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Teenage Girl 22/04/18(Mon)18:34 No. 24535 ID: 34ca75

File 165029967611.jpg - (6.39KB , 192x192 , 105507.jpg )

Every time millennials bitch about TikTok, I just remind them that their generation created Tumblr AND 4chan, and thus, their opinions on social media are immediately invalidated. It's funny how millennials like to scapegoat boomers for their self-imposed problems like how they can't find a job or get laid, and yet every time they talk about zoomers, they suspiciously sound like boomers. You're not fooling anyone, faggots. The boomer wealth ain't gonna finally start trickling down 'cause you ape their sociopathy. And you know all those lead jokes you make about them? The gens of the future will make the same about all the plastics you let them slip into our bodies because you were too busy sperging out about the most irrelevant shit like kids' toys called video games. Also, remember how boomers protested at Kent State, and throughout May 1968? What were millennials doing? Enlisting in droves to fight in bullshit wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, then whining about how it was the government's fault that they were left fucked up by the experience.

So, wait a second:

>You CHOSE to enlist in the military when there was NO draft.
>You CHOSE to support fighting in a clearly bullshit war literally EVERYONE knew was bullshit.
>You CHOSE to shame people who called it/you out for it.

And now it's SOMEONE ELSE's fault that you're a PTSD, limbless mess?

Typical millennials. Always blaming somebody else. No wonder y'all are performatively hostile to Greta, David Hogg, etc - they're doing what you never had the balls to, 'cause you were too busy taking credit for the 90s, y'know, the decade Gen-X made legendary?

No, millennial: YOUR legacy is the lame shit of the post-9/11 age. Scene trash like Brokencyde, My Immortal, TUMBLR AND 4CHAN, Rowling and Sebold being the most overrated authors of the century, and so on.

Millennials have no culture. They have no great novels, no great movies, no great music. They don't even have great memes. They will simply own nothing, BE nothing, and will never be happy, as they'll start scapegoating zoomers for why they're 50+ and STILL can't do X or Y.

Teenage Girl 22/04/21(Thu)11:48 No. 24540 ID: 34ca75

Over a hundred twenty five million people died from 1914 to 1945 just so millennials could coin a word like adulting. Remember that. Over a hundred twenty five million fucking people. They all died just so millennials could basically play the fiddle while Rome burns around them.

Teenage Girl 22/04/25(Mon)05:10 No. 24546 ID: 25896f

Enlistment went up for several reasons you aren't going to understand, but I will pretend to argue with you anyway.

These reasons boil down to manipulation, exploitation, and deception by the United States Government of many of its most vulnerable citizens.

Remember those 90s "Two weekends a month, one week a year" commercials for the Army Reserve? At the time, it was expected there would be a generation without war. Believe it or not, the economy was shit then too, with its very own housing bubble, rising unemployment and pathetic minimum wage to match.

The Army Reserve served the purpose of what people call a "side hustle" today: additional, well-paying work conveniently outside the schedule of a day job. It also looked great on a resume, gave you the chance to become a career officer if your day job didn't work out, and came with benefits.

At the same time, the regular forces offer college tuition, housing subsidies, and more or less guaranteed employment.

People from poor, often minority, families had nowhere else to go.

Then some Saudi Arabians crashed some planes.

Suddenly there was *meaning* in joining the Armed forces. Of course more people signed up. There was an absolute hellstorm of patriotic propaganda on every channel and from the mouths of every politician in or out of office.

Then, instead of going after the people responsible for the attack, we started a war with the entire Middle Eastern way of life that never ended.

The reserves were called in until they too were dead or exhausted. The National Guard got swapped in to avoid a draft, until they were dead or exhausted. These people didn't sign up for war--and you could call them naieve--they signed up for economic relief.

Teenage Girl 22/05/04(Wed)20:48 No. 24553 ID: e8f059


>These people didn't sign up for war--and you could call them naieve--they signed up for economic relief.

