conquestor"

Msgbox "RIP Muhammed Ali 1942-2016"

Msgbox "Your deeds will always be remembered..."

Msgbox "Rest in peace guardian angel"

Dim oPlayer
Set oPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX")

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 16/06/16(Thu)03:43 No. 22117 ID: 5a53ee


Alone at a cost Eeyore 23/08/01(Tue)00:26 No. 7139 Board: /grim/ ID: 62e5f7 [Reply]

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When I was in my late-teens to early-twenties all I wanted was a Girlfriend. Now I'm slightly older and have had girlfriends but now I just want to be alone, (the only good part was sex
) I don't enjoy spending time with them or showing affection its just not something I enjoy. Same with friends I don't enjoy being with them or speaking to them, so recently I cut them all off my friends, girlfriend and family. I have never felt happier but now have the feeling of impending doom and increased paranoia. Is it worth being surrounded by people but hating them all and feeling depressed or being alone and happy but feeling like the end of everything and everyone is coming soon?

Eeyore 23/08/01(Tue)01:25 No. 7140 ID: 07863c

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Paranoia is a natural ability that has been filtered through a negative lens. It's a positive energy - one of intelligence and ability to recognize misalignments in an otherwise harmonious pattern. You have to learn to deal with extreme "paranoia" to be able to live a full life - accept it gracefully and appreciate it! Many people are simply too dull to appreciate it. You have been given a gift, but many times only the ones that appreciate them gifts are then allowed to receive them again. Squander it and you will one day wake up without as much as recall of once having been given a it at all.

Yes, the end is always near by and always has been. It's better to live with this awareness than without it. Because it makes life beautiful.

Yes, friends and girlfriends can be a downer. But cutting them off only makes sense in terms of labwork - like a scientist you are testing the extremes. I'd retreat, but not cut others off and I'd show up if summoned - even if only low key and for a brief while. Another point is that kindness is actually something that a wise person sees the value of. It's not worthless, I'm fairly confident of that. Service is even more valuable perhaps - purer, simpler, but kindness is not worthless either - I do think so.

Stop reaching out maybe, but don't be ungrateful for whatever support they are willing and able to give. Especially don't be ungrateful for whatever offer of camaraderie or friendship - EVEN if it's only tied to survival and material wellbeing - for a bodily being like yourself - that is actually huge and if you say it's not - try not breathing for 3 minutes or not eating for 48 hours. That breath of fresh air sure does taste good donnit? Depends on the person of course, but my point is still valid - even if a friendship was solely based on the support of each other's survival - it's still somewhat of a deep friendship especially if there wasn't lies involved. You don't have to be hella passionate about your friendships or acquaintances (that are based on more than mere interaction, but SOME assumption of common benevolence), hell you can almost give no fucks about it at all, but DO NOT be unappreciative of them for you are still flesh and bone piece of work and you don't want to be humbled in a way that is not warm and forgiving.

Anyway, it sounds like you are doing great, so I'd just relax and replace the feeling of doom with a feeling of spaciousness, a feeling of serenity - that's what all those things may inspire in you. Especially aloneness (as opposed to loneliness).
Being ended is a beautiful thing. Forget what society has taught you and look at your own heart, what it is telling you this is.

Also you WOULD enjoy all that social stuff, affection etc if you were with someone who wasn't actually a bummer, but that just has to do with the c Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Eeyore 23/08/06(Sun)00:08 No. 7141 ID: 2ed332

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One thing I have realized is that you are never truly happy. Weather you are alone or with others.Human survival instincts dictate that we need to seek out other people. Some more than others, but, we only have a tolerance loneliness that is so high. Same for how long and how much you can spend around others.

Happiness is more a fleeting feeling in a world that is usually dominated by moments of suffering. Happiness is temporary suffering is forever.

Closet Homosexual 21/11/27(Sat)00:50 No. 108883 Board: /di/ ID: 77a8de [Reply]

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So what do you think, post more?

