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/ss/ - Straight Shotacon A board for general straight shota content

1. Straight shota content only. A female must also be involved.
2. There is a "Shota General" board (/sh/). Use it for solo, bisexual, gay, trans, and other non-straight shota stuff.
3. If posting a full doujin, create a new thread for it.
4. Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
5. Western cartoons are fine, as long as they're good quality. 3D CG is fine as well, as long as it's good quality and not too realistic. If you're unsure if it's too realistic, it probably is.
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Lost And Found *SS Edition* Anonymous ## Admin ## 24/12/18(Wed)08:05 No. 37695 [Reply] Stickied

File 173450551369.gif - (11.89KB , 500x353 , 157548286631.gif )

Looking for /ss/ content from a long time ago but can't remember where you found it?
Give us a description, image, or anything else you have, and we'll try to help!

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 25/01/15(Wed)20:16 No. 37735

There used to be a thread where people linked to /ss/ stories, both real and fictional.
There was one about a woman named Rayne who groomed her nephew (I think?) by letting him play her N64.
There was another by an author named JuniorSpooge about a shota with his neighbor named Ms. Mount; there were two stories and possibly a third, but it's for sure missing.
There was also a thread about a boy who got a handjob from a stranger on a bus, which led to them getting into a secret relationship where she would fuck him at her house, jerk him off in a Walmart changing room, and other escapades.

Filesharing Thread Anonymous 14/02/13(Thu)00:48 No. 22514 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

File 139224890099.jpg - (67.62KB , 647x906 , f2be9cc25683767be778b269910abe6c.jpg )

Post all filesharing links in here.
Any posts in languages that are not English or Japanese will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be banned.

390 posts and 659 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/06/11(Tue)03:11 No. 37449


The link is dead.

Anonymous 23/04/20(Thu)20:36 No. 37099 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

File 168201580435.jpg - (79.95KB , 1024x1024 , 32wrr.jpg )

I wanted to share this art with all of you. I understand that this forum is mostly dedicated to posting porn pictures, and that this artwork is not really explicit in nature. But this pairing is already so niche and I believe that this pairing deserves to be represented beyond just a sexual context.

I want to respectfully note to the moderators that if you are not okay with this, that I apologize and will not do it again if you tell me so.

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Anonymous 25/02/08(Sat)12:40 No. 37760


I have a bunch more of this stuff that my "mom" painted. But, AI is against the rules now.

I really like the pictures with the witches, btw. Good stuff.

Anonymous 25/02/08(Sat)15:50 No. 37761

AI-generated art is against the rules on this board because there's /ai/ for all of it.

Anonymous 25/02/11(Tue)22:44 No. 37764

Is there a thread for this?

Looking for this. Anonymous 19/10/10(Thu)09:04 No. 33355 [Reply]

File 157069105172.gif - (4.51MB , 320x180 , SourcePlease0.gif )

Anyone ever saw this wonderful lady?
Been searching for a while but without any luck.

40 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
vinnyinnocent Anonymous 24/11/23(Sat)15:30 No. 37652


Anonymous 25/01/19(Sun)20:46 No. 37736


Anonymous 25/02/08(Sat)07:53 No. 37758

Other sites have it as being done by Dan Trencher

Hot Yessssss 25/02/04(Tue)19:04 No. 37750 [Reply]

File 173869225539.jpg - (256.00KB , 1284x800 , IMG_0755.jpg )


Anonymous 21/05/24(Mon)04:02 No. 35785 [Reply]

File 162182172514.jpg - (157.04KB , 632x880 , 90056389_p0.jpg )

It's out, boys. We just need a hero to upload it.

Anonymous 21/10/30(Sat)02:42 No. 36033


Anonymous 25/01/21(Tue)22:52 No. 37739


Demographics? Anonymous 17/06/04(Sun)19:04 No. 29760 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

File 149659585433.jpg - (336.90KB , 772x1080 , image.jpg )

I'm just wondering your guys' genders are and if that affects how you like SS.

I am of the female variety, so I always read SS for the shota, although after being here a while, I understand how you all like your MILFs.
Also, if you are male, do you read hentai of other genres? As a vagina owner, I also read a bit of Yaoi, but that's only because other genres don't really ever focus on the male. (SS is the best, though)

I just find myself enjoying the shyness and innocence of a smaller boy who just wants to do his best. And if it's with a hot chick, all the better.

Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58292644

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run away Anonymous 24/12/31(Tue)02:48 No. 37717

I remember a hentai of little girl running she caught by someone who phone her dad he come and pick her up as there taking the elevator down the dad stopped it and started fucking the little girl think she was around 9

Anonymous 25/01/12(Sun)12:07 No. 37729

And its cute

Anonymous 25/01/12(Sun)12:09 No. 37730

Unfortunately there is no threads about hetalia anywhere.
Not even in other image boeards

Anonymous 24/12/03(Tue)09:56 No. 37662 [Reply]

File 17332162017.png - (1.90MB , 1208x1552 , 00007-1219386625.png )

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Anonymous 24/12/11(Wed)02:37 No. 37685

Nice, got any more?

Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)05:08 No. 37718

Can you tell me the prompt you used?

Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)05:20 No. 37719

What generator did you use?

Preg Mommy/Shota Anonymous 24/12/09(Mon)07:36 No. 37684 [Reply]

File 173372620819.jpg - (37.75KB , 780x552 , cattleya.jpg )

Shotas with pregnant women

Anonymous 24/12/18(Wed)09:21 No. 37706

File 173451007041.jpg - (458.21KB , 1037x1600 , 75de8ff50757e0a93e4afa72d6b158d8.jpg )

lil shota boy with black mommy gumdropbutton 21/01/13(Wed)04:45 No. 35291 [Reply]

File 161050952733.png - (580.17KB , 1698x1200 , Learning.png )


10 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/12/18(Wed)08:57 No. 37703

File 173450864532.png - (2.55MB , 2137x3023 , 2d90b145d6c14503ace7b47b454b1c6e.png )

Anonymous 24/12/18(Wed)08:57 No. 37704

Anonymous 24/12/18(Wed)08:57 No. 37705

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