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Anonymous 13/12/20(Fri)05:41 No. 20495 ID: 26d89f


This guy is psychic. Except that it was a .45 revolver. But close enough.

Anonymous 13/12/20(Fri)11:18 No. 20497 ID: 2a2626

He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good

Anonymous 13/12/21(Sat)01:45 No. 20503 ID: 42136a

Come on

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/12/23(Mon)00:41 No. 20512 ID: 61bc43


Sorry. While wandering the apocalyptic wasteland (since I am now homeless), choking on ash and nuclear fallout, I fell on a dirty, rusty spoon, it cut me, and I recently found out it gave me AIDS. Frankly, I just haven't been in the mood to write.

Also, do you know how hard it is to get wifi after a nuclear war and a meteor impact?


Halloween night was interesting. Bill, once again, was locked in his room with his books, and since Sara wanted to go trick-or-treating, that naturally left me holding the bag.

So I took her trick-or-treating.

She wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood, so she dressed up in a red skirt, white blouse, and a red hoodie, sort of a modern version of the outfit. Her basket of "gifts for grandma" doubled for carrying her candy. She was worried her costume, which was just stuff from her closet, was too generic, but I assured her it was fine; she really did look cute in it.

I took her trick-or-treating in a couple well-lit, clean looking neighborhoods that had lots of other kids running around in costume, avoided a few that looked shady (particularly the one full of Mexicans with three cars parked on the street on blocks), then we circled back and cut through campus. She had a blast when we went through the cafeteria and she saw all the college students in costume, and the thousand year old lunch lady with the blue hair (she wasn't in costume, she always had blue hair) was just thrilled to see her and loaded her up with even more candy. I think she somehow thought Sara was my daughter, even though there's an eight year age difference between us.

Sara also insisted that I show her around campus, and she had fun seeing all my classrooms. She laughed at the stuffed bear in the hallway of the science building ("raaaarrr!") and chickened out when I dared her to poke the mummified alligator with empty eye sockets ("ew, gross!"). She insisted on drawing a flower on the chalkboard in Professor Monotone's classroom, and I wrote in KILROY WAS HERE and doodled a little face peeking over a wall on the chalk board.

Then we finally made it back to our apartment and insisted on checking all of her candy for anything suspicious; I looked it up, and there has never been a single documented case of someone giving kids candy that had poison, needles, or razor blades in them (except for one where the parents killed their kid and tried to use that as their alibi); it's all an urban myth. But, better safe than sorry, right? I set aside a few that may have been opened and were therefore suspect, and kept a few that I intended to eat myself; I think that's the real reason parents check their kid's candy.

Candy inspected, she then insisted that we watch The Wizard of Oz. She'd be staying up past her bedtime (not that was strictly enforced anyway), but whatever; it's Halloween, let the kid have some fun.

She pulled the hood up on her hoodie, then sat on my lap as I took my seat on the couch and she cross her legs indian-style. I put my arms around her and we munched on candy together as we watched the story of a girl who committed manslaughter with a house, stole her shoes, fled the rightful heir of said shoes, obeyed instructions from a con artist to break into the woman's house, and then brutally murdered her with a caustic substance, while Glenda the 'Good' Witch got away with engineering the whole sordid plot.

You'll never look at that movie the same way again now.

About the time where Dorothy oils the Tin Man (tin doesn't rust, so what the hell?), I casually rested one hand on Sara's bare thigh while she giggled at the screen. She didn't react.

When they got to the Emerald City, I just as casually slid my hand under her skirt and just barely brushing up against her panties. Still no reaction, as she giggled at the door man.

After they left to confront the witch, I gently began rubbing her through her panties. She didn't react for fifteen or twenty seconds, then she stiffened up. I stopped rubbing her crotch and moved my hand back to her thigh and stuck her legs out straight in front of her, effectively denying me access. Then she relaxed again and made faces at the flying monkeys, which were "so creepy" according to her.

Ok then. I guess maybe she was having second thoughts about doing anything 'naughty' now that we'd been back home for a while.

Right about the time they melted the witch, Bill's door opened with a thud and Sara nearly levitated out of my lap. If I hadn't still had my arms around her, she'd probably have jumped off of me in a panic. I covered her nervous reaction by pointing at the screen and laughing, and after a second of awkward 'what do I do', she laughed too. Bill wandered into the kitchen, deposited a plate in the sink, and shut himself back in his room, without even taking notice of us.

Ok. So that's what had her shutting me down then. Which makes sense; she didn't want her brother to know we'd done anything, even though I'd done my best to portray it as normal and no big deal. And, granted, Bill probably would have killed me on the spot if he'd seen me with my hand up Sara's skirt rubbing her through her panties, so I guess I could have been a little smarter about it.

Come to think of it, my heart was pounding now, thinking of how I could have been caught.

But I didn't want Sara to get more nervous about it than she was already, or to start having second thoughts about what we'd done already, partly because I kinda wanted to do it again and that wouldn't happen if she was uncooperative, and partly because she might feel guilty and tell someone about how I made her jerk me off and then I fondled her privates.