So instead of choosing to fight for REAL economic relief, they said fuck it and joined the System keeping them down? Haven't they ever heard of the term conscientious objector? See, it's just like I said: millennials are their own worst enemy. They choose poorly and then expect to be given asspats over it.

Teenage Girl 22/06/22(Wed)19:31 No. 24705 ID: be9b39

>And now it's SOMEONE ELSE's fault that you're a PTSD, limbless mess?
You're on the right track but you're missing something there. For every one solider who actually gets their limbs blown off, there might actually be 1000 who (unofficially) claim PTSD, many of which never even left US soil. What's going on is that these people already had issues, but our retarded culture told them that their emotional issues don't 'count' since they're "sheltered" and only have "first world problems" and all of our energy and concern needs to go to people with colorful stories behind their anguish, like crime victims, oppressed minorities, stressed out mothers, all women (if you aren't a woman), and really anyone different from you, and veterans. The only group you can effectively go out and join is veterans (also women, according to some), so abused teenagers go out and join our useless military just so when they can come home they might be respected and listened to about their preexisting emotional issues, which they have rolled into their absurd claim of "PTSD" despite having never seen combat.

Oh, and they get worse while they're in the military since they're stuck living with people just like them.

Teenage Girl 22/06/23(Thu)21:51 No. 24734 ID: be9b39

I think this /ck/ thread where a bunch of millenial manchildren try to brag about having gone to Pizza Hut buffets unlike this current generation really shows how pathetic they can get with their "nostalgia"


Teenage Girl 22/06/24(Fri)04:39 No. 24735 ID: ece85e


The best part about that thread is the totally not fake OP.

>zoomer here.

I highly doubt zoomers give a fuck about imageboards. Other than that, you nailed it, as always.

Teenage Girl 22/06/24(Fri)14:52 No. 24742 ID: fd8823

Damn, the millennials on there are so fragile.
They literally think their 90s/00s culture is supposed to be immortal.
They literally be blasting Zoomers for the smallest shit.
Meanwhile, millennials don't know shit about daily life before 1985.

Shit, I remember when millennials were being dunked on for not being familiar with pre-video game entertainment

Teenage Girl 22/06/24(Fri)20:01 No. 24743 ID: be9b39

At 23 I could technically be a zoomer, and I know plenty of younger people who use them.

Teenage Girl 22/06/24(Fri)20:09 No. 24745 ID: be9b39

It's this whole "my experience was the default human experience, anything else is deviance" view. You see it in unexamined people in every generation.

My grandfather is part of the Silent Generation and is always disturbed by any questioning of the system. For example, (despite being a democrat) he was quite bothered by my state's initiative to restore voting rights to felons because he was convinced that would somehow be unconstitutional "because they broke society's laws". In reality it's not remotely unconstitutional to let them vote (in fact, banning them from it might be unconstitutional), that's just a situation that came up as a result of political forces in the decades before his birth. But since he grew up with it, he thought it was hardcoded into the structure of the universe.

Teenage Girl 22/06/24(Fri)23:55 No. 24747 ID: 45dd44

Not saying no, but millennials, being the new boomers, wanna use Zoomers as the scape goat of all post-2010 political drama.

Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)00:00 No. 24748 ID: 45dd44

>It's this whole "my experience was the default human experience, anything else is deviance" view. You see it in unexamined people in every generation.

This. And it's getting worse because of excessive age segregation and bet now, people can access old entertainment via Internet and have nostalgia forums, people can choose to check out of the present.

People are losing perspective of time and severity of current eventts.
They exaggerate the good of the past and the bad of the present.

In fact, adulthood nowadays is always comparing everything to one's childhood.

