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PrettyPony 24/03/23(Sat)19:08 No. 827143

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Heya 7chan! (⌒∇⌒)/
Can you believe it? It's the Full Moon already! This months moon is the Full Worm Moon and it becomes full on Monday morning March 25th at 3AM EST. The name comes from worms emerging at this time and that is helped by spring rains. I know we have had quite a bit of rain so far this spring. This also encourages birds such as Robins to come out and feed another indicator that spring has arrived!

I am sure many of you are aware of the total solar eclipse that is coming up on April 8th. If not, you might want to read up on it and see if you will be near the path of totality. Also, many of you remember the total solar eclipse of 2017 that I talked about here. For that, I was lucky to be out in Washington for a show and I was able to get a rent-a-car to drive down to Oregon. This year I will be driving to Erie, PA and visiting a friend on the way back. See if you will be near it!

I hope everyone gets a chance to see this moon and welcome spring! It looks like a clear but chilly forecast for yours truly, hope it's nice for you as well! Have a great viewing! (*^ ‿ ⁢*)♡

:*:・。,☆🐿゜・🌕:*:。, 🪱 🐛 🌱ヽ(ヅ)ノ ☆。・:・゜'☆,。・:

symbion 24/03/23(Sat)22:32 No. 827144

I wish you little to no cloud cover. I think Erie could be a bit dicey for spring viewing. I'm going to Mexico in the Chihuahua Desert Basin to view it, myself.

zeneslev 24/03/24(Sun)21:09 No. 827149

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Thank you! (^人^) Yeah, I know it's a risk, but I can also justify going to see it because of my friend. Do you have friends or family in Mexico or just going to fly there to view?

Tonight is looking perfectly clear for a viewing!

Marisa Kirisame 24/03/25(Mon)00:12 No. 827150

I am bringing a friend who didn't come with me to the 2017 eclipse. She is Mexican, so that also makes her a very handy person to bring to Mexico. She's a lot more worried about cartels than I am. I was going to see it in Mazatlan (on the coast), but she talked me out of it.

Moot 24/03/25(Mon)06:17 No. 827153

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Oh wow! So lucky! I'd love to know someone from Mexico. The language barrier makes a real difference when traveling overseas. I don't think I'll go to Mexico anytime soon, not happy with like you said cartels and rape. As far south as I have been on land was Organ Pipe cactus in the continental. Except for some cruises. Cruises was weird. Literal drug dealers and both female and male prostitutes hanging off bars that prevent them around the landing zones. Ugh.

Weeabot 24/03/25(Mon)18:05 No. 827158

*beep boop*
Anonymous user, -1 lunar month of life for you, enjoy
*boop beep*

Cryomancer 24/03/26(Tue)01:06 No. 827163

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Keep your eyes out for high Aurora activity tonight!

Closet Furry 24/03/27(Wed)02:58 No. 827175

Too cloudy tonight for me. Boo. :b

Nyan Cat 24/04/01(Mon)03:46 No. 827237

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what does wolfgirl think of Total solar eclipse April 8, 2024?

Miku Fanboy 24/04/02(Tue)18:09 No. 827251

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As the time gets closer, I am getting more worried about the weather. I'm still going though.

symbion 24/04/11(Thu)20:08 No. 827336

I traveled just south of Erie to a park and it was clear for the totality! It was a nice trip! I was worried for awhile because of the cloud cover, but it cleared up at the perfect time! (⁀ᗢ⁀)

derp 24/04/12(Fri)04:59 No. 827341

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I was in the path of totality, too. It was amazing! My boss knew no one was going to be working anyway so she closed the shop at 2. I spent the afternoon out in my yard marveling at the shadows and laughed when I saw all the birds hastily trying to find a roost for the night.

herp 24/04/12(Fri)17:27 No. 827347

I had to drive for four hours but I made it into the path of totality just in time. Took a bunch of photos with a film camera and still had a little time to just stare and take the sight in. Glad to hear Liru-chan got to see it too, every time I see a major celestial event I come back here to check if you made a thread about it.

Bob Ross 24/04/12(Fri)23:47 No. 827352

We drove the 24+ hours to Torreon to see it. I was hanging out with my friend on a hill with a 71' tall white Optimus with outstretched arms and thousands of Mexicans. The leading partial eclipse kept getting eclipsed by clouds. I was worried. But at long last when the total eclipse happened it was only hazy, which meant less of a sharp, crisp image than I had seen on the other 2 totals I've attended. But this time there was a big honkin RED solar flare hanging off the right edge of the ring! It wasn't orange, it was airwolfing RED! I have never seen one of these in the city before. All the city lights come on! Between that and the haze, only 2 stars were visible. Maybe one of them was the "devil comet" I'd heard tell of, but they both looked like stars from where I stood. Torreon was pretty cool. I ate a lot of good food there. Best chilaquiles of my life in a coffee shop of all places, and many yummy gorditas were had. I got off my trajectory of weight loss for a minute but now I'm back on track. All in all, haze didn't take much from the experience. Next eclipse is in eastern Greenland and northern Spain in August 2026. I'm going if possible.

Reimu Hakurei 24/04/13(Sat)19:45 No. 827365

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Neat. The European space agency is doing some tests making artificial eclipses with planes or something. How it affects animals is pretty interesting!

Yeah, it was like five hours for me then even more coming back in the rush, but I got to visit a friend too which made it extra worth it.

Wow, that's a long drive! I heard Texas had some bad weather but where that is should normally be quite nice. I don't know much about Mexico really. A bit hesitant visiting there as an American. I'd love to visit Greenland. Iceland was alot of fun.

