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Thanks to pro-life bullshit I can't stomach the right wing anymore Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)19:17 No. 24761 ID: be9b39

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I used to be pretty much a full alt-righty but I'm realizing now that I got conned. I thought it really was about pushing against left wing extremism (trannies, female supremacy, accepting crime from minorities, censoring disagreement with obvious bullshit, etc.) and that the reactionary approach was just defensive, but I see now that most of them legitimately are pointlessly cruel and selfish people who just want to hurt the other tribe. This abortion debate really did it for me, it's clear as day that these incel kiddies don't actually care about fetuses, they're just mad that they can't have sex and want to punish the women who they see as having denied them it. They'll practically come out and say it with their "if you don't want to have a kid, don't have sex!" bullshit, admitting that they actually anti-sex and don't think there's any way they could find themselves in this situation. They see people who have sex as totally removed from themselves, and they want to make them suffer.

The claim that this is misogyny is not an exaggeration, they honestly fucking hate women and just want to see them cry to get a sick laugh. I haven't even checked but I can guarantee that's what /pol/ is doing right now, posting compilations of women breaking down over this. They just think it's so cute that these women will now be under threat of violence from the state if they make the decisions they want to about sex and pregnancy. I can't fathom actually liking that image (rather than seeing it as a necessary evil). If you've ever seen someone 'broken' due to physical injury, fear, trauma, or extreme emotional torment (or if you've been there yourself) you should know it's dehumanizing and shouldn't sit right with anyone. That's why even condemned prisoners are allowed as much dignity as possible through their execution, anyone with a shred of empathy understands that pointless pain, fear, and humiliation is wrong. Yet these pieces of shit want millions of women and liberals to experience it due to a difference in lifestyle.

Now I'm not one of these people who thinks women are all magical (I've been hurt by them many times in many different scenarios), but this kind of venom towards them turns my stomach. It's not a "redpill" about some of the ways women are full of shit, it's actual hatred. This is the sort of mindset that creates literal domestic abusers and rapists, it's not fucking right.

It's going to be hard for me to find that middle ground, especially since I've gotten so close with poltards and let it become part of my self-image, but I can see that I was fucking blind and I need to make a change.

Teenage Girl 22/06/25(Sat)20:18 No. 24768 ID: 07a714

George Carlin said it best: it's always the people you wouldn't fuck anyway who come out as pro-life to begin with.

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)12:00 No. 24786 ID: cdff10

Well, the argument is more along the lines of "You should practice safe sex or suffer the consequences" The problem is however, they end up voting republican and funding to proper sex education and contraception gets slashed so people end up with no other choice.
I agree in the sense that it should be a last resort but the way society is right now makes that impossible realistically

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)14:36 No. 24787 ID: be9b39

The claim that people get abortions due to not using birth control is part of the incel bullshit, I've talked to these people about it. They're operating on this ridiculous stereotype that it's all ghetto 'baby mamas' and never normal people who just lost a dice roll. They don't have sex (and don't talk to other people who do) and thus they've never broken a condom and think it's a ridiculous concept.

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)19:18 No. 24800 ID: 181f26

Post-boomer politics is just mommy/daddy issues.

It's people whom never had a proper social life back in their youth. That's it.

Teenage Girl 22/06/26(Sun)19:27 No. 24802 ID: be9b39

Was politics ever about anything else? I don't know a lot of people who have a "proper social life", either. Things are pretty shit across the board right now, as a zillenial.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)04:30 No. 24805 ID: 213cee


This is great, if you think about it; now there will be more and more black and Hispanic babies and white people will become a minority in the US even faster. My sincerest thanks to the Supreme Court! Honestly, I can't wait for the right to cry about white genocide because they happily allowed more black and hispanic babies all because they want more incest and rape babies in the world. This is what happens when you allow goofs like those >>24800 talk about to dictate policy. They literally shot themselves in the foot. Shout out to the generation of mixed race babies, too. Drill that oil! Burn that coal!

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)04:32 No. 24806 ID: af3b53

Blame the Age of Enlightenment, promoting colonialism and the "rags-to-riches" trope into our historical realism.
The past five centuries have been religious wars, reforms, scientific discoveries.
Nowadays, people think history is supposed to be made every decade/generation.

