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Sailor Moon Banners Bruce Banner 18/02/26(Mon)21:18 No. 1352 Board: /banner/ ID: e6d4c6 [Reply]

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Hello i'm new here I don't see a request board so I was wondering somebody can please make this into a banner, also more Sailor Moon banners

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Bruce Banner 19/12/07(Sat)20:41 No. 1455 ID: 8635b7

not sure, could easily turn it into a boner, though.

Bruce Banner 20/03/11(Wed)10:56 No. 1465 ID: 08ae71

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Bruce Banner 20/05/23(Sat)16:27 No. 1475 ID: 54a106

That is ironically very good.

Invent/create to commune with God Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)16:26 No. 14198 Board: /phi/ ID: 5d874a [Reply]

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So recently, I have been replaying Wolfenstein: the New Order. Within the game, there is the ancient secret mystical society of Da'at Yichud.

It's regarding them I wanted to ask a question. Within the game, their practices are based on pure reason and are described as a way of understanding God through knowledge and natural law. They invent, create and discover as a method of communing with God.

I was wondering if there is any IRL religion/philosophy that's similar to that of the Da'at Yichud?

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Anonymous 20/05/01(Fri)17:27 No. 14476 ID: aef41d

>I'm not wrong!
>I'm a flat-earther
Pick one, retard.

Anonymous 22/01/17(Mon)00:00 No. 14887 ID: 182caf

This remembers me about Babel's tower.

Anonymous 22/01/17(Mon)00:00 No. 14888 ID: 182caf

This remembers me about Babel's tower.

Second post: Will it snort (and get me messed up) Anonymous 23/05/10(Wed)21:58 No. 14457 Board: /rx/ [Reply]

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This isn't gonna cut it is it?

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Anonymous 23/05/13(Sat)10:26 No. 14463

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Well ain't heard of K7 befoere. I mean know what K9 is, doubt he'd help you get high though. You trick like one of these IA programs into unwittingly tell you though I guess.
The main thing, thankfully your not dead

Anonymous 23/08/07(Mon)06:31 No. 14496

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Ahhhh I've OD'd a couple of time since, haven't won at life yet (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Anonymous 23/08/11(Fri)00:53 No. 14498

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Oh, good heavens, I'm well into middle age last weekend had to have special K breakfast plan for my tooth ache
same meat, different gravey

hang in there, anon it only gets worse
SPK works for tooth ache, feck do I need a dentist though

Shota video games thread Anonymous 17/11/27(Mon)01:44 No. 45491 Board: /sm/ ID: 910388 [Reply]

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Shota and shota-related video games. Recommendations, links, questions, answers, etc.

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Easy Exp? cpukid1 19/03/08(Fri)20:16 No. 50066 ID: 9f1cfc

is there anything akin to a trainer for this game so I can quickly level up my characters? I'm on hard mode, but I don't wanna keep grinding for hours for one level up.

/sm/ - Shotacon Anonymous 19/03/23(Sat)21:26 No. 50315 ID: e4bf96

help pls im stuck at the beginning of the second stratum

Anonymous 19/07/30(Tue)02:06 No. 51646 ID: 082d63

Anyone remembers The Trials of Innocent? http://dl.free.fr/getfile.pl?file=/zEAHjBY6
I always wondered if it was ever updated and where can I find it now...

May someone grant my wish please? Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/03/02(Thu)17:47 No. 21364 Board: /x/ [Reply]

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Pics mostly unrelated I just grabbed them from a image search
May someone please grant my wish or teach me how to have it granted and show me that magic is real and atheism+agnosticism is fake?

I’d like to play a game of soccer, volleyball or tennis against an attractive woman (at least 19 and no older then 27, a bmi of at least 18 and no more than 25, no glasses, etc) who’s my friend or girlfriend or wife (I’m single atm with basically no female friends) .
I want this 1v1 game to be a bet between me and her. Loser must wash the winners car in just a bikini and maybe some sandals (I currently have no car and no bikini obviously lol).

I’d prefer to win and get the wash but if you want to leave it up to chance then that’s fine too.
I’d like to play the game of volleyball as soon as possible and practicable.
If I had more money I could buy a car, nicer clothes, get some surgeries, etc to increase my chances.

Any ideas what to do?
Please no /adv/ice advice. I’d like miracles or advice on miracles not a Jordan Peterson lecture please.

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Wavegod 23/04/19(Wed)23:21 No. 21427

If you undergo my good health product, you'll never fall sick again and it works for animals and plants too.

Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/04/24(Mon)23:02 No. 21432

I’d love to but I don’t have enough money. May I have a free sample instead?

Tin Foil Enthusiast 23/05/18(Thu)13:58 No. 21443

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how about "NO"?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Unisystem) Anon!moNoTOnous 17/03/12(Sun)18:52 No. 119357 Board: /tg/ [Reply]

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When I first learned that there was actually a roleplaying game about this (The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness), I knew I had to get my hands on a copy of it. Then I realized two things that made the game unsuitable for what I wanted to do with it: first, it was the Palladium System, which I find awkward and cumbersome. Yet, what made me discard this was that ALL NPCS must be some kind of animals. A core element of every cartoon adaptation and all comic versions -starting with the original Mirage Comics- was the "everything and the kitchen sink" cast, featuring cyborgs, robots, aliens, mundane-but-extremely-badass humans, and so on.
So, I thought the Unisystem, using literally a single dice for all the throws that matter, and having an assload of supplementary material, would fit my needs. What I needed was Qualities and Drawbacks that I could use to generate characters that were:
>Any combination of the afforementioned

Two of the solutions came right from the All Flesh Must Be Eaten supplements. If you're unfamiliar with AFMBE's supplements, you shall know they're mostly "Zombies and Shit", in which you could easily remove the "Zombie" part and you'd have a solid book for "Shit: the RPG". For instance, if you take out the zombies from "Fistful O' Zombies" you still have a nice book for Wild West and spaghetti western campaigns, and if you take the walking dead out of "Argh! Thar Be Zombies!" you'd have a pirate RPG sourcebook, with rules for nautical combat and swashbuckling stuff.

