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Captions Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/13(Wed)09:17 No. 109040

File 164983421953.png - (5.80MB , 2880x3840 , C60981E4-63B7-4266-8C3E-35342F1E7459.png )

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/13(Wed)18:14 No. 109042

So glad these are back!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/20(Wed)23:52 No. 109045

File 165049152759.jpg - (677.39KB , 1454x1246 , 332481184.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/21(Thu)07:54 No. 109048

Yes! More dad stuff!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/22(Fri)00:10 No. 109049

Yes, the dad/son stuff is definitely one of my favorite running themes in these caps, regardless of if it’s the dad or the son who is the titboy. They really show just how close a father and son can be and I just think it’s heartwarming haha

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/22(Fri)07:23 No. 109050

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Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/22(Fri)22:29 No. 109053

My god this one got me rock solid. That line about his balls was perfection.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/24(Sun)03:10 No. 109057

Yay, a new thread. Love to hear feedback on these

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/24(Sun)20:55 No. 109060

All astonishingly hot. And great shops too! I love the shirts and you did a fantastic job on Daddy’s cock and balls

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/26(Tue)03:16 No. 109063

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/26(Tue)05:57 No. 109064

More shops again I feel so spoiled. And this time with jizz? You’re a hero.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/26(Tue)05:58 No. 109065

Also loving the continued sensuality between father and son <3 daddy convincing his boy to get tits as well is just such a very special relationship lol

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/26(Tue)07:33 No. 109066

•gay fucking
•gay sex
•guy on guy lovemaking where you just let loose
•breast implants
•guys who look like women
•incest duh
•sperm & balls
•gay hooters

•sometimes too funny to be hot
•actually no flaws, statement revoked

Idk bruh. you asked for feedback. Just glad I’m not the only one providing commentary anymore. And I’m glad to welcome “tim” I believe it is, to our world, cause damn is he good at this too or what?

I used to say I didn’t want to make my own cause I couldn’t really get off to something I wrote. Minds are changing.

To celebrate the new thread I’m sharing some good oldies that idk if the creator even remembers making lol

Tim 22/04/29(Fri)07:33 No. 109068

Hall of fame on that 2nd one

Tim 22/04/29(Fri)07:38 No. 109069

How do you guys feel about third person captions about transitioning? I’ve written a few but didn’t know if you guys would like them. My girlfriend is actually going to dress me up and feminize me in a few weeks once I work up the courage, so that’s why I started writing some of them.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/29(Fri)17:16 No. 109071

I say just put it out there and we’ll see if we enjoy it. As much as I like very specific aspects of these gay titboy caps I would always encourage more diversity of content and different types of ideas. It can’t hurt and maybe we all discover something else we like!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/04/30(Sat)03:11 No. 109072


Third person captions work just fine, any format is fun really.

Here's a few experiments with the format. You guys should post more of your own, I'm super flattered that you posted some of the older ones of mine though! If you don't post some originals I'll sneak in some more sillier and sillier ones lol don't make me do it!

Don't be worried if you can't get off to your own captions, maybe others will!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/05/01(Sun)10:10 No. 109073

Femcock Enjoyer 22/05/07(Sat)02:20 No. 109074

Very nice! I really liked the first one. I like how trans/sissy positive the second one is haha, great picture choices too.

Here's an experiment, sorry if the writing isn't so good. The concept is transracial, a white guy turns himself into a latina slut as a joke or something, but then gets caught up in his own character and can't remember how to speak english and not shitty spanglish with offensively bad peggy hill spanish because he's just a pretender

Femcock Enjoyer 22/05/11(Wed)17:08 No. 109075

I know the shops take a little extra effort, so I’m always pleased to see them. They’re looking more and more expert the more you do! The Latina bimbo one was particularly well done.

Tim 22/06/17(Fri)09:52 No. 109112

File 165545236348.png - (6.85MB , 2880x3840 , 7A2FD0ED-A9E5-4041-B3D4-7AC5EF931023.png )

Well, how do I look?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/06/21(Tue)21:21 No. 109127

Looking pretty damn good if I do say so myself!

It’s pretty cool you made a self-cap. I like both it and the pic :)

Femcock Enjoyer 22/06/27(Mon)08:12 No. 109134

Thanks! I feel like it’s probably a bit conceited to caption yourself but I couldn’t resist lol.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/07/09(Sat)16:06 No. 109139

File 165737556399.jpg - (1.43MB , 3072x2048 , 6456546645.jpg )

Nice work!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/07/27(Wed)13:05 No. 109150

File 165891993689.jpg - (741.96KB , 1920x1080 , 56756756.jpg )

Isn't it great when you have a good relationship with your Dad?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/07/27(Wed)22:00 No. 109151

Just beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye!

