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derp 24/02/12(Mon)15:52 No. 826487

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some girl i know recently flew to sweden and she went out with a guy that she doesnt like romantically and she had "horrible" sex with him as payment for cake, flowers and wine that ended up not being good.. why the airwolf do people do shit like this? why do they whore themselves out? i can't view her the same after this anymore, what does one do in this situation?

Marisa Kirisame 24/02/12(Mon)23:11 No. 826494

There's no reason for you to view her the same, and there's nothing for you to do in this situation.

Spider Expert 24/02/13(Tue)00:23 No. 826495

The reason people whore themselves out is primarily because they can. Which when broken down consists of:
1. They are sexually appealing
2. They can gain something based on apparent or actual access to their sexuality.

In other words it's a transaction. If you are asking specifically why she gave it away when she could have only teased - I suppose she's the honest kind and didn't feel right not to give anything of actuality in the exchange. Plenty of girls do exactly that with zero remorse. Life is short and she wondered what it'd be like. There's only so many choices any of us are going to make, there are only so many road we're going to travel. Are any of us really in a position to judge where another lost soul chooses to venture?

Some people chase money all their lives only to not get anything of real substance in return... You probably chase a bunch of stupid shit yourself. Don't judge the poor girl as if your judgement on what is worthwhile in life is so superior. I bet you are just as lost, just unwilling to own that shit. Cause if you did, you wouldn't judge her.

Also you were never in a real position to whore out so stfu

r000t 24/02/13(Tue)01:03 No. 826496

People behave this way because under capitalism womans bodies are turned into commodities and they are not seen as people, but, as objects. She's just fulfilling the role that she has been told she must fulfill in society. Being a cum dumpster for a man. It's called alienation. We all experience it to some degree.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/02/13(Tue)18:10 No. 826502

Ditto the last guy except take away the idea that they're the same as men. There's been no girls I can say that have agency.

OP 24/02/13(Tue)20:17 No. 826505

This fake moralfagging/pearl clutching about hoes being hoes is so tiresome. Hoes have hoed for as long as mankind has existed. You don't have to hop on some airwolfed up high horse or start hating on women as a species because of it.

>>826495 knows what's up, people do what they do because they can do it and they might get something out of it. Terrible sex aside, that chick got to go on a vacation to Sweden for free as payment for entertaining that random rich Swede. There's nothing to "do" in this situation OP, unless she's making you really uncomfortable with the discussion and/or you're salty that you weren't the one to fug her or something. In that case I guess stop hovering around her as much.

That's cause you're an autistic bastard.

herp 24/02/13(Tue)20:43 No. 826506

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Dont tell me who to hate, your not my mom.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/02/13(Tue)21:44 No. 826507

This is why I will probably remain a virgin for life honestly. I don't feel like laying with some random woman who had a body count of 10. I'm not saying men aren't the same either to whoever inb4s but men are bad too. Both are bad but I'm not playing

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/02/13(Tue)22:07 No. 826508

Parchment cement would used to be as a glue in around 1900s. When PVA glue entered the market the parchment cement merchants were driven out of business and the entire industry was more or less dead in around 3 years from that point onward. Back in the day that was literally overnight. That's why almost nobody nowadays has heard of parchment cement let alone use it. I still use it.

Liru Fanboy 24/02/13(Tue)23:08 No. 826510

Genuinely, what does your/your peers' obsessions on muh pure virgins stem from? Is it an insecurity thing? Is it more because you don't think you can measure up to other men's dicks, or like a fear of an imbalance in experience?

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/02/14(Wed)01:01 No. 826512

OP, you should listen to her tell crazy stories from her adventures abroad.

Then realize that she wasn't thinking about you, at all, the entire tiem.

Liru Fanboy 24/02/14(Wed)02:10 No. 826513

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In OP it looks like it's sex as payment for cake, flowers and wine that ended up not being good, and she had to fly to Sweden on her own dime! I hope that is not true...

OP 24/02/16(Fri)00:47 No. 826545

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easy OP they earned it
oh, if she had any male friends worth a dime, (>>826513
I'm lifting that from you) and listen to them about which man are streaks of piss. It would not of happened.
Thankfully this 7chan and we don't care.
please next dumb question

This could be the dumb question thread

poe 24/02/18(Sun)23:44 No. 826589

Here's a dumb question for you:

Do all autistic people date hoard like me? I bought a new phone sometime in September I think and I already have like 200 gigabytes on it. Just from scrolling and stuff.

h 24/02/20(Tue)18:48 No. 826623

No, they don't.

herp 24/02/22(Thu)02:02 No. 826649


>>826545, gosh I hope not.
At first I thought it said data hoard, that might of made sense

tee 24/02/23(Fri)02:50 No. 826677

Wait, that's how I read it too at first....

What does *date* hoarding entail, do you just go on a heavy cyberstalking binge and save a bunch of pictures from everyone you date?

Homicide 24/02/26(Mon)23:03 No. 826769

I meant data you faggots. Ok, so not everyone, ok cool. I am obsessed with data, so I just hoard everything noteworthy that I come across..

herp 24/02/27(Tue)02:19 No. 826779


jez keep you're knickers on

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