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Anonymous 13/12/08(Sun)03:54 No. 20422 ID: f3a002

I am in my happy place now, thanks op.

Anonymous 13/12/10(Tue)20:43 No. 20442 ID: 087961

This thread should stay on the first page. Bump.

Niggers tongue my anus 13/12/14(Sat)05:35 No. 20466 ID: fa2d5e

Bump.Hope you're in the mood to write soon, OP.

Anonymous 13/12/16(Mon)21:15 No. 20478 ID: c7ef77


Anonymous 13/12/20(Fri)05:41 No. 20495 ID: 26d89f


This guy is psychic. Except that it was a .45 revolver. But close enough.

Anonymous 13/12/20(Fri)11:18 No. 20497 ID: 2a2626

He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good

Anonymous 13/12/21(Sat)01:45 No. 20503 ID: 42136a

Come on

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/12/23(Mon)00:41 No. 20512 ID: 61bc43


Sorry. While wandering the apocalyptic wasteland (since I am now homeless), choking on ash and nuclear fallout, I fell on a dirty, rusty spoon, it cut me, and I recently found out it gave me AIDS. Frankly, I just haven't been in the mood to write.

Also, do you know how hard it is to get wifi after a nuclear war and a meteor impact?


Halloween night was interesting. Bill, once again, was locked in his room with his books, and since Sara wanted to go trick-or-treating, that naturally left me holding the bag.

So I took her trick-or-treating.

She wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood, so she dressed up in a red skirt, white blouse, and a red hoodie, sort of a modern version of the outfit. Her basket of "gifts for grandma" doubled for carrying her candy. She was worried her costume, which was just stuff from her closet, was too generic, but I assured her it was fine; she really did look cute in it.

I took her trick-or-treating in a couple well-lit, clean looking neighborhoods that had lots of other kids running around in costume, avoided a few that looked shady (particularly the one full of Mexicans with three cars parked on the street on blocks), then we circled back and cut through campus. She had a blast when we went through the cafeteria and she saw all the college students in costume, and the thousand year old lunch lady with the blue hair (she wasn't in costume, she always had blue hair) was just thrilled to see her and loaded her up with even more candy. I think she somehow thought Sara was my daughter, even though there's an eight year age difference between us.

Sara also insisted that I show her around campus, and she had fun seeing all my classrooms. She laughed at the stuffed bear in the hallway of the science building ("raaaarrr!") and chickened out when I dared her to poke the mummified alligator with empty eye sockets ("ew, gross!"). She insisted on drawing a flower on the chalkboard in Professor Monotone's classroom, and I wrote in KILROY WAS HERE and doodled a little face peeking over a wall on the chalk board.

Then we finally made it back to our apartment and insisted on checking all of her candy for anything suspicious; I looked it up, and there has never been a single documented case of someone giving kids candy that had poison, needles, or razor blades in them (except for one where the parents killed their kid and tried to use that as their alibi); it's all an urban myth. But, better safe than sorry, right? I set aside a few that may have been opened and were therefore suspect, and kept a few that I intended to eat myself; I think that's the real reason parents check their kid's candy.

Candy inspected, she then insisted that we watch The Wizard of Oz. She'd be staying up past her bedtime (not that was strictly enforced anyway), but whatever; it's Halloween, let the kid have some fun.

She pulled the hood up on her hoodie, then sat on my lap as I took my seat on the couch and she cross her legs indian-style. I put my arms around her and we munched on candy together as we watched the story of a girl who committed manslaughter with a house, stole her shoes, fled the rightful heir of said shoes, obeyed instructions from a con artist to break into the woman's house, and then brutally murdered her with a caustic substance, while Glenda the 'Good' Witch got away with engineering the whole sordid plot.

You'll never look at that movie the same way again now.

About the time where Dorothy oils the Tin Man (tin doesn't rust, so what the hell?), I casually rested one hand on Sara's bare thigh while she giggled at the screen. She didn't react.

When they got to the Emerald City, I just as casually slid my hand under her skirt and just barely brushing up against her panties. Still no reaction, as she giggled at the door man.

After they left to confront the witch, I gently began rubbing her through her panties. She didn't react for fifteen or twenty seconds, then she stiffened up. I stopped rubbing her crotch and moved my hand back to her thigh and stuck her legs out straight in front of her, effectively denying me access. Then she relaxed again and made faces at the flying monkeys, which were "so creepy" according to her.

Ok then. I guess maybe she was having second thoughts about doing anything 'naughty' now that we'd been back home for a while.

Right about the time they melted the witch, Bill's door opened with a thud and Sara nearly levitated out of my lap. If I hadn't still had my arms around her, she'd probably have jumped off of me in a panic. I covered her nervous reaction by pointing at the screen and laughing, and after a second of awkward 'what do I do', she laughed too. Bill wandered into the kitchen, deposited a plate in the sink, and shut himself back in his room, without even taking notice of us.

Ok. So that's what had her shutting me down then. Which makes sense; she didn't want her brother to know we'd done anything, even though I'd done my best to portray it as normal and no big deal. And, granted, Bill probably would have killed me on the spot if he'd seen me with my hand up Sara's skirt rubbing her through her panties, so I guess I could have been a little smarter about it.

Come to think of it, my heart was pounding now, thinking of how I could have been caught.

But I didn't want Sara to get more nervous about it than she was already, or to start having second thoughts about what we'd done already, partly because I kinda wanted to do it again and that wouldn't happen if she was uncooperative, and partly because she might feel guilty and tell someone about how I made her jerk me off and then I fondled her privates.

Geez, I was worrying again. Take it from me, once you start fondling children, you become a paranoid bundle of nerves, because your entire life is over the second you get caught and you know it.

But I played it cool. I gently squeezed her, giving her a hug, and whispered in her ear that "this is my favorite part" when Toto reveals the Wizard is a fraud. She just nodded and relaxed again, leaning back against me.

Yeah. This could work. I could make it work. But it was going to be hard. I had to keep myself in Sara's good graces AND I had to worry about getting caught it.

But it would so be worth it.

Or so I thought, at the time.

Anonymous 13/12/23(Mon)02:05 No. 20513 ID: 3756c5

Ominous. Hope this ends well. And pay little attention to those crying 'moar!'. Take your time, get it right. Stay cool OP.

Anonymous 13/12/23(Mon)10:12 No. 20514 ID: 4f83a9

He always ends these things ominously. Personally, I'm hoping the main character's kiddy-diddling results in events leading up to a nuclear and then meteorical holocaust, after which OP finally reveals this to be a work of nonfiction he is writing from a parallel dimension.

Anonymous 13/12/25(Wed)03:07 No. 20517 ID: 62cce3

It ain't only pedophiles that love these stories. I'm 19/F and I insert as the little girl.

I have issues.

Anonymous 13/12/25(Wed)04:16 No. 20518 ID: eda53a

are you trying to get laid

FapArtist 13/12/25(Wed)05:15 No. 20519 ID: 19e556

Seriously, unless you're over 200 lbs or ugly enough to make babies cry when you look at them, everybody reading this story wants you now. That goes double for me, though that could be holiday depression talking.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/12/25(Wed)22:05 No. 20520 ID: 61bc43


Post tits with timestamp if you want more loli.

Anonymous 13/12/26(Thu)00:02 No. 20521 ID: 5db490


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