God I love these. Love the father/son bonding, the tone is perfect. Is anyone else into some of the castration/genital removal stuff in some of these or is it just me?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/07/27(Wed)23:00 No. 109152

Forgot to also say great work on the bulges!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/01(Mon)05:45 No. 109154

I'm not super huge into the genital removal stuff but it's usually a lot easier to make those types of edits, and it can be erotic. But realistically I'm not sure how much sex drive you'd have without having junk, but it's fun to pretend that somehow it'd be even higher and insatiable without being fucked hard in the ass.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/01(Mon)05:46 No. 109155

File 165932558760.jpg - (615.17KB , 1920x1080 , 234534534.jpg )

And as always feedback is welcome, it's what fuels me to make more lol. Here's one with a dick.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/01(Mon)05:51 No. 109156

File 165932588643.jpg - (640.80KB , 1920x1080 , 5654645654.jpg )

Apologies for 3 posts in a row, I meant to upload this one as well

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/01(Mon)23:31 No. 109157

Yeah, I mostly just think the castration stuff is hot as an extension of the bimboification aspect, and also you’re like truly giving up girls once you get it done lol, it’s like the final step.

I wonder if it could incorporate into the father/son thing, like the son only likes daddy’s big dick anyway so they decide to take away his family jewels as a gay marriage, since they’re father and son and couldn’t get married (makes no sense but I get carried away)

Good batch though. You sure find great pics for these

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/03(Wed)13:10 No. 109159

File 165952504343.jpg - (564.54KB , 1820x1024 , 534654654.jpg )

Thanks, I try to make great pic choices and edits. The picture has got to make me horny to be included in the caption.

Here's another daddy one since it's such a big theme. I thought about writing it as they fuck eachother but I kind of like that the feminine dad became the bottom/sub

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/08(Mon)02:12 No. 109160

File 16599175314.jpg - (677.72KB , 1920x1080 , 4565465464.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/19(Fri)19:03 No. 109166

Why is the idea of Jenna Fischer being a man so hot to me lol. Love the celeb caps and you picked like the perfect one. Her and ScarJo

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/26(Fri)13:13 No. 109170

File 166151238636.jpg - (783.80KB , 2427x1365 , 345645664543.jpg )

Jenna being a man is great because she's so innocent and girl/milf-next-door looking. Not a supreme bimbo but a very pretty and feminine.. you wouldn't suspect that all along she's been a cisgender male in drag... what a twist

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/26(Fri)23:58 No. 109171

So fucking beautiful. You described it exactly right, she’s innocent seeming and down to earth and that makes her being a perverted gay man even hotter. I’d love more of titboy jenna or any other celebrities really, they really get me

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/27(Sat)02:54 No. 109172

Here's some new ones

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/27(Sat)21:49 No. 109173

God bless you sir. All of these are great.

How did you say you make these again? I usually can’t spank it to something I’ve done myself, but I might try making one or two just to keep you coming back lol. You’re a pillar of this community!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/28(Sun)02:18 No. 109174

Usually with photoshop. The muscular Jenna one I found on Deviantart, but I added the dick bulge.

Here's the easiest way to make one with no photo editing skills.... The fake jenna social media post was done simply by right clicking in browser on her actual Insta page and clicking on "Inspect Element". From there you can edit any text on the webpage within the window that pops up, and hit enter and it will appear as if that's what's really on the page. And then once you have it where you like it you can just take a screen shot (print screen on windows, then "paste" into your picture editing program, which can even be MS Paint) In windows I believe it's alt+print screen to screenshot a specific window instead of the entire screen, saving you from having to learn how to crop.

In photoshop I use the liquify tool to make the bulges. But I duplicate the initial layer before I do that, use the subject select tool which can be found by clicking and holing the color wand tool until it appears and I select a box around the bikini bottoms, and presto photoshop automatically makes a selection of that. I isolate layer where it's just the bikini bottoms, so when I liquify it, the surrounding area doesn't get warped. Then to add realism I'll sometimes create a layer between the background and the bulge where I create a shadow and play with the opacity of that.

As far as photoshopping heads onto different bodies, the real trick is getting good with color matching, there's an option called "match color" that can be used. Usually I'll make a selection of skin/hair tones from the target image and put it on it's own layer, to use during the "match color" phase. I'm sure you can just look up tutorials or tool around. I've heard of a free photoshop alternative called GIMP but I'm so used to PS it seemed unintuitive and unwieldy.

