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Camp Sherwood Thread #420 Zed ## Mod ## 23/08/04(Fri)05:38 No. 16575 Stickied

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Another Thread bites the dust.

Welcome to the Unofficial home of Camp Sherwood!
You know why you're here.

271 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Mister+D. 24/04/10(Wed)15:12 No. 17118

Anonymous 24/04/10(Wed)16:08 No. 17119


It's... is it happening?


No golden eyes! Real honest feelings!

*a single tear of happiness drops slowly*

punishedmob 24/04/10(Wed)16:54 No. 17120

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fffffffuck yeah

Anonymous 24/04/10(Wed)23:05 No. 17121

Holy shitttttttt!
And Kim's there as Chekov's redhead.
And the movie watchers are undefended!
Shit's gettting reallll!!!!

Anonymous 24/04/10(Wed)23:06 No. 17122

Kim wakes up, thinks it's Shego fucking Draken, is caught by lust and joins, and June/Ray just let it happen!

Anonymous 24/04/10(Wed)23:14 No. 17123

I really hope Kim joins with golden eye.
And that the whole movie crew is mind controlled.
You can have your feelings, but don't rob me of my mind control fetish! :P

Anonymous 24/04/11(Thu)08:37 No. 17125

God damn, this is fucking AWESOME. This scene is going to be the new peak. My heart's racing seeing some of these expressions.

Anonymous 24/04/11(Thu)11:13 No. 17126

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Uh huh. Keep going.

Anonymous 24/04/11(Thu)14:29 No. 17127

Were I them, I don't think I'd have been able to stop myself from licking those abs until either she came to her senses and killed me, or until I lost the last of mine and took her while she's sleeping.

Anonymous 24/04/12(Fri)07:41 No. 17131

Page 300. He got to it! All hail Mr D!
Ok, it's mostly dick, and it's not Timmy's, but it's tender loving emotional dick like the stories about camp that never happen.

Anonymous 24/04/12(Fri)10:51 No. 17132

It might sound quite ironic, given what comic we're talking about, but Mister D sure don't beleive in the slow burn. I thought there were plenty more pages to go before we got to this, but here we are!

Anonymous 24/04/12(Fri)21:29 No. 17135

So remember this is the spirit's plan guys.
Kim was the distraction...and June/Rayray are distracted...
What is she up to?

Anonymous 24/04/14(Sun)02:39 No. 17138

yeah. But I'm rooting for the spirit.

Anonymous 24/04/14(Sun)07:52 No. 17139

Oh I definitely am as well!

Anonymous 24/04/14(Sun)08:56 No. 17140

>Weekly schedule

punishedmob 24/04/14(Sun)18:06 No. 17141

We're almost to page 300 and she's been kinda fiendin' for little brother D for, what, over a hundred pages now? I think the burn has been quite slow.

Thad+Guy 24/04/15(Mon)02:38 No. 17142

A hundred pages, but in comic it's been what, a week?

Anonymous 24/04/15(Mon)03:40 No. 17143


The original comment was about the pace from our point of view, not theirs. "Ann lusted after her brother from the time she was 14. 30 years later, they finally consummated their desires." isn't something the reader has to wait around for.

Anonymous 24/04/15(Mon)04:33 No. 17144

For the record, their sexual tension started on page 56. I'm pro-slow burn as well (one of the things I like about this comic), but the Spring Sprit has functions as a bit of a shortcut so that this porn comic can have a little porn in it before we're old and grey lmao.
That said, I'm not begging for it to be over. This comic has been with us for so long that I hope there's still a ways to go, but, we'll see!

Anonymous 24/04/15(Mon)11:11 No. 17145


I appreciate the minor but vitaly important detail that Juniper's nipples go stiff and refuse to relax until she pleasures her brother

Mister+D. 24/04/17(Wed)17:08 No. 17146

Zed 24/04/17(Wed)17:20 No. 17147


Anonymous 24/04/17(Wed)17:24 No. 17148


*Beautiful*. What a loving sister. Absolutely exquisite scene, you can practically feel her breath.

PunishedMob 24/04/17(Wed)19:29 No. 17150

She's a good sister!

