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Using Meth like Adderall Anonymous 19/10/22(Tue)23:59 No. 13702

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Will I form a bad addiction by eating small amounts of meth daily to help with school. I can't really get an Adderall script right now and I need something to keep me focused. Is it too risky or does this seem like an alright plan?

Anonymous 19/10/23(Wed)00:35 No. 13703


Over time you will need more and more to get higher and higher.

Anonymous 19/10/23(Wed)08:37 No. 13705

It's fucking meth. You 100% will get addicted to it. No matter how smart or disciplined you think you are, you will get addicted.
You won't even realise it's happening.

methamphetamine addiction Snowman 19/10/29(Tue)11:20 No. 13706

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What is the best way to detox and survive I am like really addicted and with my schizoaffective and bipolar doesn't help. Most of these voices I hear and the treatment I seem to get from the people I meet cause me to crave the drug even more what can I do to end this anyone know? Without It I feel lifeless sick uninterested energyless and just overall unbalanced and heavy....

Anonymous 20/01/15(Wed)16:15 No. 13724

I don't know how heavily you were abusing it but it goes away after a couple weeks if you stop taking it, expect to sleep and eat a lot

Anonymous 20/01/16(Thu)16:42 No. 13726

they prescribe desoxyn for ADHD I read. my buddy in prison did meth for 15 years and quit ( he smokes weed though ) with little problems. you just got to find something to replace it. preferably healthy. like instead of method go for a swim or jog

Anonymous 20/04/05(Sun)10:40 No. 13740

I smoked weed to get oof meth. Yeah I would not even try it. Try modafinil

Anonymous 20/04/15(Wed)02:04 No. 13743

Do not do meth thinking you won't become addicted. You will.

druggie mcsanchez 20/04/17(Fri)05:20 No. 13757

meth is NOT heroin, it is NOT physically addicting, you will NOT have any withdrawals. It is mentally addictive, you have 100x more serotonin and dopamine flooding the brain (numbers are exaggerated/ made up) and you WILL get addicted to what is called "the ritual" aka things that define the ingestion and activities that are a part of the animal aka sitting around in a circle and passing the dick around, then the owner of said dick taking the residue laden pipe home for later. Other people WILL get addicted to porn, flat earth lectures, welding is a big one for metal heads, guitar even, meth enhances these activities far beyond the users sober capabilities leading to prolonged use, days, weeks, months on end chasing their passion to no end. The real devil of meth is the dealers/manufacturers, meth, like every other drug, starts with a weak alkaloid that is processed with a simple 2 part chemistry method of defatted pseudoephedrine strained into a non polar solvent, the evaporated into crystals (or something like that) where the defatting is usually done with Zippo lighter fluided and the straining/evaporating is done with Red Devil Lye (hence the deception) this is by no means safe or professional standard. There is a multitude of safer, cleaner, easier, cheaper methods but this is the street standard...BUT you are right about one thing, orally ingesting ANY drug is the safest and most effective way of administration, this does not discard the harsh side effects though, shitty teeth will most definitely be replaced by ulcers and heart disease. *Note to already once users, the come down sucks, almost as bad as heroin depending on who you talk to but there IS a LDA and there IS a relapse threshold... if you notice that you used more than you ever have before in the past and still feel "normal" aka not high and no come down, you have officially hit rock bottom and can part with the drug cleanly, cold turkey, no filler needed, your body/stomach, known in the medical field as the "second brain" because it has more nerves than your brain and body combined, has taken over for your survival, pain is no longer an impediment neither is social inhibition, meth psychosis is not funny 😆

Anonymous 20/05/05(Tue)07:45 No. 13779

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dont do it faggot, horrible idea, just drink a ton of energy drinks or pay someone to write papers for you (if youre really desperate.) meth is more addictive than adderall, because it stimulates your dopamine and serotonin receptors even in small amounts wheras adderall just makes you extremely focused, meth will cause you to want to take more and more and more impulsively, no matter how small of an amount you take at first you will end up with an addiction.

Anonymous 20/05/06(Wed)08:46 No. 13780

Does being horny really help you cope with your homework that fucking much?

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