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Anonymous 13/09/07(Sat)01:08 No. 19653 ID: d61a4f

I've been thinking for a while that there's going to be some major revelation when OP finds outs what Sara is doing at her room... Chekhov's gun.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/09/07(Sat)02:13 No. 19655 ID: 61bc43

OP here. My city was nuked by terrorists. I sit in the ashen, radioactive ruins of my home, choking on my own blood as my hair falls out, and wonder where it all went wrong. Frankly, I just haven't been in the m- Ok, that joke's old now. My dad's heart is fine, by the way; turns out he had a pinched nerve that caused his arm to go numb and his chest to hurt.


And my work here is complete.


Sunday started out fairly innocent, but circumstances conspired against me. Sara showed up to the breakfast table in her usual nightshirt-and-panties ensemble. Today, they were plain white with an American flag across the butt ("all rise for the national anthem"). You can interpret that as a joke about farts or boners, I leave it up to you.

She insisted I peel a grapefruit for her, and since it was the last one we split it. As soon as breakfast was done, she asked what we were going to do today; she was definitely more chipper than usual.

"Did you finish all of your homework?"


I gave her the option of what to do, and she decided to spend the next hour kicking my butt at Mario Kart again. Then I picked Call of Duty and thoroughly owned her again and again until she discovered the noob tube, then it went 60/40 my favor.

My favor, that is, until she decided to steal a page from my playbook and cheat. She spotted me about to knife her from behind (dirty little screenwatcher) and suddenly leaned over to tickle me. It startled me enough that I jumped, and she quickly grabbed her controller and shot me through the head before I could recover.

"You little stinker!"

She stuck her tongue out at me and burst into a fit of giggling as I roared, dropping my controller, and began viciously mauling her with my fingertips. I repeated my maneuver from the day before, grabbing her by the ankles and holding her upside down. As before, her shirt flopped over her head and gave me a limited, but wondrous, view as she laughed and thrashed around to break free. I dropped her onto the couch before I got an erection and bent down to tickle her some more, but she donkey-kicked me in the chest with her bare feet and knocked me onto my ass on the other end of the couch. Then she was straddling my lap and viciously tickling me under the arms and ribs until I surrendered, out of breath.

"Whoo! I'm all sweaty now!"

"Yeah," she puffed, catching her breath too. "Me too."

"Why don't we take a break?"

She nodded and skipped off to her room, shutting the door, and I went into mine. I changed my shirt, then decided to look in my closet for a board game. I hadn't brought many with me to college, but I figured it'd be a good way to spend time with Sara and get her out of her shell. Besides, we both could use a break from nothing but movies and video games.

I didn't think she was old enough to play Risk, or have the attention span to stick with it (I was wrong on both counts; she later went through my meager collection of board games and wanted to try it, and surprised me by being a competent and bloodthirsty tactician. She never did beat me, but she came pretty close multiple times, but she never did catch on to Australia.), but maybe she'd be up for a game of Monopoly or Solar Quest. I decided to see if she were interested in either one.

I stepped out into the hall just as she did; evidently she was heading for the shower, because she was stark naked and froze with a blush on her face.

Once again, regardless of whether it was age appropriate, male instincts kicked in and I took the opportunity to get a good look at her. Her chest was still flat, with zero signs of development, and nipples like little pink mosquito bites. Glancing further down, she still had boy hips and... Dammit. I'll admit, I've never found a hairy crotch attractive, kind of gross even, but the sight of that smooth, pale white Cleft of Venus, bereft of even peach fuzz, was glorious. Which it should not have been, regardless of whether or not I found pubic hair aesthetically appealing, but... damn, it was a beautiful thing to see. There was a freckle just above her left lip I hadn't noticed the time I walked in on her in the bathroom.

Looking back up at her face, the moment stretched, getting even more awkward, and I decided to break the ice by invoking the 'turnabout is fair play' rule.

I pointed at her crotch and, in mock amazement, said, "Is that your vagina?!"

She blushed even brighter red, even her ears turning color, and nodded.

I grinned. "Ha! Now YOU know how it feels!"

Despite herself, she giggled and nodded in a way that conveyed she knew what I was referring to.

Then I decided to push turnabout all the way and do the exact same thing she did to me the second time she ran into me naked in the hallway.

"Can I touch it?"

There. Right there. That was it. That was the moment I took things too far. If you want one single, solitary instance that you can point at and say that was the tipping point, that had to be it. Everything up to that point had been innocent, or innocent enough anyway, regardless of my motives, but that... Whatever. You don't need to hear this right now. I'll just continue my story.

I didn't even know it was possible for a blush to go all the way from your face down your shoulders and upper chest, but damn. She half moved her hands to cover her crotch, then held them awkwardly at her thighs without hiding that beautiful cleft.

"I let you touch me when you asked." I made sure to keep my tone casual, trying to convey that it wouldn't hurt my feelings when she said no, that I was just teasing her.

She put her hands at her side and nodded, biting her lip.

