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PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites 23/12/20(Wed)01:17 No. 18419 [Reply]

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PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

"The WEF has got to go, My son. It is evil. I will eradicate it from the Earth. Its leaders are evil; they want to destroy the planet. I will eradicate them. I will destroy them all. The evil elite will be destroyed from off the face of the Earth. I will destroy all who want to destroy humanity. They are evil. Expect their elimination. Tell all they will be destroyed. I will depopulate them from off the planet. They have to go. Tell all that they will fail in their attempt to start World War 3; I will destroy them; they have got to go. A blight they are, destroying humanity with evil drugs, vaccines, and all manner of wickedness. Their technology will not go far; I will destroy them. Their AI machines will fail their objectives; all the works of Satan will fail. They give themselves unto the Devil; destroy them I will. Their wealth will fail them in the end, fail to rescue them from the evil calamities coming. The LORD has spoken. Amen and amen. Distribute far and wide."

(Artists and writers) For those that struggle to start 23/07/29(Sat)11:27 No. 18394 [Reply]

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Dear friend,

First of all, I must say that I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time. For years, actually. This letter has been in the making since I was a teenager. I'm about to enter the second quarter of my century, and I thought if I didn't do it now, I’d never do it.

I've been feeling very nostalgic lately. Every day I reflect on my life, especially on my art. You know I like to write. And I think about why I write. What is it that moves people to do anything?

I think it's love and pain. I believe that humans were made to escape pain and protect love. I say “protect” and not “seek” because love is inherent in human beings, contrary to what cynics might say. To be alive is to flow with love, and as proof of this I can show you the history of humanity: eras of pure misery, suffering that transcends generations, the worst of the worst. Would we consciously choose to continue an existence plagued with endless evils, if there wasn't a reason to do so? Don't you think we would have decided a long time ago to put an end to all evil forever, that is, to voluntarily extinguish ourselves, if we thought that was the most rational thing to do? What makes our small and insignificant species not choose to self-destruct is what makes it not so insignificant. It’s love for life that moves the world, my friend. It may be subconscious, it disguises itself, it changes shape, but it's there.

But when it comes to art, it doesn't matter what moves the world; an artist is an individual, and the human mind must be analyzed in terms of its uniqueness. What can move an artist who has never loved, or who has never felt pain? Where can his magic… his inspiration come from? Where is an artist's love born?

Art is sensory. We can see it in paintings, movies and novels; we smell and taste it in culinary works; we can touch it on the fabric of a dress; we hear it in orchestras and indie rock bands. But its inspiration is not sensory. It isn’t intellectual either: it doesn’t come from the body or the mind.

There's a book called The War of Art (by Steven Pressfield) that states that all callings of the soul, that is, vocations, come from a single source, a single metaphysical force, separated, but united to us, that indicates the path we must follow to reach happiness. There is a force that wants us to accomplish our mission. They are the angels, the muses, the “inspiration”, whatever you want to call it. When we do what we came to do in the world, we are accompanied by this force.

23/07/29(Sat)11:28 No. 18395

But there is an obstacle, as immaterial as its counterpart. There’s another force that haunts all people, all the time. It's almost undetectable, very hard to see. Pressfield calls it "Resistance". It's the force that tries to prevent us from fulfilling our mission. I'm sure this will be familiar to you, it certainly is to me.

Resistance fights against the divine. It’s an ally of abulia, depression and apathy. It’s a leech that feeds on suffering; it’s never satisfied and will never be. It has a colossal objective: to destroy love for life.

To me, Resistance feels like an endless list of priorities. Anything seems much more urgent than sitting down to write my ideas. There’s always something else to do, the time never seems right, my ideas have to wait to be written, they have to get in line. But what's strange is that when I get free time, I’m the one that goes out in search of something else. Leisure has to be avoided at all costs. Not even the idea of starting appears in my mind. And if it does, something inside me panics. Now’s the right time, inaudible voices whisper, if you don't do it now, you never will.

Then Resistance answers for me, without my noticing. It does so with my voice:

I have to watch that new anime that everyone is talking about.

I need cigarettes.

I have to go get a coffee with Miranda.

I have to get into a relationship.
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23/07/29(Sat)11:29 No. 18396

I cleared my schedule (that was never that busy), closed my bedroom door, put on my headphones and rested my fingers on the laptop keys. Muses are capricious; sometimes they play pranks, sometimes they test you. They are spontaneous, they like their orders to be followed immediately. Sometimes they abandon me when I'm alone with a blank document, patiently waiting for some indication, however precarious it may be.