The Jenna naked with the clothes on fire was actually taken from somewhere else, someone else made a series where she's a nudist in different scenes, it's really pretty funny! All I added was the penis and the caption. So please excuse the poor quality of that one if you take a closer glance, Her head and body color don't match well and the neck is weird. I used a healing brush tool to blend it in a little better (better than the clone stamp for blending stuff in) I usually strive for it to look a bit better than that, I was just appending to someone elses work ;) For example sometimes the celebrity fakes I just find an existing fake and add the dick. You can use the "select subject"
feature to speed things up so you're not spending a lot of time making selections manually (faces, dicks, etc). The "select subject" feature is also handy when you want to separate a person's body from the background it's in. For example, the one where Dolly Parton was stuck in a mens bathroom, I didn't select around her by hand to mask her out, I used "select subject" and then I could easily mask out her shape.

Give it a shot I'd like to see what you can come up with lol

Bulges are pretty much the easiest thing you can do and isn't as advanced as matching skin tones and stuff. So I would start there. Bikini bulges are the most convenient. Sometimes for penis bulges for clothes you can do crazy tricks with the different layer transparency options, or you can create a new layer, use a black round brush and sloppily draw the outline of a dick. Then, grab the smudge tool, it can be set from like 20 to 50 percent, then just drag back and forth until the crude outline of a dick now starts to look like a blended shadow of a bulge underneath. Play with the layer opacity until it looks right. If need be add a layer effect of a color filter, use the eye dropper tool to the surrounding clothing area, and play with the percentage until it looks right, you can make your shadow be tinged as the color of the clothes. It's a pretty easy way to do it and you can get some pretty decent results out of it. That's basically how I did the bulge on Jenna on that muscular picture. New layer, black solid dick outline drawing, then smudge the hell out of it and lower the opacity of the layer. You can do this with multiple layers (so the smudging only effects the bulge shadow and not the background underneath it). You can add veins, a head... You can overlay a real picture, desaturate it, then play with the layer effects (like screen, overlay, soft light, hard light) and mess with the layer opacity.

This is probably clear as mud but if you really have it in your perverted heart to make these kind of edits you can find a way! I believe in you!!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/28(Sun)17:36 No. 109178

Actually this made a bit of sense, mostly because I used GIMP in a program I took in elementary/middle school tho. I had no idea it was still around, but I’ll download and play around with it when I have time.

I’ll look into photoshop but likelihood is I can’t afford it and I AM CERTAINLY NOT GOING TO DOWNLOAD A CRACKED VERSION MR AGENT WHO IS READING THIS.

I think I have the perversion within. Hopefully I can put something together soon.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/28(Sun)19:03 No. 109179

Yay. Here's another Jenna one

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/29(Mon)03:54 No. 109180

Remember, you don't even really have to edit them (see the Kristen Bell one) to make a caption out of it ;)

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/29(Mon)21:11 No. 109181

Here is an idea for you guys. How about some FtM stuff? A cis woman getting her pussy replaced with a cock and now identifying as male despite her feminine body.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/29(Mon)21:45 No. 109182

I’ve thought about it, for some reason the idea is less hot to me, no clue why. But it ain’t all about what I like. I’ll see if I can cook something up

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/31(Wed)13:25 No. 109185

Not a bad idea to shake things up, some of these get pretty samey as far as theme... However I agree with the other person it doesn't quite tickle my fancy as much. It somehow seems more perverted as a guy masquerading as a woman than a genetic woman becoming genderqueer or identifying as male after growing a dick. Also, I like to ground my caps in reality (even though they are highly fantastical, nonsensical, unrealistic and silly) in that a guy could take hormones or get implants to get tits and look like a woman. It's harder for a woman to get a legit penis so it would have to incorporate magic or paranormal which I don't usually like to incorporate in my caps (I don't like incorporating "nano-bots" idea either, which I've seen other cappers do. 'ooh I used some nanobots and they magically rebuilt me into a woman overnight'.. no, I like the slow humiliation of being turned into a woman)

Anyways, I really enjoy the idea of a celeb coming out as a man on live TV.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/08/31(Wed)23:50 No. 109187

I have to agree, as bonkers as the titboy caps are, it is hot to think that someone who was born male and still IDs as one could still go out and look like a woman with huge boobs only cosmetically. That’s where the more fantasy aspect is cause you’d have to be a pretty special case to pull it off lol, but surgery is real at least, for some reason the “unreal” e.g. magic doesn’t work for me.

There’s imaginary meds that I’ve seen cappers use in FtM and MtF both too, but those strike the same way cause the tech isn’t actually there yet. Breast implants and FFS are real and out there as can be! This is also the kick I get from the castration stuff in some of these; surgeries have permanence somewhat even though you can get tits removed or whatever. There’s no going back once you get your junk cut off!

