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/7ch/ - Site Discussion



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We are in the process of fixing long-standing bugs with the thread reader. This will probably cause more bugs for a short period of time. Buckle up.

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Anonymous 20/09/21(Mon)08:27 No. 10836

File 160066962469.png - (104.89KB , 400x276 , 7chan.png )

How do we save 7chan guys?

Anonymous 20/10/02(Fri)17:45 No. 10845

Have a catalog that isn't ass.

Anonymous 20/10/04(Sun)07:38 No. 10847

Revert to original CSS

Anonymous 20/10/10(Sat)15:09 No. 10848

We can't

Anonymous 20/10/24(Sat)06:36 No. 10851

Reverse time to 2007?

randy11 20/10/28(Wed)00:30 No. 10853


Anonymous 20/10/28(Wed)00:35 No. 10854

What is it with newfags and catalogs? I genuinely don't understand the benefit

Anonymous 20/11/14(Sat)13:45 No. 10858

useful when your threads do ironman numbers. pointless for 7chan.

Anonymous 20/11/14(Sat)16:42 No. 10859

I use it just to quickly see if there's a thread too similar to what I'm about to post before I post it.

Anonymous 20/11/20(Fri)16:36 No. 10870

>remove unused boards
>add overboard
>fix frames

Anonymous 20/11/20(Fri)18:37 No. 10871

>add overboard
We don't have the traffic to make it worthwhile, maybe later down the line. /roulette/ is a much better substitute.
>fix frames
Frames isn't broke. If it is, could you explain how.
We got channel 7, if you want radio 7 you can always offer to DJ.

Yo mods! Any chance of adding /roulette/ to the list of boards on the front page/frames tab. Preferably under the VIP boards.

Anonymous 20/12/02(Wed)07:29 No. 10876


Anonymous 20/12/18(Fri)07:10 No. 10891

Yay someone agrees with me

Anonymous 20/12/22(Tue)12:59 No. 10893

File 160863835265.jpg - (338.44KB , 2048x1536 , cb5d27f729eb58655ac03970c7adfb3bc92508c4ad7bd60d23.jpg )

1.) Archive boards. Is the function of a board to spread the userbase apart or to direct traffic? The idea that an imageboard have static content is stupid and I believe many boards have expired. Quintessential 7chan boards like /eh/ should stay but boards like /vg/ have long past served their initial purpose and aren't being used anymore

2.) Funnel traffic into one place. I nominate that /b/ should play a more prominent role, since all topics can participate there and its the most popular by far. Say when you come to the website, it would simply be the front page.

Meme 20/12/22(Tue)14:53 No. 10894

Dont worry fags at least 7chan is not filled with brainless niggers who take part in witch hunting everyday and take gender studies courses for 5 fucking years.

Anonymous 20/12/23(Wed)02:54 No. 10895

This is the perfect plan to completely kill 7chan as a whole. People don't go to /b/ for any level of discussion; they go there to shitpost. It's the equivalent of vigorously pissing into a pot and looking at the shapes the bubbles make. People left imageboards to twitter and reddit and my mother's fax machine because you can actually talk about stuff there without having half your message censored by "lol random!" word filters and being interrupted by retard 12-year-olds who think they're the hottest shit because they can scream words like niggerfaggots and nobody will stop them.

Using "popularity" as a measure of success is about as counterproductive as using GDP as a measure of how happy a country's average citizens are.

Anonymous 20/12/24(Thu)03:18 No. 10899

You aren't much better retard.

Anonymous 20/12/25(Fri)00:24 No. 10902

One would think the most basic measure towards that end would be to not allow someone to push out all the posts on a particular board the same way they had just done on /me/. But noooo, this ended up repeating, on /b/ of all places! Not even 2 or 3 pages were salvaged. Seriously, what the shit?

Anonymous 20/12/26(Sat)22:56 No. 10904

You would think they have daily backups to restore wiped boards, losing only a day or so of new posts. But I guess not.

Anonymous 21/01/02(Sat)22:57 No. 10906

Have a native dark theme. The default blue theme makes it look bad.

Anonymous 21/01/03(Sun)02:34 No. 10909

That's just suuuuch a grossly silly hangup.

Lack of a dark theme is a flat out non-issue on board after board after board, with the only profound converse being the home page, and even that's essentially just an issue due to the two little boxes side by side near the top, that is the "recent post" and "recent images" sections - so that can be taken to imply that it would be a non-issue if those boxes were also found on another page(s) on the site with a possibly dark theme. (it could also stand to be longer than 6 posts.)

Anonymous 21/01/04(Mon)20:10 No. 10911

It's just textbook "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic". Everyone knows imageboards (and, well, the entirety of fucking civilization on a slightly longer timescale) are dying and there is nothing to be done about it. Some people like to suggest pointless things so as to try and feel useful rather than just standing around and waiting to die.

Anonymous 21/01/05(Tue)22:26 No. 10913

You mean like if I was to get insistant that there really should be no thumbnailing of tiny images even if they're oversized in one dimension, especially sideways, like with:

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