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andrew+van+uden 21/01/03(Sun)04:07 No. 18147

File 160964323577.jpg - (86.55KB , 1080x1352 , tumblr_3542e3673b0aaf2f477dff86bfd983c6_dbe1de70_1.jpg )

best work by marx and why is it capital?

21/01/28(Thu)08:11 No. 18150

manifesto because it's easy to read and accessible to retards such as myself

21/03/26(Fri)09:35 No. 18172

The one where he rails on homos would be ace

21/04/21(Wed)06:39 No. 18181

Capital, is his best work because it provides the best understanding of capitalism there is.

21/04/29(Thu)21:03 No. 18185

wage-labour and capital is da best for normies

21/09/23(Thu)15:18 No. 18216

I work essay about Marx work.
If fully functioning, Marxism would emphasize on free health care and education and gender equality – it would strongly assist in the abolishment of gender stereotypes.
I used help of service here https://essayshark.com/ because I am bad at writing.

21/10/17(Sun)02:57 No. 18218

Nice try, robot

21/11/04(Thu)19:17 No. 18221

Not sure if bot or AOC.

21/11/13(Sat)21:04 No. 18222

Too primitive for bot

PE+Gwy 21/12/13(Mon)19:56 No. 18224

Retage Canary Cigaro:
Mezaineatopia (Ego is root of all good) Vertiksay:

22/06/07(Tue)17:40 No. 18250

Karl Marx is one of those authors everyone claims to understand without having actually read.
Many leftards freely confuse Lenin and Marx, and attribute ideas to Marx in a biblical fashion when really he was a late adopter.
He did kapitol better than the Scandinavians, but their independent work is never acknowledged simply because of linguistic barriers.

Communists are among the least educated socialists, often having never actually read the core or even prolles version cover to cover.
Whole identity based onon iconography and historical voyeurism.

22/07/15(Fri)07:49 No. 18263

That's funny coming from a guy who conflated utopian and scientific socialism.

22/07/19(Tue)23:00 No. 18264

On the Jewish Question exists

22/08/17(Wed)00:57 No. 18281

Wage Labor and Capital
Critique of the Gotha Program
On Authority
State and Revolution
"Dialogue With Stalin" by Amadeo Bordiga

All bang hard

Capital gonshonmargo 23/04/25(Tue)15:07 No. 18372

Marx's "Capital" is considered his best work because it lays out his analysis of capitalism and its exploitation of labor. It's a seminal expository essay on the flaws of capitalism.

reply Basroal teela 24/05/15(Wed)05:21 No. 18449

Nice try, robot

24/05/15(Wed)18:13 No. 18450

This essay that he wrote in Latin when he was 17: https://www.thelatinlibrary.com/marx.html

24/10/22(Tue)16:04 No. 18581

"Value, Price and Profit" as well

24/12/19(Thu)01:29 No. 18629

Marx to Engels correspondence 1882, Marx to Engels in Manchester:
>The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation. The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend’, even though his interest and capital were guaranteed. In this he bases himself on the view that he ought to live the life of a Jewish baron, or Jew created a baron (no doubt by the countess). Just imagine! This fellow, knowing about the American affair, etc., and hence about the state of crisis I’m in, had the insolence to ask me whether I would be willing to hand over one of my daughters to la Hatzfeldt as a ‘companion’, and whether he himself should secure Gerstenberg’s (!) patronage for me! The fellow has wasted my time and, what is more, the dolt opined that, since I was not engaged upon any ‘business’ just now, but merely upon a ‘theoretical work’, I might just as well kill time with him! In order to keep up certain dehors vis-à-vis the fellow, my wife had to put in pawn everything that wasn’t actually nailed or bolted down!

24/12/21(Sat)00:13 No. 18633

Asinine nigger. No wonder North Korea looks like it does.

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