Speaking of which, if this can be like a choose your own adventure in this cap >>109180 I’d say let’s turn in the video and let the hootersboi’s bosses take those dick and balls. Maybe he’ll end up liking it and we’ll end up dating anyway :)

Femcock Enjoyer 22/09/01(Thu)02:01 No. 109188


Okay, this one is for you. Sorry that it's so long, but I had to do a lot of "word-building" to frame the story just right and make it work.

Page number is listed in the top right corner so you read it in order.

What do you think?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/09/01(Thu)04:31 No. 109189

It was good, and a target I never really expected lol

Femcock Enjoyer 22/09/02(Fri)01:00 No. 109190

More like Sandra Bollocks amirite lol

Good caps, I too love the celebs

Femcock Enjoyer 22/09/02(Fri)03:35 No. 109191


Ya maybe I'll continue that Hooters one at some point.

Here's a few more celeb ones ;)

Femcock Enjoyer 22/09/15(Thu)18:14 No. 109205

I was wondering if there could be more castration ones where you shop in the clear fluid that a titboy would spray or dribble when they have ass orgasms

Femcock Enjoyer 22/09/17(Sat)16:32 No. 109206

File 166342512881.jpg - (615.92KB , 1920x1080 , 345346543643.jpg )


How's this? And what they hey I'm still waiting for one of you other guys to step up and try making some of these too!

Erasing pussies is the easiest thing you can do, just make a selection, then choose "fill" and then choose "Content-aware fill", OR find "Content-Aware Fill" under the "Edit" tab just under fill/stroke.

The fake cum can be made by making a new layer, painting some half opacity white and playing with the bevel/emboss feature until it starts to resemble cum.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/09/23(Fri)00:06 No. 109210

I really like it! Normally I’m more turned on when it’s voluntary, but I’m so glad he’s happy with the changes now! Almost makes it even better.
And thanks for using my idea about him being that hooters boy from the other cap.

Also I’m sorry I haven’t been able to produce some content on my own, been going through some life shit lately so I haven’t found time to play around with gimp and do some edits. I have ideas though and your shop guides are helpful, I’ll have one ready at some point.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/10/11(Tue)12:41 No. 109223

File 166548491558.jpg - (761.03KB , 1920x1080 , 5465465465465445.jpg )


Voluntary is cool but I also like the idea of a straight guy forced to become a guy with tits, and becoming addicted to cock and "turning" gay as a result, as if they weren't latently bi all along. Here's a voluntary one with a beach bimbo. Became a titboy intentionally because of his love for dick

Femcock Enjoyer 22/10/12(Wed)19:44 No. 109225

You have a great taste for pics to use for these. Those boobs fit the aesthetic so well but it looks like you didn’t even need to shop them on this one lol

Femcock Enjoyer 22/10/14(Fri)13:05 No. 109229

File 166574554955.jpg - (803.58KB , 1920x1080 , 234543543.jpg )

Ya I didn't have to edit that one at all. Gotta love the supreme bimbofied look.

But the girl next door look is hot too! For me they've got to have nice tits or it's just not as fun though! I use the best pics I can find that turn me on. These caps are the gayest shit ever but I'm so attracted to hyper feminine women. The idea that they are really guys with cocks just adds another hot spin to it. Is it Bi to like this shit? I guess. Who cares? Here's a fun new cap!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/10/15(Sat)00:03 No. 109230

Top notch as always.

And honestly, I was bringing in similar fantasies to these caps watching shemale porn even before this genre of stuff was being captioned. I never defined myself as bi or gay but just was sorta at peace identifying as “idk, but definitely not straight” lol.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/10/24(Mon)13:09 No. 109237

File 166660977653.jpg - (761.71KB , 1920x1080 , 5475474545.jpg )

I've been having weird fantasies like that as long as I can remember, about women who were secretly guys, stroking their cocks gleefully screaming that they'll forever be men. Just a total shot in the dark, a guess, I remember feeling like I wasn't supposed to like girls at a young age (because girls are icky!) So I rationalized it like "It's okay... they're really guys, you can touch yourself and think about them now!" and it just kind of stuck. I really don't know about the psychology of it, it's just hot/erotic that such a hot woman could be "a man" under it all...

And here's another wacky Dad one that will be sure to get you off lol

Femcock Enjoyer 22/10/29(Sat)18:23 No. 109240

Dad ones are also some of my faves along with gay hooters. I still come back to that one where the titboy has a gay pride bikini with male symbols, just *chefs kiss*

The dad stuff I think plays in to this fetish. I think this kink is based on sorta how intimate two guys can get, and what’s a more close and loving relationship that two guys can have, right?

I don’t even have daddy problems. It’s just good stuff.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/10/30(Sun)15:28 No. 109241

File 166714011574.jpg - (2.07MB , 2000x3556 , 576567.jpg )

Oh nice choice that's a good one. I love the forced feminization aspect of that one.

