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Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)01:02 No. 24955 ID: 9e84aa

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I've come to accept that the reason our country is bad and will only get worse is because the people themselves have no interest in making things better. How can one accomplish great things when most of the population is riddled with envy towards anyone slightly better than them? The smart and competent are hated because the only ego-acceptable narrative is that they're better through some sort of privilege. Even on the right you see this same type of narcissism but over things like height and breeding. How can you make great things when your country is filled with people who burn down cathedrals because they're larger and better looking than a poor man's house, and people who cripple athletes and mutilate the beautiful because they make the weak and ugly feel bad? We don't even have advanced classes in schools because they're seen as discriminatory against the less bright children: better to deny people opportunity than to hurt the feelings of others.

We deserve our fate.

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)02:09 No. 24956 ID: 838b0b

smartphones are the antichrist

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)07:02 No. 24958 ID: 0e8c7c

>We don't even have advanced classes in schools because they're seen as discriminatory against the less bright children: better to deny people opportunity than to hurt the feelings of others.

We deserve our fate.

Wrong. We offer advanced classes, but we don't offer technical skills.
Society thinks scholastic skills are automatic indicators of morality/empathy or survivalism.
Yet, I notice that the greatest criminals and dictators were well-read.
Also, it's not jealousy of others as much as it's performative indignation. People love drama.
It's not just the smart people that are hated. It's the mellow people that are more hated. The apolitical, the eternal observers.

Youth is not the source of idealism or indignation. It's adulthood. Especially since organizations are run by men over fort, and the biggest flaw of male nature is idealism, believe it or not, not lust.
Alot of our philosophy and religion are overseen by idle male elders that speculate their latest demigod fantasy.
They tell the youth to stop living for themselves and save the world, while the elders carouse about some pseudo-exotic themed restaurant with seafood for an umpteenth night.

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)07:02 No. 24959 ID: 0e8c7c

Motivationalism is

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)10:54 No. 24963 ID: 4cef8d


I just can't wait for Gen Z to come along and succeed despite the corona-recession and Milennials transfer wholesale all their emotional baggage to teenagers 1-2 decades younger than they are.

Teenage Girl 23/03/07(Tue)12:52 No. 25575 ID: 600af9


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