They don't listen to threats. They don't care about your need to acquire capital to feed yourself, or ask about the status of your rent or bills. They only know that they won't let you be happy until you do what they say. They’re a little despotic in that respect. How inconsiderate... don't you think? Why couldn't they call me for a more lucrative and stable activity, like programming. There are people who have programming, medicine or law as vocation, good for them. My luck is that of a hostile and difficult to secure world. The muses don’t promise anything material. They don’t promise success, fame or fortune.

Resistance can also take the form of overly strict self-criticism. This is especially pernicious, because we may think those are our own perfectionistic standards. That our sensitivity to mistakes is so high that nothing we do seems to satisfy us. Of course, these criticisms are limited to our work only. We can appreciate other people's works and ignore the imperfections, sometimes we don't even notice them. It's hard to perceive that the criticism is rarely directed to our art, and is almost always directed to ourselves. If that haughty voice only leaves a bitter aftertaste, without anything constructive, it’s the voice of Resistance.

Also you can’t argue with Resistance. No matter how much you argue with it, invariably you’ll lose. The only thing that can be done to weaken it is to listen to it attentively, knowing what it really is.

Resistance can also imitate (or reproduce) the voices of others. For example, an older brother:


A father:

"Is that what you spend your time on?"
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23/07/29(Sat)11:30 No. 18397

Forgive me for being so hyperbolic.

It's hard to overcome the relentless urge to self-destruct when we see no reason to do so. It bleeds empty, boring hours, in which we are almost paralyzed on the bed, lazily sliding our fingertips across the phone screen. You have time, right? Art can wait. Checking twitter is more important. Our pride doesn’t allow us to abandon the idea that one day we will put in 100% of our effort, one day we’ll get tired of lying to ourselves and we will study, draw, write, exercise or sleep well. But that day never comes. That's why every birthday feels so miserable. If you get to work, the years that go by won't make you despair, I assure you.

Who can leap into the void, relying only on faith in oneself? A lunatic.

Who can leap into the void, relying on faith in oneself, and survive? Those that trust, I suppose.

And I don't mean that they trust that in the end, they’ll accomplish all their goals, that they’ll live out the fantasies of the future that were born in childhood. Fulfilling your mission doesn’t mean that. The muses don’t dictate fate or circumstances. Trusting them promises nothing but their company.

What I mean by all this is that art fulfills a function, one of the most selfish ones there is. It helps the artist to be happy. For some that means expressing their pain through art. Others express the love that fills their hearts, love for art or for life. My muse is honesty. When writing fiction or a letter like this, I'm being honest, and that is pure happiness.

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need book Rakan Salih 19/03/20(Wed)19:13 No. 17954 [Reply]

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anyone have this book {this is the way the world ends: an oral history of zombie war} by Keith Taylor
sorry if it is the wrong section.

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
19/04/10(Wed)10:55 No. 17965

This book looks interesting for me too. I am fond of reading horror stories, but I have not enough time for reading it. Because I am stundent and need to study. My favorite horror writer is S. Spilberg. But I am bad at writing and use helo with writing papers. Recently I checked review with writing services on https://paidpaper.net/review-of-essayfactory-uk/ and have plan to use it.

thanks Rakan+Salih 19/04/16(Tue)10:53 No. 17968

thank you very much, you do me a big favor

13/05/03(Fri)12:17 No. 16868 [Reply]

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What is the general taxonomy of stream of consciousness style writings? Please be more technical than 'dribble'

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14/05/20(Tue)23:05 No. 17184

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glossolalia, written down.

14/07/19(Sat)05:32 No. 17236

Wouldn't that be asemic writing?

23/06/09(Fri)03:38 No. 18385


excellent correction anon

Go ahead, critique my writing. I dare you. Ananonanon 23/02/10(Fri)06:36 No. 18349 [Reply]

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Yes, indeed there are as many settings as there are shapes. Pavé and channel are what work best for a single row of diamonds, on a base that does not take up that much space. All eventualities, the base alloy needs the strength to hold the diamonds. This is a design; for a necklace; that uses white gold, consisting of gold, platinum and silver. Perhaps, these three elements could be melted together easily and used for jewelry? Indeed, not. It is a complicated process, of yet, unnamed and little known, however results can be achieved which fully satisfy the jeweler's need. Mind you, some benefit from this comes in the form of a higher heat hardening effect. The wire is drawn and wrapped in these 3 shapes: first drawing. The rings are arranged into a chain. Two larger round ones, followed by one oval and one smaller. Second drawing. Tin, and only tin, is used in place of solder. It is called, eutectic bonding. The touching surfaces of the jump rings are dipped with molten tin. And go into the oven at high temperatures for long hours. Gold and tin are eutectic, melting at lower temperatures, allowing diffusion, thus closing the rings. The necklace envisioned in this design, should be kept as small as possible. To each his own.