I blame the excessive cultural investment of childhood

Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)05:15 No. 24754 ID: 06d1ce


>but millennials, being the new boomers, wanna use Zoomers as the scape goat of all post-2010 political drama.
>Damn, the millennials on there are so fragile. They literally think their 90s/00s culture is supposed to be immortal. They literally be blasting Zoomers for the smallest shit. Meanwhile, millennials don't know shit about daily life before 1985.

I just wanted to add to this: millennials are the most forgettable generation, ironically enough. The reason their nostalgia is essentially consoomerism is because they've done nothing else with their time in the sun. As always, their whole raison d'etre is projection. They call everyone else NPC consoomers because they're ashamed of themselves. Look at the faggot in that pizza thread pretending he was fucking the waitresses. Ignoring the fact he's obviously lying, the fact he had to talk about mundane bodily functions like sex as a hallmark of his experience...I mean, goddamn. These people really need a fucking hobby.

Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)14:22 No. 24759 ID: cb34e4

At the end of the day, it's not even a millennial problem as much as it's a human problem. Everyone likes to think him/herself as a demigod denied of their birthright to "change the world." I blame the Age Of Enlightenment, promoting democracy and individualism.
But most importantly, I blame popular history with the "rags-to-riches" trope.

Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)19:33 No. 24763 ID: be9b39

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A lot of these millennial "men" don't seem to even have a functioning theory of mind. They think either you had their exact experiences or you had no experiences at all.

Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)20:03 No. 24765 ID: 07a714


I like the greentext in the opening of that screencap, there. Proves my point, exactly. Just cheap consoomer pleasures. I love how he knocks Facebook. Well, y'know what else we didn't have back then? Imageboards. Can you imagine a world WITHOUT them AND Reddit? Fucking bliss.

Millennials cannot handle that they killed the internet. Call me a boomer if you want, but in the end, you know it's true. Millennials killed the internet. Now everything online has to be woke or based bullshit, no in between. You can't even talk about how much a sports team's coach sucks without someone jamming in a Trump/Biden reference.

Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)20:21 No. 24770 ID: 07a714


>At the end of the day, it's not even a millennial problem as much as it's a human problem. Everyone likes to think him/herself as a demigod denied of their birthright to "change the world."

True. But I just like poking fun at certain millennials, that's all. Just like I would at certain people of other generations. If you're talking mad shit, I'll be there to rub your face in it.

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)02:37 No. 24780 ID: 2f7477

Damn, millennial nostalgics really love to rub it in.
I notice that they never attack older people for not knowing about "le classic 90s/00s nostalgia".
Have you ever watched Fine Bros Entertainment "Kids React Series"?
Whatever you do, do not watch the react videos to pre-2010 media. The comment section is millennial/Gen X manchildren having a fucking tantrum because the nwer generation isn't familiar with "le classics".

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)02:39 No. 24781 ID: 2f7477

Irony is, that greentext exactly how Gen Xers would act like to millennials, back in 2007-12

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)03:03 No. 24783 ID: cf2dbd


>I notice that they never attack older people for not knowing about "le classic 90s/00s nostalgia".

Because their skitzo viewpoint demands they don't do that. See, these guys are usually performatively rightoid, right? But they still sling to the same shit that, by rightoid standards, is pozzed and kiked. So, they rationalize it all as "BEFORE X did Y" or whatever, thus allowing them to cling onto it while simultaneously denouncing zoomers as an existential threat.

>Whatever you do, do not watch the react videos to pre-2010 media. The comment section is millennial/Gen X manchildren having a fucking tantrum because the nwer generation isn't familiar with "le classics".

It's funny too, considering BOOMERS were directly responsible for the same shit they love so much, yet they shit all over them constantly. Mike Judge and Matt Groening would be irrelevant hacks selling meat out of their cars if it wasn't for boomer executives who took a chance on them.

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)14:59 No. 24788 ID: be9b39

At 59 and 68 (respectively), they are both literally boomers. Which brings up what I believe is the heart of this millennial manchild issue: it's not even their own fucking stuff. Their culture is not about making things, it is only about *consuming* things that other generations made. In many cases it isn't even one generation removed from them, but two.