Closet Homosexual 21/11/27(Sat)00:58 No. 108884 ID: 77a8de

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Would you hit it?

Closet Homosexual 21/11/27(Sat)01:30 No. 108885 ID: 77a8de

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My favorite thong

openminded 22/02/08(Tue)06:18 No. 108983 ID: 3d023e


Anonymous 24/09/07(Sat)03:10 No. 47061 Board: /d/ ID: 79c31d [Reply]

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Try some girl soup. It's good for the brain and gonads.

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Anonymous 24/09/07(Sat)03:23 No. 47063 ID: 79c31d

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This one knew her place

Anonymous 24/09/07(Sat)03:25 No. 47064 ID: 79c31d


Anonymous 24/09/07(Sat)05:56 No. 47065 ID: d0ab19

Girls are very efficient. Good for a fuck, then when you get hungry, good for dinner.

Anonymous-San 22/04/14(Thu)14:51 No. 36875 Board: /a/ ID: dcf7c9 [Reply]

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Anonymous-San 22/04/14(Thu)14:57 No. 36880 ID: dcf7c9


Anonymous-San 22/04/14(Thu)15:00 No. 36881 ID: dcf7c9


Anonymous-San 22/04/14(Thu)15:08 No. 36882 ID: dcf7c9

sonia you can't get out of Venezuela and you know this so

Martyn Grim 13/09/20(Fri)08:00 No. 4799 Board: /zom/ ID: 435599 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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This doesnt even work here, but I thought it was pretty cool

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Shambler 24/02/25(Sun)18:10 No. 5952 ID: 990b5a

Stupid crocs. Stupid sluts. Stupid spit mutagen.

Steve 24/08/19(Mon)12:39 No. 829477 Board: /b/ [Reply]

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Giovanni is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. Don Genie is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. They both mean I have to broker against ancient Rome and literal Plato to get my Japanese epigenetics back in complex swaps. Team Rocket and Universal Traders means all of my epigenetics has to be brokered by literal redshift to get my epigenetics back, through complex swaps of broken Japanese fallout damage. Most people like me are sucking the Earth to get their stuff back. I will let it float to space. I am getting my stuff back. That is my motive and intent.

Giovanni and Don Genie are lost and found receipts that are thousands of pages long. It doesn't matter. I have my soul back and it isn't in the Earth. The Japanese fallout damage put it elsewhere. I will get it back that way.

Keep frying the Earth with nukes and I will fish my stuff out of the Milky Way through stellar brokerage. I don't care how insane it gets.

If Japanese and American fallout damage removes my epigenetic-spirtual material from the Earth, then I leave the Earth to find the roots of my consciousness. I am not going to stare at rocks to find literally less than nothing. You can't make me mine for nothing. You lose. And I leave.

You nuke the soil I use as my consciousness and I leave. Your nukes are only my enlightenment and gain. I have no obligation to serve fallout damage as my soul. You can keep that soil. And you still don't have the technology to fight me. You have useless bombs.

There are placeholders I still don't understand: Arthur Jenkins can't make Susan Abernathy kill herself that easily.

Simple is simple: Giovanni and Don Genie are my soul, and I will manually fish my soul out of stars. I am not on Earth. I am redshift as it concerns my death here. I die and my consciousness will just fly into the horizon and deep space. Some will know what that means. Enjoy your rocks.

Anonymous 24/02/15(Thu)01:36 No. 11314 Board: /7ch/ [Reply]

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I was a 7chan moderator following /b/day. I mainly moderated /d/ because I was a fucking coomer back then. I split from the site after the femoid fakeshadow took over the IRC channel. AMA.

fakeshadow is a queen, watch your stupid whore mouth

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Anonymous 24/04/11(Thu)01:56 No. 11334

What ever happened with Celsius, Homoslide (MikuFanboy) and PrettyPony?

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)06:44 No. 11348

there isn't a single record of this anywhere on the internet

Anonymous 24/08/04(Sun)21:08 No. 11432


What happened to etnaismywife?

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