Here's another Office/Pam one because I really like the idea of Pam being a perverted man despite looking like such a sweet girl

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/01(Tue)11:50 No. 109242

File 166729982417.jpg - (766.38KB , 1920x1080 , 546546547.jpg )

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/01(Tue)23:55 No. 109243

I remember when shops used to be the exception for these but now it seems they are the rule. The gay titboy cottage industry continues to grow and thrive. Nice stuff

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/05(Sat)13:48 No. 109246

Thanks, I just wish more others would contribute. There were a few other people posting some but I'm almost the only person posting these.

If you want to see some great feminization captions you should check out a place called "the feminization station", it used to be a blog but now it is it's own site now, just look up the name, I'm not sure I can post the link here, but it's called "the feminization station" and I get some inspiration from those sometimes, and the guy that shops them does fantastic work. My only complaint is sometimes the text gets really small and you really need to zoom in and read it, but I can't complain too much because I do the same thing. Sometimes you get carried away and the story gets long.

Anyway here's a few more

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/06(Sun)01:47 No. 109247



Tim 22/11/17(Thu)20:16 No. 109253

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/18(Fri)00:46 No. 109254

I kinda like all of this gay bimbo content coming through this thread, but I think it’s the big titted fag dads that get the biggest number of fans and I can see why.

Great choice of milf shemales too. Dilf? She(male)f? Has that been coined yet?

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/22(Tue)02:44 No. 109257


Excellent work, glad to see more contributors


Well, since you like the Dad stuff so much. Here's some gay dad shit. Gay/Femboy hooters seems to be popular too.

An epic 3 parter and an extra one.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/23(Wed)15:18 No. 109258

You are correct, that was epic. And yeah, gay hooters and celebrities usually get me too.

Again great choice of models. Idk if it’s just hormones shrinking her junk but Izzy Wilde looks to me like she’s gotten her balls removed so maybe there could be some castration play there. Brittney Kade also fits the mold of just TOTAL bimbo I love it so much. Her balls are huge but part of me wishes she’d get hers cut off too just for complete bimboification lol.

You folks spoil us with this stuff! I love it!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/27(Sun)22:28 No. 109263


They're both beautiful trans bimbos. I felt too lazy to shop anything, and they are basically the real life version of the beautiful bimbo with a dick aesthetic that I'm usually targeting with these caps.

Anyway here's some gay hooters caps, (one of them dickless themed just for you, even though it's not really my thing haha) and a screengrab of a very true wookipedia entry, I'm pretty sure it's actual Star Wars canon.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/29(Tue)03:17 No. 109264


And here's even MORE new ones. As always feedback is appreciated.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/29(Tue)17:17 No. 109265

You know I die for these (and thanks very much for the dickless one) but we all know they can also be a bit ridiculous. That’s why I love the one with the dating profile though. I might be a bit touched in the head but it kinda makes… sense? Like I think it’s one of the best in terms of explaining how these bimbos are still actually guys.

I don’t project that onto trans women I know irl really, as weird as the fetish is, and I don’t think you read feminization caps without having had some trans-y feelings yourself (the real existence or not of autogynephilia notwithstanding). But the boobs and feminization just being “accessories” for a crossdressing/bimboification hobby totally gives answers on why this is a thing imo.

Everyone was having fun and then I had to get all academic. Sorry.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/11/30(Wed)01:37 No. 109266


I think you hit the nail on the head. I definitely think autogynphelia is a thing. No worries about being academic, I'm going to digress about this... I've taken college courses on the biology and psychology of human sexuality (the psychology course was way more interesting). Basically most guys that crossdress are actually straight, transvestic fetishism is the term I think?

There used to be a TV show on Oxygen channel called "Talk Sex With Sue" this really awesome sex-positive old lady would take calls on the air and give sex advice (she's still alive, 92 years old!) and she would explain crossdressing fetish forming in a male at a young age, when feeling a soft piece of their mothers clothing (such as stockings) and they like it, it's pleasing, and it basically imprints onto them at a young age. I'm not talking about wearing it, but just brushing it with their hand or something and it leaves an impression that develops later.

It's really not uncommon for an otherwise normal straight guy to enjoy the feeling of wearing women's clothing or getting sexually excited by the idea of looking/feeling like a woman. But I think normally guys who are like that only do this in private because while it may turn them on to dress like that, they probably don't look passable. Also, it's mainly a private thing there's a big stigma to it, because if you express any femininity as a guy you could get labeled as gay. I mean, even if a guy dressed as a woman for Halloween as a joke you might say to yourself "Well, that's pretty gay" even if all he's doing is wearing women's clothing and not flirting with any men...

