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Anonymous 13/10/12(Sat)22:30 No. 19907 ID: cdc13b

Thank you ... the slow build-up and long waits between update posts has been more than worth the waiting!

Thank you!

Anonymous 13/10/14(Mon)23:46 No. 19919 ID: 495bcd


Non-Anonymous 13/10/16(Wed)11:07 No. 19927 ID: b3e330

glad you're back and writing again. now that i think about it, you're probably what subconsciously influenced me to toss oddball behavior and pop counter culture references into my own attempts at eLit. still loving this, even as i realize it's been nearly seven goddamn years since you started it.

fucking A. i feel old again.

Anonymous 13/10/16(Wed)19:50 No. 19929 ID: 2f8ac4

A little over a year, Oct 06 2012.

Anonymous 13/10/17(Thu)23:45 No. 19943 ID: 409c6e

Are people who read Lord of the Rings the most famous fantasy novels of all time really well-read? Bit of a stretch, and who could possibly argue that Frodo is better than Bilbo?

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/10/18(Fri)06:45 No. 19946 ID: 61bc43


The overwhelming majority of people under the age of 40 are functionally illiterate and never read anything more complicated than Sports Illustrated. How many 11 year old girls read classic books like The Hobbit or Moby Dick, much less understand them?

Non-Anonymous 13/10/18(Fri)12:12 No. 19947 ID: b3e330

i quoted a two-hundred work paragraph from moby dick to my third grade english teacher. he was annoyed at my reading in class. he stopped interrupting my reading after that. earlier that year i checked the hobbit out of the library. got lost around smaug's demise, picked it back up in seventh grade. went to Florence D Titus elementary school. check the punch out record. we exist. prepubescent bibliophiles are rare. but we exist.

Non-Anonymous 13/10/18(Fri)12:13 No. 19948 ID: b3e330

ach. the formatting on the dates fucked me up. i thought it was euro format.

Anonymous 13/10/18(Fri)12:30 No. 19949 ID: ed3c73

Dear OP,

There are not enough words in the English language to accurately convey my enjoyment of your work. Thank you Sir.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/10/19(Sat)04:49 No. 19955 ID: 61bc43


I'm aware. I read Moby Dick (abridged version) when I was 3, and The Hobbit when I was 8.

Anonymous 13/10/20(Sun)12:12 No. 19961 ID: 5ab485

Please finish this! It's so well written and it's just starting to get really interesting.

Anonymous 13/10/20(Sun)22:18 No. 19965 ID: 19da45

I've been following this story for over a year now and now that it's about to end I feel that a part of me dying.
OP, I love you.

Anonymous 13/10/20(Sun)23:44 No. 19966 ID: c1b02f


the hell makes you think this story is ending?

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/10/21(Mon)05:51 No. 19968 ID: 61bc43


Yeah, what the hell makes you think it's ending?

This train has a looooot of track to ride before it derails!

Anonymous 13/10/21(Mon)06:56 No. 19969 ID: 129a86

I'm not sure what the plans are for the pace of this story at this time. I would like to see you keep the same slow pace that you have, just because they did some exploring over a weekend doesn't mean they should be seasoned professionals at this. The suspense makes the story a lot better.

Can't wait for more, thanks for the story!

not op 13/10/21(Mon)07:34 No. 19970 ID: 7d42f8


Anonymous 13/10/21(Mon)22:04 No. 19973 ID: 84fdc1


Anonymous 13/10/22(Tue)01:27 No. 19975 ID: ab28f9

don't be a dick

Anonymous 13/10/22(Tue)04:49 No. 19976 ID: 1c7118

Can I be a vagina...?

Anonymous 13/10/24(Thu)13:22 No. 19987 ID: a23450

>haven't pooped since we left, no TP

wat... poor girl

Anonymous 13/10/27(Sun)19:33 No. 20004 ID: cffd9f

Hey op, when will you post the next part? My f5 hurts.

Anonymous 13/10/28(Mon)03:39 No. 20006 ID: 3b4e79

>Also, I'm not going on
sabbatical until I finish the camping trip, for those who are curious.

Probably not for a while (aka anywhere between a month and half a year)

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