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Anonymous 22/07/16(Sat)20:31 No. 27636 ID: 04ad19

Looking for a story, dont know the site or the name.

Guy is attracted to young girls
He meets a witch and gives her a kiss in exchange for timestop powers, super sperm and a child friendly dick
He has sex with all the kids in a park or such
Each girl he had sex with, when able to become pregnant, is impregnated by him immediately despite it being years since the sex
He has sex with his daughter and grand-daughters, who were all convieced through timestop
The government catches him and locks him in some lab and his granddaughter/great grand daughter comes and saves him with her magic powers (because incest is magic)

Anonymous 22/08/09(Tue)17:33 No. 27643 ID: c945dd

So is asstr.org just dead now?

Anonymous 22/08/18(Thu)20:57 No. 27645 ID: 04ad19


No idea why site is down. Apparently the DNS was working so it was a server issue or such but IDK more.

theres a google group, alt.sex.stories.d, thats discussing a replacement though not many seema ctive on it. Apparently the ASSTR owner knew about it but might have forgot.

I have a mirror from a month or so before it went down, I'll package it and upload at some point.

Anonymous 22/09/22(Thu)00:23 No. 27673 ID: ffb8af

>storiesonline is cringe and costs money
>asstr is dead
There really should be a text-booru for elit.

Anonymous 22/10/17(Mon)11:46 No. 27702 ID: 082d63

Suggesting a plot for a story and searching stories with close enough plot.
Shota owns a teen slave.
As a present from a parent, boy gets to own his first slave. Its a meek girl couple years older.
At first he treats her as a playmate, but with time he starts to assert dominance, and not facing resistance do more and more cruel and humiliating things, eventually gaining interest is sex and indulging himself in it abundantly.

Anonymous 22/10/19(Wed)03:14 No. 27708 ID: 96243f

I am working on something similar to this. I will post the first chapter in a few days. Would you be ok with it taking place in a fantasy genre?

Anonymous 22/10/21(Fri)06:33 No. 27709 ID: be52c6

Its fine of course. But when i was trying to come up with activities that kids in classical fantasy can do in their "free time", I didnt made much.

Anonymous 22/10/28(Fri)08:43 No. 27713 ID: cf9192

There was a straight shota story I read long ago called Encounters with Rayne. Googled it to no avail.

Anonymous 22/12/01(Thu)02:47 No. 27731 ID: e1b759

I'm looking for a story where a couple of girls "enslave" their depressive classmate. It was posted over a couple of pastebins before it was purged, and I think it had a 5 or 6 instalments. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, pls render aid.

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