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)19:16 No. 24799 ID: 181f26

Now now OP, you cannot be too harsh. Millennials don't lack culture. they're "culturally challenged". You're triggering their premature midlife crisis.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)00:06 No. 24803 ID: be9b39

There's a sequel to that insane pizza hut thread, much different approach by the manchildren this time around.


Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)03:11 No. 24804 ID: 422884


I think the OPs of both threads pose as zoomers just so the millennialoid manchildren can have a laugh. No different from the goofs who shitpost, then take screenshots of their own posts for upvotes and likes elsewhere.


The point isn't what gen Judge/Groening belong to, it's that BOOMERS were behind everything good about the nineties. Boomers AND older. And let's be honest, in fifty years, when a 90's like decade, culturally, comes around, it's gonna be Gen Z executives at the helm. Millennials will be the ones whining about how the KOTH of the future is unfair in poking fun at millennial shit like SJWs and alt-righters.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)17:39 No. 24828 ID: be9b39

I think the second one pretty clearly wasn't that, it was just a generic Pizza Hut 'what should I get'-tier thread and these retards started crying about "nostalgia" of their own accord.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)17:40 No. 24829 ID: be9b39

>when a 90's like decade, culturally, comes around
I'm very curious what you mean by this, elaborate please.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)19:34 No. 24852 ID: 17ce87


I think history is cyclical. What was, will come again. I don't see "muh woke shit" as this monolith destined to reign forever and ever. Things change. People change. In fifty years, I guarantee the future equivalent to a show like King of the Hill or The Simpsons will mock and belittle SJWs, alt-righters, etc. And millennials will sit there and whine and complain like boomers do when you poke fun at them. And one day, Gen Z will do likewise when people poke fun at them. And so on. It's why I tell people not to become outright doomers. This shit is not gonna last much longer. You'll look back at this and laugh.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)19:51 No. 24859 ID: be9b39

I think it comes down to a misunderstanding of what "the present" is. People forget that at every moment in history, it was the present. In ancient Egypt they didn't know they had X many thousands of years left of sitting around under the Pharaoh harvesting grain until the Romans took over, they would have had the same reaction as us to any new bullshit and assume it's just "the new order" taking over. We're always the tip of the spear of time, we're always inclined to see ourselves as 'the exception' to the tradition of history. Every fucking week you hear about some 'new paradigm' of technology, politics, etc. that's going to "fundamentally change everything" and sometimes it does amount to something (which usually finds a way to balance itself out, by the way) but we forget how many times we said that and nothing happened at all. It's just so easy to think of today as unique, as "the first day of the rest of the universe".

Now, that's not to say everything is always monotonous and that no change ever makes a difference that lasts, that has happened many times. The right view is somewhere in the messy middle ground between "this is really it, bro!" and "nothing ever happens"

Teenage Girl 22/06/29(Wed)19:29 No. 24875 ID: 685988

People have short-term cultural memory.
That's why they always be like:
>X predicted Y
>X was before it's time
When it comes to culture, there's no such thing as "before it's time".
Alot of art has multiple points of origin.

It's never who BUILT IT FIRST, but rather WHOM POPULARIZED IT.

Michael Jackson didn't invent the moonwalk
Snoop Dogg didn't invent the "izzle".

Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb.

The first slaves brought to North America were Irishmen, not blacks.

Make America Great Again was first used by Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign.

Rap music started out as West African traditions of storytelling.
It's like the sagas in Nordic history adapted into heavy metal.

Apple pie and fried chicken were Old British cuisines.

Teenage Girl 22/06/29(Wed)19:35 No. 24876 ID: df626d


>Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb.

I agree with your post, but sound recording would've been a better example to use, considering Leon Scott de Martinville's phonautograph. Remember that 'creepy' recording of Au Clair?

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