So I took All Tomorrow's Zombies (Zombies in spaaaace!) and took the whole Robot/Cyborg shit, plus some futuristic weapons and armor for good measure, and moved on to the second most important book.

Enter The Zombie has all the martial arts/gun fu/chi techniques down to a science, so I took the whole thing, plus armor and weapons. Having the Ninja part taken care of, I needed to sort out the Turtle Part.

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Anonymous 17/03/14(Tue)00:36 No. 119438

>My posts where never really about 'one system is better' but letting everyone know it's super easy, in this day and age, to find out what books come along with a system and find out that they cover.

Point taken.

darth+sithicus 18/01/11(Thu)05:10 No. 131153

also, you mixed several rpgs just to get the combo you wanted instead of reviewing the possibilities in the existing sets. gurps has sooooo many suppliments, it will have what you want somewhere. original marvel series could do it. hell, there was a world of darkness suppliment call bygone bestiary that would have made mutant animals possible, and thus WoD a contender.

Anonymous 18/12/19(Wed)01:03 No. 131463

I too started with TMNT & Other Strangeness. The rules aren’t bad just poorly explained.

Apocalypse Entertainment Shambler 15/06/29(Mon)04:48 No. 5405 Board: /zom/ ID: 7f4e40 [Reply]

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Dear /zom/.

What would be your most favorite way to dispatch all those zombie bros walking around?

Mine would have to be stealing a Fire-truck and using the high pressure water hose to tear apart the zombies. Aside from gasoline being in high demand in the Apocalypse water would still be easily aquired from lakes, rivers, or a sea. Also the truck itself could be useful for a safe mass transport for people and/or supplies.

Shambler 15/06/30(Tue)23:32 No. 5406 ID: 2b0e06

>Mine would have to be stealing a Fire-truck and using the high pressure water hose to tear apart the zombies.
Amateur, get a fire-truck, fill the water-tank with gasoline I'll let you figure the rest....

Milking time odiscipline!!xlAmp4BJLj 18/03/18(Sun)20:22 No. 25458 Board: /elit/ ID: 3093c9 [Reply]

Hi all. Perverted writer here. Going to give this a try, as asstr seems to be permanently closed to new users, and most other sites will not take some of the subject matter I write about.

I hope you enjoy this story of mine and the ones that follow.

It was time to joipee. Claudius could feel his wee wee getting stiff – it always got stiff around this time, when mistress would come to help the young male slaves joipee.

They needed the help, because their hands were always chained behind them, so they couldn’t go joipee by themselves, and unlike regular peeing, they needed to be able to touch their wee wee’s to make it happen.

When mistress opened the gate, Claudius and the other young male slaves scrambled up to her on their knees, their pee pee’s raised in stiff tribute. Mistress beamed at them, and patted them each on the head in turn. Like dogs, they rolled onto their backs, legs spread, pee pee’s up.

Claudius hoped that mistress would pick him to joipee first. Hearing the moans and grunts of the other little males as she joipeed them made him anxious and frustrated, and he could hardly keep still from the anticipation.

To his dismay, she picked one of the smaller boys first. The boy scooted onto her lap, and spread his legs extra wide so she could fondle him easily.

She kissed the boy, not on his cheeks or face, but by slipping her tongue into his mouth. Claudius enjoyed it when she did this to him, and he enjoyed the sound it made when she did it to others. The boy was enjoying it too. Then she took his wee wee into her mouth, and sucked on it for about a minute. The boy’s eyes were clenched shut, as though he were in terrible pain, but he knew that in fact, he was feeling wonderful. He was about to joipee – his pee pee and balls feeling like it was full of hot pee, so anxious and ready to burst.
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Anonymous 18/06/25(Mon)07:35 No. 25660 ID: e08c08

Fuck that was hot thank you!

Anonymous 21/04/13(Tue)18:34 No. 14733 Board: /phi/ ID: d39890 [Reply]

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Something seems off to me about this.
It's basically saying abuse should be ignored, and that those that engage in accountability-based reasoning or deterrent reasoning are weak.
That doesn't make a lick of sense.
Sounds like the motto of a predator.

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Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:19 No. 14767 ID: 9f80eb

Jey Capstile

Anonymous 21/05/26(Wed)06:56 No. 14768 ID: 9679d6

This is just a quote from einstein. He surely doesn't mean it. People that take that too to heart create problems in people. Also yes it means you ignore obvious problems in the world to save yourself. It's unethical.

Anonymous 23/07/30(Sun)00:01 No. 15323 ID: 591030

These are the people whom allow promotion of violence/conflict as virtue

Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)00:39 No. 201519 Board: /s/ ID: cf8671 [Reply]

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Dou Niang Li Shi 抖娘-利世 Exorcist Set

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Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)03:04 No. 201533 ID: cf8671

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Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)03:05 No. 201534 ID: cf8671

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Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)03:08 No. 201535 ID: cf8671

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