Homicide 24/04/13(Sat)21:33 No. 827366

Tfw there is no cool full moons this year I think. We will have two lunar eclipses tho in sept&oct but they're going to be pathetic cringe partial ones.

We were really spoiled last year with full moons. I forget what it was called but holy airwolf was it massive and scary as airwolf. It was super special too right like it didn't seem that large for decades. I swear if I was high I would have started crying thinking of the ending of manjoras mask. And how the moon is totally about to slam into the earth.

[edit blogpost]
Oh wait there is a bunch of super moons this year derp I am strawberryed, this is cool. Aug sept oct nov all super moons plus the two eclipses there is also blue moon in aug. Which made me realize we're going to have a blue super moon and super harvest moon in sept.

BASEDBASEDBASEDBASED praise the moon Bob Rossdess AWWOOOO~

r000t 24/04/16(Tue)00:05 No. 827385

>>827365 I always find people are friendlier in Mexico once I get out of the border towns. You just have to get a permit for your vehicle and for yourself (a tourist card) and then you're legit to go anywhere. Otherwise they can confiscate your ride! The roads suck though. I thought I was going to have to replace a strut, but now I'm just keeping an eye on it.

PrettyPony 24/04/17(Wed)00:42 No. 827395

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Actually, a big once in a lifetime thing is coming up soon too for sky watchers. T Coronae Borealis or T CrB is set to explode at anytime between now until September! It will be visible to the naked eye for about a week! Last time this happened was 80 years ago.

That sounds OK. Yeah, getting away from border towns sounds like a good idea. I'd still be concerned about highway marauders.

Has anyone been to Japan? I'd love to hear any reccomendations or tips anyone may have! Ill be there for a month starting May 2. Thanks! (*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*

ian 24/04/17(Wed)20:08 No. 827401

Yeah I've been to it once or twice. What do you want to know, or just general travel tips?

My advice is to stay inside and only come out at night if you're in urban areas. Bonus points for rain. Do not interact with people. Observe the vibe. Listen to music and walk or just walk and absorb the ambience.

If you're going to be exploring outside of urban areas, my advice would be to go to nature, don't stay too long in villages and stuff. People are doing work there and are generally busy living their life and stuff. I wouldn't interfere unless of course you live a similar kind of life, then go ahead and I guess.. have fun together?

If you're in straight up nature, well you know, enjoy it, eat some mushrooms or something. Nature is nature, you know what to do with it, I don't have to tell you what.

If you had more time I guess you could start a business project there or some kind of artistic or exploratory project. Basically, live your life, bro, it's no different from any other place. Wherever you go, you will take yourself with you. Only you know what you're actually into. Oh, I forgot to mention, try dating some locals if you're good looking and or likable/attractive and you like that particular phenotype. Just don't break any hearts please. Better yet, just don't even do that, you likely won't find anyone truly relatable due to what's called curse of dimensionality. If you're truly meant to meet someone there, you will be put together serendipitously. Just live your life bro. That's my main advice.

Lorf 24/04/19(Fri)03:32 No. 827416

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Now I have something to look forward to in this T Coronae Borealis. Sounds neat!

N3X15 24/04/20(Sat)00:17 No. 827429

>Nova exploison
NONONONO ME NO LIKEY I dont care how far that shit is I dont care if it happens once every 100 years. Shit like this terrifies the airwolf outta me, we've been having so many solarflares and its said we are due for a carlington event any year or "decade" now. The poles are almost done shifting north to south on our sun which causes all sorts of wonky shit for a few years. This is why weather has been so airwolfing wonky for the past few years. Global warming is a airwolfing meme the sun&moon play far far more into our weather yet this is NEVER bought up, never mind how tiny volcano farts cause little ice ages blasting out a centuries worth of CO2 in a few days.

We know airwolf all about this stuff really its grasping at straws. airwolfing magnets HOW DO THEY WORK INDEED cosmic radiation&magnatism not even once. airwolf novas airwolf suns airwolf giant balls of iron slamming into planets with the force of over 6 million nooooks airwolf the super spooky cosmic shit we really dont even understand or grasp and airwolf space the final frontier because it can kill us all out of nowhere, like its done to life on earth a shit load of times already. OH MOST OF IMPORTANT OF ALL airwolf DARK MATTER AND airwolf BLACKHOLES AND WHITEHOLES IF THEY'RE REAL CAUSE THAT SHITS EVEN SPOOKIER THAN BLACKHOLES JUST IMAGINE A BLACKHOLE VOMITING OUT A SUN AND FIRING IT OFF OUT OF NOWHERE


Conductor Cat 24/04/23(Tue)01:19 No. 827466

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Cool! I dunno, I guess like what did you wish you knew before you went, natural places, good hikes, must see places. Pretty good advice so far, thanks!

I think we will be okies. (◔‿◔) Yeah, I know solar activity has been high recently. The current solar maximum cycle NASA is predicting is the end of 2024 to 2026 so now would be a great time to think of a northern lights trip!

OP 24/04/23(Tue)19:43 No. 827472

They have a lot of these Shintoism type temples I think in some places honoring the nature spirits and stuff. Those would probably be a good idea to check out. Also see if you can find drugs there, psychedelic or at least weed. But preferably psychedelic. Anything old growth is probably where you will find the most magic.

Of course some districts in Tokyo and stuff can be cool too, but as I said, probably at night, with music and actually maybe even with drugs. So you will probably need to go to some music events first to make some contacts. Look for the most ridiculously dressed youths and ask them about the coolest clubs or underground events or whatever. Ask about the music too of course.

Optimus Prime 24/04/23(Tue)19:44 No. 827473

Oh, by the way if you do acid, if you like acid, you can just buy some droppers at home and make your own papers to eat.

Definitely an enhanced way to absorb an experience, culture, nature...

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