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Anonymous 13/07/05(Fri)05:44 No. 19325 ID: cc4e23

>Op here, there was an earthquake in my locale and everyone I knew is dead. I sit atop the sundered earth looking down at the flaming ruins of everything I used to love. Frankly; I just haven't been in the mood to write.

I cried laughing.

Anonymous 13/07/14(Sun)02:20 No. 19360 ID: 552547

OP here. Life is much better now. May get back into writing soon, but don't get your panties in a knot waiting.

Anonymous 13/07/14(Sun)04:00 No. 19363 ID: e00ca9

Good to hear that. Good luck with everything, man.

Anonymous 13/07/21(Sun)19:32 No. 19417 ID: 3d5fb2

damn op, i just want to read the rest of this story, dear god its kiling me

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