Anonymous 24/04/18(Thu)22:29 No. 17155

I am grateful for the abundance of updates

Anonymous 24/04/18(Thu)23:56 No. 17156

Ah, lovey dovey vanilla, my favorite.
If memory serves this is the first time, right? Danny X Sam was kind of vanilla but Sam likes to roleplay as rougher than it is (Timmantha X Tootie was voyeur, most interactions are some degree of hypnosis or “forced” like Beetlejuice). While the Spring Spirit is cool I prefer the characters having agency (not a moral statement, just a preference).

Also, dat release schedule! Keep it up.

Thad+Guy 24/04/20(Sat)12:45 No. 17160

Now it's literally a blow job

Veteran Wanker 24/04/23(Tue)00:40 No. 17168

I would love to be dead wrong, but there will likely soon be another months-long break.

Veteran+Wanker 24/04/23(Tue)01:11 No. 17169

Mister D., please tell me I'm wrong.

Anonymous 24/04/23(Tue)04:37 No. 17170

Let him cook.

Anonymous 24/04/23(Tue)08:58 No. 17171

Did you skip over what Mr.D wrote here? >>17085
>Finally got a good enough lead that I think I can maintain a weekly posting schedule

Mister+D. 24/04/25(Thu)00:47 No. 17179

punishedmob 24/04/25(Thu)00:51 No. 17180

*sob* poor things, they're being interrupted

Veteran Wanker 24/04/25(Thu)03:59 No. 17182

Shit. I didn't read that part. I really need to come here more often.

Anonymous 24/04/26(Fri)05:07 No. 17184

Dani! And they're gonna see knocked out Kim, and maybe June?
And will the spirit act soon? Ah so excited!

Anonymous 24/04/26(Fri)05:59 No. 17185

Congratulations on reaching Page 300! (Congratulations. Congratulations.) June and RayRay may not be the most explainable couple, but it's not like they have encountered any Sherlock Holmes girls. And isn't that the _girls'_ cabin? :)

Anonymous 24/04/26(Fri)14:07 No. 17186

Isn't June not actually part of the camp, just in the area? I need to re-read now we&re getting updates, obviously.

Anonymous 24/04/26(Fri)17:04 No. 17187


As long as he can zip up before they see him, it shouldn't be a problem - after all, he's her little brother, it's *obviously* not hanky panky!

Anonymous 24/04/27(Sat)00:11 No. 17188

Dani also knows about the Spirit too right? She helped fight against Beetlejuice, and I'm pretty sure June gave a head's up to Gwen and Dani (despite the fact Gwen has been mind controlled orgy'd before)
Dani also hasn't been affected by MC yet. Though Kim hadn't either until...now.

Zed 24/04/28(Sun)02:14 No. 17194

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300 PAGES!!!

Mister+D. 24/05/01(Wed)22:56 No. 17198

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)10:19 No. 17199


"Why do I hear porno music...?"

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)20:51 No. 17200


Aw poor Ray-Ray. But I would imagine he'll dust himself off, zip up, smile, and say to himself, "Still totally worth it."

DefenderByName+ 24/05/03(Fri)00:34 No. 17202

Anyone else clock those vines climbing the wall there? Wonder if thats the spring spirits doing...

Anonymous 24/05/03(Fri)01:26 No. 17203


DefenderByName+ 24/05/03(Fri)04:13 No. 17204

Cum smells like bleach my guy.

Anonymous 24/05/03(Fri)06:38 No. 17205

What have you been eating that your jizz smells like bleach?

Anonymous 24/05/03(Fri)10:12 No. 17206


This isn't uncommon knowledge my son

Anonymous 24/05/03(Fri)12:07 No. 17207

Just run! Run while you still can, Rayray!

Same thing it's done to Trixie and Lor in the showers, and I bet there's a specific reason why we haven't seen them again.

Anonymous 24/05/06(Mon)19:01 No. 17215

The subplot has gone from Timmantha trying to survive amongst girls, to some sort of multiseries coming of age triumph-story, to the camp getting attacked by the Black Lotus card. It's interesting to see what keeps happening. What are the camp games like now? Tug of war and a mud pit mudbath? Water balloons and wet t-shirts? One only guesses what Cabin ?'s game of Twister has turned into- and who it's sucked in.


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