I think that when some people picture the idea of of a crossdresser or transwoman (people who don't know how gorgeous some cd/ts can actually be) they imagine some chiselled jaw hairy man wearing drag clothes and looking like an ugly disgusting beast. Of course that's a turn off, at least it is to me... and sadly that is probably how a lot of the private crossdressers look, but they probably have a different mental image of what they look like and it's more about how they feel.

To me the excitement in these caps is a completely beautiful super model woman being more than meets the eye. It's not that she looks like a guy at all, quite the opposite, and nine times out of ten I'm actually using photos of ciswomen that were photoshopped to imply they were genetically male.

And I'll admit, the idea of looking like a gorgeous woman with big perfect tits is erotic. But like you, I don't identify with transwomen because I'm perfectly happy as a man, I identify as a man, I wouldn't make a passable woman.

It's true my captions are generally far-fetched. Most of the time, males that surgically alter themselves to become women are transgender, but it isn't completely unheard of for a cisgender man to do this, just check out this documentary about a straight cis construction worker that moonlights as a drag queen with breast implants, and doesn't look half-bad


You can also look up "Brian Zembic" on wikipedia, "In the late 1990s, he became famed as 'a man who would do anything to win a bet'. His most famous wager was in 1996 when he agreed to receive breast implants and keep them for one year in return for US$100,000 (US$170,000 in 2022). The year passed and he won the bet but he became accustomed to the breasts and did not have them removed."

I think actual transwomen are awesome, and I do feel kind of bad sometimes because you could say these kind of captions are degrading
to their life experience. But the idea of the "Insincere Transwoman" is so hot to me, the whole "titboy" thing, where they look like a gorgeous supermodel, basically a beautiful girl with completely female (even hyper-feminine) features. It's not even so much about the cock itself sometimes, it's just that the cock is the 'proof' that they are something other than a gorgeous woman, a perverted man. Someone who gets off on looking so gorgeous.

Personally I'd never go through the trouble, pain, and expense of all the plastic surgery just to satisfy a niche fetish. Writing and reading caps and watching trans porn is really enough of an outlet. And in VR you can even give yourself a female avatar and check yourself out in a virtual mirror if that's really your thing. But that's whats great about the fantasy, you can imagine someone perverted and determined enough to do such a thing. I incorporate comedy into a lot of these caps because I'm throwing a lampshade on it, I know it's silly and ridiculous and unrealistic. But there are some rare examples of this sort of thing like the ones I listed above. If there was a magical button you could press to temporarily become a perfectly passable babe, then switch back, then maybe I'd do it, but I really don't see myself as a transwoman or someone who has the heart or mind of a woman so I don't write the caps that way. I think the caps appeal to autogynephiliacs and/or people who are transgender porn enthusiasts.

I mainly watch porn with transwomen in them, but in the past few years I discovered "JOI" (jack off instruction) videos of dominatrix women humiliating the viewer, calling them a faggot, insisting they like cock. The first time I saw such a video I was laughing out loud at the woman constantly calling me a faggot and yet I had a raging hard-on. I know how incredibly gay my caps may seem but I honestly have zero interest in men, at least masculine/macho looking men. But I like being 'teased' and 'accused' of liking that sort of thing by a beautiful dominatrix style woman, and I'd let a beautiful woman ot transwoman peg me. But I just could not see myself enjoying being with a guy.

A big theme in the caps is about being gay but I think it all stems down to being bullied in middle school and being called gay despite knowing for a fact I get off to women, and the confusion that came when I realized I found transwomen very attractive. The truth is sexuality is a spectrum and it's not just black and white, there's a lot of grey area. There's a guy called Alfred Kinsey (Liam Neeson played him in a biopic) who did studies in like the 40's or 50's or something and developed the Kinsey scale which is a much better way to describe sexuality rather than "Straight, Bi, or Gay", there's a lot of areas inbetween.

But because we have this social desire to label something as either straight or gay, I like playing with that theme in the captions, I guess I love the idea of a super model woman "tricking" you because you had no idea she was "really a guy all along". I'm just rambling at this point but the psychology behind it is interesting I think.

You could say these caps are a reflection of the writer or the reader, but as fun as it would be to be a titboy, I think I'd much rather date one than to actually BE one. I would love a gorgeous super model girlfriend who has a dick who would constantly remind me that she's "actually a guy" and tease me behind closed doors about being "gay" for enjoying that. But even if you end up dating a gorgeous transwoman I don't think they'd want to roleplay that way...