The+Red+Barron 23/02/19(Sun)10:19 No. 18352

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Several run-on sentences with incredibly needless AI-generated commas

Try again faggot

23/05/24(Wed)06:31 No. 18382

1. Primeris: I wish websites would use standard date format. I can't tell, without scrolling the whole thread, whether you are posting from year 2019 or 2023.

2. Secundus: What is run-on sentence?

3. Tertius: Pace, I could google. But don't trust those fools over these fools?
(A Statement in form of questione. Rhetorical, attention grabbing technique. As was the the deliberate spelling mistake).

No, but really, what do Clappistanis mean by 'run-on sentence'. I've seen it before but never in my neck of the woods.

Ionesko Self-proclaimed director 21/04/24(Sat)16:54 No. 18182 [Reply]

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07 7 chan.
Where can I find digital version of Eugene Ionesko's plays?
I found several articles about them, but no actual plays. Could you help, please?

5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
23/04/11(Tue)14:47 No. 18367

I'm sure that you can actually find a large number of different VPN applications now. They exist for a variety of purposes and are very comfortable to use. This is especially convenient for clipmega https://clearvpn.com/blog/how-to-unblock-spotify/ There is a great variety of them in this articles and I guess you will be interested in it. There is quite a huge assortment and I really like that now there are so many different apps.

23/05/24(Wed)04:47 No. 18379

File Eugène_Ionesco_-_Four_Plays_(The_Bald_Soprano_The.pdf - (1.52MB , Eugène Ionesco - Four Plays (The Bald Soprano_The.pdf )

Still there?

23/05/24(Wed)04:59 No. 18380


Oprah 23/04/12(Wed)22:12 No. 18368 [Reply]

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Hey /lit/

Let's make a thread of essays of books we love.

Ray Bradbury The Martian Chronicles 19/11/24(Sun)15:42 No. 18048 [Reply]

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What do you think about this author and this book anon ?

19/11/29(Fri)19:54 No. 18049

Every story felt like a fever dream.

20/01/14(Tue)11:16 No. 18060

great book

20/02/05(Wed)22:18 No. 18065

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I like that post

Youre right, everything Ray Bradbury wrote felt to me like
it had some kind of sickness behind it.
Was it Bradbury who wrote "The Illustrated Man"?

This is a great book
pic related

Death the Killer 22/11/02(Wed)21:09 No. 18302 [Reply]

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I don't have much time to write this and I know you believe me but he’s after me and soon he’ll be after you too. Just do me favours don’t read this story he comes after anyone who reads his story. Forgive me but I have no choice but to post this story so the truth will be known.

12 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
22/11/02(Wed)21:22 No. 18315

I hope that I have written his life and story in a respectful enough way to both him and communism that he might spare me. Oh god I just heard enter my house! He’s coming in my Room! Oh god he’s right behind me! I can feel him breathing down my neck and oh that knife that face!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! AWERAWEEFRSGTADHSASEWD

Death the Killer 22/11/02(Wed)21:23 No. 18316

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Privet comrade this is Death the Killer here and I want you to know that I have killed the author of this post he now has a face just like mine. I would also like to inform you that I will be coming for you next and there is nothing you can do. So sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite for I will be doing the biting this night. Spokoynoy nochi comrades and look forward to my blade dosvedanya.

23/01/23(Mon)14:17 No. 18345

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This is the immunity post. No retard story can hurt you regardless of how braindead the nigger writing it was, this is the power of the immunity post

14/09/04(Thu)04:21 No. 17288 [Reply]

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So this is Gottfried's scream?

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19/02/23(Sat)17:44 No. 17952

The point is that both at the same time:
Enzian/Blicero V-2, loops around to London
Firing of nuclear missle on LA

19/10/18(Fri)02:12 No. 18037

That's a nice looking cover. I know next to nothing about this book but I'll throw it on my Amazon to read list, why not? That thing never gets filled, objectively. It could be 700 books long and it wouldn't be filled. Book addiction is not a real thing. lol

23/01/23(Mon)14:14 No. 18343

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Why don't you read an instruction manual?

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