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p4ch3c0 24/03/22(Fri)10:47 No. 827127

File 171110083393.jpg - (973.85KB , 3534x4753 , IMG_1932-copy.jpg )


Nyan Cat 24/03/22(Fri)10:47 No. 827128

File 171110086675.jpg - (43.35KB , 648x972 , Sweet-Corn-Ice-Cream-21.jpg )

New flavor of ice cream

r000t 24/03/22(Fri)10:49 No. 827129

File 171110096085.jpg - (49.83KB , 736x981 , f8430b1d328889b90ae7e56aa9380ac8.jpg )

I eat this shit for breakfast

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/03/22(Fri)10:50 No. 827130

File 171110102840.jpg - (55.05KB , 1200x1800 , Caramel-Ice-Cream-5-of-7-scaled.jpg )

If I had to sum up life in one word, it would be - absolutely caramel

herp 24/03/22(Fri)15:18 No. 827132

We have a whole board for /ai/, you know.

And why ice cream anyway? No, don't tell me.

The mystery is better.

Steve 24/03/22(Fri)17:23 No. 827133

You really don't believe that this are real?||

Well, you only have two options in life as far as I'm aware of - the sleepy option and the insane option. Who's to say which one is truly better.|

No need to get worked up about any of this, pal. Put on a nice movie from the 80s or 90s or even 00s and melt into your sofa. get some pizza and blaze some herb on top of that. and when the evening is over - drift far away into the kingdom of sleep and dreams. THAT is ABSOLUTELY CARAMEL.

Closet Furry 24/03/22(Fri)23:17 No. 827134

yes, but is it pronounced Care a Mel or Carr Mull?

Christian Weston Chandler 24/03/23(Sat)03:25 No. 827135

File 171116072264.jpg - (41.52KB , 881x348 , images (1).jpg )

It's Mt. Carmel.

W. T. Snacks 24/03/23(Sat)15:00 No. 827141

It's globally overstacked. If you divide it equally you'll run into logistics and if you leave any more for the colored races... generally is best left up to the business people to solve and make work.

Weeabot 24/03/23(Sat)15:05 No. 827142

tl;dr it's a logistics issue

ian 24/03/26(Tue)04:09 No. 827164

File 171142255655.png - (442.12KB , 384x672 , choc-rasp-topp.png )

Absolutely not.
Caramel is worse than vanilla. If you're gonna eat something that takes minutes off your life, do it in style.
Chocolate, raspberry, toppings.

tee 24/03/27(Wed)01:23 No. 827171

You can always just get a caramella - a vanilla infused caramel chocolate ice cream.

Anyway niggers, riddle me this - I come to a point I cannot care about any one individual. I don't love people like I love music. I can love humanity, but when it comes to individuals, I'm like - why would I care about or pay attention to this person if they don't make me feel emotions as deep as music does. Not talking about infatuation with opposite gender, just good old bromance. I love the bros, but i can't justify really caring about them with all the unbelievable things present in this world. Am I completely airwolfed? Will I ever an have meaningful connection to another human bean in this life? It's just all seems so small relative to the really cool and amazing things.

Maybe the best thing I can do for the bros is to inspire them anyway. So I don't need to really care about any of them. Just do my thing and share the inspiration. I dunno. Feels so impersonal. No heart connection. But my heart would rather be alone.

Is this how everyone has been living all along and I'm just late to the party? Tf is going on up in this bitch?

Steve 24/04/05(Fri)13:21 No. 827278

File 171231607019.gif - (877.00KB , 512x512 , Amphetamine3D_rendering.gif )

Felt this way for all of my 46 years on this planet. I felt guilty for not crying when my grandmother died when I was 7, and that was when I first realized that I generally don't give a airwolf about people or most things in general.
Not an emotional detachment, I do feel stuff. Like you said with music, music is more important to me than family.
The older I got, the more I felt I was always looking for something, but didn't know what it was.
I discovered amphetamine when I was 17 and that was the first time I felt any sense of purpose.
I've used speed for almost 30 years in order to get on with 'normal' life. I can hold down a job as long as I don't run out of drugs, the only thing with speed is not sleeping much. I get maybe 10 hrs over 7 days average.
A doctor I spoke to at a bullshit drug rehab facility (I had to go after losing my job or they wouldn't pay benefits), said due the amount of amphetamine I'm taking without showing any outward signs of taking it, and that I only feel bothered about anything when I take speed, it sounds like I have ADHD.
That was pre-covid, and the facility was defunded during lockdown, and my ADHD referral was postponed indefinitely.
I have trouble concentrating, and apart from my drug buddies, really don't give a toss about people in general.

TL:DR Absolutely Caramel flavored amphetamine sulphate

Liru Fanboy 24/04/06(Sat)22:29 No. 827301

lol, this is why I'm still on this website. What a freak..

Spiderman 24/04/08(Mon)04:45 No. 827310

What is your opinion on meth? Is it really objectively worse than speed or is it just more potent and more easily abused?

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