Although, you should check out a transwoman named Kimber Haven, she's slightly mannish, but she's just passable enough that her videos are pretty hot, she calls herself a faggot, a sissy boy and things like that, which I find very erotic because she is a full time transwoman. She makes these fetish videos where sometimes she's dominant or sometimes she's putting herself down and humiliating herself as a 'faggot' which is just so god damn awesome lol

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/08(Thu)13:09 No. 109269

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/12(Mon)06:30 No. 109271

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Hope y'all don't mind my obsession with Jenna.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/15(Thu)12:47 No. 109278

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I thought of this pun and had to craft a story around it. Enjoy the holiday themed "I'll be HOMO for Christmas"

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/16(Fri)02:19 No. 109279

You’re on a SERIOUS hot streak here lol. What a wonderful holiday season. And a celeb (specifically Jenna) cap combined with Gay Hooters? Just wow.

Also I’ve been meaning to respond to your post exploring all this in the more academic sense but haven’t come up with anything other than like… “yup, that about sums it up.”

One thing I will mention is stuff about this in “other cultures.” Like in Brazil there are certainly trans women and this number is growing. They definitely ID as women and will be rightfully offended if you call them male. But then there’s the subculture of travestis, for which “shemale” would probably be the closest equivalent in English-speaking culture. I think due to gay rights issues, lack of resources to actually learn about what being trans is, etc. a lot of people who identified as travesti in the past are probably ID’ing as trans women now, but still these people are around, and they widely identify as gay effeminate men. Also, because plastic surgery in South America is both cheaper than the states and also a kind of status symbol, these effeminate gay males sometimes elect to get breast implants, because they dress as women all the time anyway. And while when embedded in that culture they might be seen as more of a third gender, when asked to define it in terms of our binary they definitively state that they are gay guys who just present feminine.

The same goes for Thai ladyboys. This is only anecdotal and not research-based, but I’ve heard the explanation that some guys just don’t like the prospect of the field/agricultural work they would normally be doing in rural communities, so they move to the big city and choose sex work which is of course more lucrative looking like a woman. So again, cheap breast augmentation is taken advantage of and these people who never really thought of themselves as girls are now presenting as women all the time and working in go-go bars. Again third gender stuff is at play here, but I’ve seen street interviews with ladyboys who have even gone through with the sex change operation say “I’m not woman, not man, just ladyboy.” So you still have this class of people, with all the surgical enhancement to be feminine, still not identifying as ladies.

Just sayin as funny and absurd as this little fantasy is, it is happening out there irl. Usually due to culture and poverty, but meh, the sex trade and transphobia have far more severe impacts than a titboy fetish, so I’m glad these caps and all the real-life titboys in the world are out there.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/17(Sat)02:13 No. 109280


Oh yes I have heard about in Thailand sometimes guys works ladyboys to provide for their families, I may use that as a plot point in a story at some point. It's cool that it does actually happen sometimes... maybe not to the extent of these stories but yeah.

I like what you said about Brazil too, just the thought of a gorgeous super model woman being a gay guy is erotic and enticing for some reason, it just feels taboo and wrong but you can't help but be attracted to a hyper-feminine beauty.

Well anyway here's some gay hooters. Tooting my own horn, I really love the Jenna one I did. These ones aren't celebs but I edited them pretty heavily.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/21(Wed)13:03 No. 109290

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Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/21(Wed)23:56 No. 109292

I love the idea implicit in this and the other dating profile one that the reason the reader is matching with this incredible smokin’ babe is that we’re both guys, of course we’d have a lot in common!

I’m attractive enough to get by but I don’t think I’d ever get to a situation where I could score a 10/10 bimbo like are in these caps. That is unless we shared so many similar interests! And you know how a partner you really love can get you into things you had no idea you liked so much before, like romantic gay lovemaking and getting sperm dumped into your mouth and ass almost every 4 hours of the day.

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/22(Thu)12:55 No. 109293

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Ya that's a fun theme, you start to realize the reason you matched is because you're both guys...

I also like the idea of transracial, which also seems to be a completely bonkers fantasy, but actually does have real world examples. There is a British 'influencer' named Oli London that transformed himself into a Korean woman because he was obsessed with BTS (and bizarrely, realized that what he was doing was really messed up and transitioned BACK into being a guy, and now is very religious and anti-trans? The whole detransition thing is weird but also slightly erotic for me because that means that even when they looked like a beautiful woman they were a man at heart, a central theme for tit-boys). If you google his name you'll see stories and pictures and interview videos of him. He looked pretty attractive as an asian woman, but looks really weird now trying to pass as a guy once more with all the cosmetic surgery he went through.

So anyways, here's a transracial cap with the dating match theme

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/24(Sat)16:07 No. 109297

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Ho ho ho

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/25(Sun)22:45 No. 109298

It’s a Christmas miracle!