People fancy themselves as demigods denied of their birthright.

This shallow mentality vis what's warped the plebians.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)09:34 No. 24814 ID: 213cee


>It's people whom never had a proper social life back in their youth. That's it.

Kurt Cobain said it best:

>It’s sad to think what the state of rock and roll will be twenty years from now. It just seems like when rock and roll is dead the whole world’s gonna explode. It’s already so rehashed and so plagiarized that it’s barely alive now. It’s disgusting. I mean, kids don’t even really care about rock and roll as much as they used to, as the other generations have. It’s already turned into nothing but a fashion statement and an identity for kids to use as a tool for them to fuck and have a social life. And at that point I really can’t see music being of any importance to a teenager, really. I think they’ll use sounds and tones for music and use it in their virtual reality machines. And just listen to it that way and get the same emotions from it. And then go to a party. There’ll be a virtual reality machine there with a whole bunch of headphones and if you wanna talk to people and listen to the virtual reality machine you can do that and go into the other bedroom and fuck and drink and… but actually I think virtual reality machines will get you high. Technology will be that good. And then there’ll be like virtual reality junkies lying there dead on their couch from OD’ing.

Maybe he's off somewhere or other, but he nailed it for the most part. Look at society from 2010 to now. He got a lot right.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)15:09 No. 24821 ID: 9ce0a6

Pretty eerie how right he got it.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)17:22 No. 24824 ID: be9b39

>Nowadays, people think history is supposed to be made every decade/generation.
>People fancy themselves as demigods denied of their birthright.
Very wise post. This is what the tradfags miss, being in a balanced civilization is nothing but boring. Before the Age of Exploration you expected to die in the same place and occupation you were born into, and being virtuous meant doing it well and without complaint. The point of life wasn't having new experiences (that's a very modern notion), the point was to sit there, subsist, and procreate if you're lucky. This goes all the way back to the dawn of civilization, we abandoned the free and exciting life of hunting and gathering in order to have a more sustainable existence and pump out short little retard babies (their nutrition was terrible) to do the same monotonous work until the end of time.

The inherent contradiction of it is that they want to have a revolution in the name of a value set that is entirely anti-revolution. Obviously they want this radical change due to sexual frustration that they hope it will cure, but in the "trad" model they would just be stuck with their lack of pussy.

Teenage Girl 22/06/27(Mon)19:25 No. 24848 ID: 17ce87


>Why do people think rock n roll is the only "genuine" form of music?

Dude, Cobain loved rap. He was a big mark for Public Enemy. He was into a lot more music than just rock/rap, too. He even helped a Japanese pop rock band get famous in America because he kept talking about their music.


>Pretty eerie how right he got it.

Agreed. Maybe he just saw the writing on the wall and bailed out when he could.


>These guys weren't really predicting the future like they were savants

True, but look at what else he said. He was spot on with a lot. I didn't post his words just to point out the state of music. He wasn't just talking about music. He was talking about losing something vital: bonding with your fellow man.


>This is what the tradfags miss, being in a balanced civilization is nothing but boring. Before the Age of Exploration you expected to die in the same place and occupation you were born into, and being virtuous meant doing it well and without complaint. The point of life wasn't having new experiences (that's a very modern notion), the point was to sit there, subsist, and procreate if you're lucky.

That's just it. They aren't tradfags because they actually give a shit about being trad. They are because they think living back then meant you didn't have to do anything you're expected to today. No job? No problem! You'll get some land from your local lord to till. No wife? No problem! You'll get some woman from a fellow serf. And so on, and so forth. Remember that the vast majority of them still live non-trad lives: they curse, they jack off to porn, they play with kids' toys like video games, etc.

>Obviously they want this radical change due to sexual frustration that they hope it will cure, but in the "trad" model they would just be stuck with their lack of pussy.

They don't get that the vast majority of pussy would still be under the control of wealthier, better off men. And then they'll spout shit about artficial wombs, which only those wealthier men could afford.

They like to think artificial wombs and sexbots are a gotcha against women, but women know only the rich will be able to afford those. Ain't no NEET gonna ever afford that shit.

If you ask me, I think they're closeted homos. Who else spends all this time obsessing over what "Chad" does with his cock?

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