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Conductor Cat 24/04/12(Fri)22:04 No. 827350

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Where the airwolf do people even post anymore?

NIGGERTITS has been dogshit for years. The culture is noticably worse since the stormfag invasion. The worst captcha I've ever seen and no VPN unless you give them crypto. I used to whitelist it from adblocker to throw moot a bone but since Hiroshima bought it the ads have gone from stupid harmless J-List banners to malware type shit.

Something Awful hasn't been relevant since the maybe the Danganronpa thread and feels like it is in a constant flux of identity crisis. RIP Lowtax but also airwolf him for letting it go to waste.

LUELinks/ETI is actually dead. The replacement was just infighting from day one and most of the interesting posters either leaving or being banned. Also a completely bizarre resistance to trying to save the legendary topics from the old site.

Small speciality forums are a dying breed, of course. And hell, I'd rather have a big forum with multiple topics like any of the above ones on top of specialty sites anyway.

Is screaming into the void of various collapsing social media platforms really the way people post now? That's gotta be on its way out too, right?

It's honestly a miracle that 7chan is as lively as it is. It's not the most active place in the world, but it's basically as active as it always has been.

4chan user 24/04/12(Fri)23:36 No. 827351

It's time to leave the internet behind.

Bob Ross 24/04/13(Sat)06:54 No. 827357


At this point the escape from the real world is now to go back to it.

ian 24/04/13(Sat)14:38 No. 827359

lol, but I'm afraid it's this. And to be completely honest with yall I think it's arts.

I mean nature and stuff too of course, but that you do alone or with a tight friend/crew. The mass society type interaction is in pure imagination/creativity now and the medium is whatever you can express it on - music, short videos, pictures - you name it. Best part? you don't even have to care about an audience or how your shit gets received. Just leave it on a park bench somehwhere or something - literally doesn't make a difference as long as you gently put it out there at all. Why? Because everyone is slowly but surely realizing they no longer give a airwolf about commercial type shit like AT ALL. Hollywood is already on it's last legs for example, but that's just the beginning. The future is organic. PURELY ORGANIC.

Spiderman 24/04/15(Mon)05:05 No. 827380

i feel you dawg. everything is shit now. nothing is getting better. we just need to nuke the net so people can remember how to be people.

Cryomancer 24/04/15(Mon)08:08 No. 827381

Welp... back to the Anime Princess Island Forums I guess...

Lorf 24/04/16(Tue)02:28 No. 827387

soyjak dot party
crystal cafe

Brony 24/04/16(Tue)08:00 No. 827388

Thanks I didn't know about some of these. I wish overchan was still as comprehensive (or maintained) as it used to be.
22chan seems chill

Reimu Hakurei 24/04/16(Tue)12:37 No. 827389


I think chans just aren't a "thing" anymore, and mostly exist as millenial nostalgia.

If someone made a mobile first chan with mobile notifications, then maybe. But who is gonna come back to a website a day later to check for responses spontaneously?

herp 24/04/16(Tue)18:38 No. 827390

Personally I would just always leave my browser open on the last thread I was in and use thread watchers where available.

But yeah, you're right, even that shit is dead now and probably not coming back. It's sad. I do wish there were still as many active outlets to post anonymously on as before. Not even really to be an edgy dickhead or anything, but almost more because of the low-pressure ephemeral nature of it.

But not NIGGERTITS because of the OP reasons and because airwolf them.

Anonymous 24/04/16(Tue)21:56 No. 827391

I think 7chan just needs an overhaul.
Nobody uses these bright ass colors anymore.
NIGGERTITS has some nice dark themes that's way easier to browse.

Bill 24/04/16(Tue)22:56 No. 827392

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>4cent garbage got flooded by stormfags
I agree.

>SA Danganronpa
Please spoon feed me.

>Small speciality forums are a dying breed, of course. And hell, I'd rather have a big forum with multiple topics like any of the above ones on top of specialty sites anyway.
If you know swedish, there's always Flashback. Plenty of stormfags there too...

Comfy place... :3

>I think 7chan just needs an overhaul.

>Nobody uses these bright ass colors anymore.
Source: Trust me bro!

>NIGGERTITS has some nice dark themes that's way easier to browse.
If you want to torture yourself, check out Unreal Engine. The color theme is light gray on dark gray. It's like they think that the general feel of Windows 3.1 or whatever OS Macintosh SE used is like propriertary... -_-

Liru Fanboy 24/04/17(Wed)01:09 No. 827396

>Please spoon feed me.
>SA Danganronpa
SomethingAwful had a Danganronpa Let's Play like a decade ago before any of the series was translated. Because the guy running the thread was translating it and letting people experience the game, it was partially responsible for the game starting to catch on among English-speakers. But it's also one of the last times that I can personally remember that SA's userbase got any sort of vitalization. Lowtax was very against it because they were the tumblr crowd, which I get, but it's still the last time I can personally remember that the place had a bump of relevance for the greater internet populace and that was ages ago.

LUE was a GameFAQs board that became the out of control toxic board like a /b/ or a FYAD or something. It was to the point that it was quarantined and if your account is too new you can't even access it. It eventually got a non-GameFAQs spinoff called LUElinks eventually renamed End of the Internet or ETI. The links part of the old name comes from a section of the site dedicated to DDL piracy links that unfortunately died with Megaupload. Super simplified history of course.
It had a pretty big influence on Internet culture even though a lot of people are unaware of its existence which is why I lumped it in with NIGGERTITS and SA. Weegee was originally an ETI fad for example. And if you've seen the Cybershell vids where he talks about a "Blue Website" or whatever he says, it's ETI. It's on my personal Internet Mount Rushmore at least.

N3X15 24/04/18(Thu)22:19 No. 827414

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Steve 24/04/25(Thu)09:22 No. 827490


Interesting, thanks for sharing.

It always makes me sad to think of how history is lost.

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