Femcock Enjoyer 22/12/30(Fri)09:10 No. 109302

Lovely. I really enjoyed these.

I wonder what direction gay titboys will take in 2023. Happy new year to all who make this great stuff!

Femcock Enjoyer 23/01/03(Tue)02:44 No. 109303


Nice work! I like the last two ones, the big dick and the crossdresser.

Here's some new ones from me, I only shopped the ladyboy one. The other shopped ones I got from elsewhere. Happy New Year.

Femcock Enjoyer 23/01/04(Wed)14:17 No. 109304

More like Jennifer MANiston lol… have we made that joke before?

Femcock Enjoyer 23/01/05(Thu)00:35 No. 109305


Yeah, I made that joke on a cap in the old thread, it won't let me reupload it, saying it's a duplicate, even though I think the thread is gone? Here's a link to the post in case it works:


Femcock Enjoyer 23/01/12(Thu)13:06 No. 109311

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Femcock Enjoyer 23/01/16(Mon)21:53 No. 109316

So fun! Pam’s cutesy low-key demeanor plays into how much he delights in being such a busty faggot.

Femcock Enjoyer 23/02/04(Sat)16:50 No. 109322


Yess exactly, Pam loves pretending to be sweet and unassuming because he knows how much of a pervert he is, he absolutely delights in being a busty faggot!

Here's some new ones. By the way, I design these so you can full screen them in 16:9 ratio. Sorry if the text gets a little small sometimes, I like filling out the stories sometimes.

Femcock Enjoyer 23/02/04(Sat)21:37 No. 109323

All these had really excellent, fleshed-out, and hot stories. Between these, the dads, the dating profiles, the celebs, you have really been on a roll with the content of the background. And (even though this whole fetish is ridiculous) none of them were too silly, I know you sometimes just go outside the box to keep it fresh or you are just making one for the lulz, but these were all just romantic gay good vibes. I love ‘em!

My dream is to marry the daddy/son titboy thing, gay hooters, and castration together. Maybe titboy dad raises titboy son and is the top, employment at gay hooters is involved (somehow lol), then they decide since they can’t get incestually married the “rings” will be the son giving up the “family jewels” to his more-hung dad.

Sorry these just got me wild and I’m full of ideas. I swear soon I’ll try my hand at my own caps but life still remains crazy, and my laptop is getting older. Idk if I could even get gIMP working but I’ll try.

This was such a good batch though. And good shops on the gay hooters one.

Femcock Enjoyer 23/02/04(Sat)22:38 No. 109324


Thanks! And normally I don't dump this much in one day, but I just tried an interesting experiment where I had an AI write out the captions for me. I had to cater the prompts a little specifically but the output isn't too bad. It just doesn't let you get all to sexual with it because it's against the rules. And sometimes it complains about the prompt being insensitive to transwomen (no shit, lol) so I have to word it in a way that it passes muster. These are all written by AI, I only modified the Pam/Karen one to include nudity but other than that the AI came up with the story haha. Please try your hand out some day at these, even if you don't modify the image, just finding an image of a hot woman to go with the story goes a long way.

Femcock Enjoyer 23/02/04(Sat)23:05 No. 109325

These were surprising and an interesting experiment. It’s funny how the AI grasps the concept and can still write a solid titboy narrative, even when you throw in things like hooters, but you’re right that it still has trouble getting dirty (not just with nudity or slurs, but I notice it still doesn’t even incorporate “gay” or references fucking at all) but overall solid job! And thanks for extra effort into the shops!

And I’ll say this for the thousandth time to anyone wondering: not even trying to say I’m not transphobic, just I’ve had my own little “feelings” that have led into this fetish, and they don’t seem to extend beyond this little internet thing in regards to how I treat or see trans women in real life or in regards to my own gender identity. But it ain’t the same without the filth of the fetish, the slurs, or the abject homosexuality, you gotta admit.

Femcock Enjoyer 23/03/27(Mon)13:10 No. 109388

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Femcock Enjoyer 23/03/30(Thu)03:00 No. 109393

always glad to see titboys, never let this die

Femcock Enjoyer 23/04/02(Sun)07:06 No. 109399

The encouragement is much appreciated

Femcock Enjoyer 23/04/04(Tue)16:09 No. 109401

Anyone got any ideas bouncing around their head for new dad/son gay titboy ones? Those seem to be quite popular

Femcock Enjoyer 23/04/07(Fri)05:34 No. 109402

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Femcock Enjoyer 23/04/07(Fri)21:56 No. 109409

It’s good to see more “traditional” sissy caps are still in the repertoire as well. Variety is the spice of life

Femcock Enjoyer 23/04/17(Mon)04:19 No. 109412

Here's a few more Daddy ones and forced fem

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