Oh shit. I would never in a million years have expected her to let me touch her privates.

Sure, I can use the excuse that I was in shock, I wasn't thinking clearly, but it's so lame even I don't believe it. I knew exactly what I was doing.

I reached out and gently rubbed her outer labia with my index and middle fingers for a few seconds; she was soft as silk.

Then I immediately felt dirty and could feel my own face turning red. Pulling my hand away, I felt too awkward to say anything, but felt I had to say or do SOMETHING to salvage this, so I stuck my tongue out at her and turned to go into the living room. She leaped into the bathroom faster than I'd seen anyone move and slammed the door shut.

The entire time I heard the water running, I sat on the couch thinking that I'd just fucked up horribly and she was going to tell her brother (who I was quite certain would murder me on the spot and bury me in a shallow grave. Honestly, I'm not joking, I fully believed him capable of that.), or a teacher, or the fucking cops, and my entire life was ruined and I was going to prison where I could be raped by a nigger with a dick the size of a Coke can every night in my cell because everyone there would know I was a filthy fucking child molester and therefore fair game. My family would disown me and my mother would cry hysterically at the trial, wondering where she'd gone wrong in raising such a degenerate child. I'd fucked up, I'd fucked up big time and I knew it. My heart was pounding and it felt like I was going to die. I WANTED to die, just to save myself from everything I knew was coming.

The water shut off, and a minute later Sara emerged from the bathroom. I expected her to be wrapped in a towel to preserve her modesty, given that I'd just seen her naked and touched her crotch, but she came out just as naked as she'd gone in. As she caught my eye, she blushed again slightly, but grinned and stuck her tongue out at me. I stuck my tongue out back at her, and she went back into her room.

A few minutes later, she emerged in a t-shirt and cut-off shorts, and sat next to me on the couch.

"You wanna watch a movie?"

Oh thank you Jesus. My relief that she wasn't upset and that everything was cool was so overwhelming, I relaxed muscles I hadn't even realized had been tensed in guilty fear. Maybe I wasn't going to the special hell after all.

Pfft. Yeah, I don't believe it either.

Anonymous 13/09/07(Sat)06:12 No. 19656 ID: fe1b84

you, sir, are a producer of literary heroin

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/09/07(Sat)06:56 No. 19657 ID: 61bc43


But can you snort 44 words a minute?

Anonymous 13/09/07(Sat)07:40 No. 19658 ID: b57d77

I know I can and want to snort that much.>>19657

Anonymous 13/09/08(Sun)09:49 No. 19681 ID: 0f683d

This thread is almost a year old and still no coitus..

Not sure how I should feel about that. But at any rate I approve of this; as it has given me a plethora of boners.

Anonymous 13/09/10(Tue)14:29 No. 19690 ID: b2bbf6

I am always surprised to open my bookmark of this after a few months to find a few new parts, I think we are only at least three more updates before we get down to the hot and heavy.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/09/12(Thu)01:58 No. 19700 ID: 61bc43


It's getting there. It may be good a quick jerk if you just dive straight into the sex fantasy, but it doesn't make for a good story.

For a more immediate payoff, may I recommend:



Maybe, but I doubt it'll be that soon. I want this story to be "realistic", and that means taking a realistic pace with it rather than just diving right in.

I do think I'll be updating it more often, however. I'm feeling creative.

Anonymous 13/09/12(Thu)05:42 No. 19701 ID: 9e3123

Story is too good for this to matter to me.

Anonymous 13/09/12(Thu)23:53 No. 19704 ID: 1c7118

Creativity is such a great thing, isn't it? It's great for boners!

niggers and 11-year-olds !ItCASTLEsk 13/09/13(Fri)02:27 No. 19705 ID: fd2c20

Email me and we'll talk because I want to help you set up a page, but also because I'm selfish and want you to be my best friend and amuse me at my leisure with jokes and stories about fucking 11-year-olds.

"...raped by a nigger..."
>can't tell if racist or just saying what we all think
>as if I didn't laugh my ass off anyway

>"I sit in the ashen, radioactive ruins of my home, choking on my own blood as my hair falls out, and wonder where it all went wrong."
goddamn it man, I can't deal with this. You need to be a Cracked column- oh my god, you're Soren. You're Soren Bowie, and you moonlight as an erotic story author.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/09/14(Sat)01:14 No. 19710 ID: 61bc43


I don't write for Cracked. I've been published, but not for fiction.

Honestly, maybe I should apply for a job that involves writing.

!ItCASTLEsk 13/09/17(Tue)02:04 No. 19727 ID: fd2c20

Yes. You should.

Anonymous 13/09/17(Tue)07:57 No. 19728 ID: 1a6c89


AKA the alt.sex.stories text repository. If you have leet webdesign skills you can set up a webpage like http://www.asstr.org/~AnonyMPC/ , otherwise you can just toss the files into the FTP site.

Anonymous 13/09/22(Sun)02:02 No. 19748 ID: 8c5819

please op
more for my hungry cock

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