Geez, I was worrying again. Take it from me, once you start fondling children, you become a paranoid bundle of nerves, because your entire life is over the second you get caught and you know it.

But I played it cool. I gently squeezed her, giving her a hug, and whispered in her ear that "this is my favorite part" when Toto reveals the Wizard is a fraud. She just nodded and relaxed again, leaning back against me.

Yeah. This could work. I could make it work. But it was going to be hard. I had to keep myself in Sara's good graces AND I had to worry about getting caught it.

But it would so be worth it.

Or so I thought, at the time.

Anonymous 13/12/23(Mon)02:05 No. 20513 ID: 3756c5

Ominous. Hope this ends well. And pay little attention to those crying 'moar!'. Take your time, get it right. Stay cool OP.

Anonymous 13/12/23(Mon)10:12 No. 20514 ID: 4f83a9

He always ends these things ominously. Personally, I'm hoping the main character's kiddy-diddling results in events leading up to a nuclear and then meteorical holocaust, after which OP finally reveals this to be a work of nonfiction he is writing from a parallel dimension.

Anonymous 13/12/25(Wed)03:07 No. 20517 ID: 62cce3

It ain't only pedophiles that love these stories. I'm 19/F and I insert as the little girl.

I have issues.

Anonymous 13/12/25(Wed)04:16 No. 20518 ID: eda53a

are you trying to get laid

FapArtist 13/12/25(Wed)05:15 No. 20519 ID: 19e556

Seriously, unless you're over 200 lbs or ugly enough to make babies cry when you look at them, everybody reading this story wants you now. That goes double for me, though that could be holiday depression talking.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/12/25(Wed)22:05 No. 20520 ID: 61bc43


Post tits with timestamp if you want more loli.

Anonymous 13/12/26(Thu)00:02 No. 20521 ID: 5db490


Anonymous 13/12/26(Thu)12:33 No. 20524 ID: 6f3e6b

I also have issues.

We should get together and talk about them over some sex.

loliOS 13/12/26(Thu)16:43 No. 20525 ID: 3ccb90


Thank you for this story. It has been added to my bookmarks and I'm currently being added to the F5-army even though I know better.

Will check back in a few months when I have remembered the code to the smut-vault in which this browser is residing...

Anonymous 13/12/26(Thu)22:49 No. 20529 ID: 62cce3


Are you really going to hang the story up over me?

Anonymous 13/12/26(Thu)23:02 No. 20530 ID: 62cce3

If so, then I was lying please continue ;_;

Anonymous 13/12/27(Fri)07:00 No. 20533 ID: 835513

OP would you please make a story about dirty fat middle age man and loli, just like those otohime arts you posted on cake? Either way, you're still my hero!

Anonymous 13/12/28(Sat)12:45 No. 20542 ID: c1b02f

Even though the wait is long, and the chapters short, i thoroughly enjoy this piece and am never disappointed. Keep up the good work OP

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/12/29(Sun)08:42 No. 20546 ID: 61bc43


I had an idea for a much shorter story kicking around; maybe I'll do it when Roommates is finished.

Anonymous 14/01/02(Thu)22:47 No. 20575 ID: 98cbb4


OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/01/03(Fri)08:02 No. 20581 ID: 61bc43


Shit, you summoned Cthulhu.

Fortunately for you, he just wanted more Roommates, so humanity lucked out.


Thanksgiving rolled around and I went home to visit my family for the first time since I'd gone off to college. It was weird, actually. When you're at home, you don't notice things changing because it's gradual and you're there the whole time. When you're gone for a few months and then return, things have progressed in your absence and it takes some getting used to.

I guess it's true what they say; you can never really go home again.

After Thanksgiving was over, my mom and grandmother insisted I take leftovers up to college with me so I could "have some good, home cooking instead of that cafeteria food". That's how I ended up with some turkey, mashed potatoes, half a pumpkin pie, and something made of sweet potatoes covered in slightly burnt marshmallows that I had never liked but was too polite to refuse when my grandmother insisted I take some.

After the long drive back up to college, I deposited my food in the fridge and tossed all my clean laundry (hey, I don't have to feed the washer and drier at home a bunch of quarters every time I use them) into my closet and flopped onto the couch. Going home had been good. It had seemed weird while I was there, but now that I was back in the apartment at school, this seemed weird after being at home for a couple of days. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Sara wandered into the living room somewhat listlessly, then immediately perked up and ran over with a grin to hug me when she saw I was back. I hugged her back and tousled her hair and asked how her Thanksgiving was.

"We had KFC," she said, somewhat bitterly. Bill's cooking skills apparently weren't up to a Thanksgiving dinner and he'd just gotten a bucket of chicken, some mashed potatoes, and a soft drink for each of them. He could have taken her to the school cafeteria, where they were serving a turkey dinner for students who couldn't be home for the holiday, but I didn't mention that. Maybe he didn't know, and I didn't want to make him look bad.

I consoled her by letting her nibble on some of the turkey I'd brought home, and then she devoured the sweet potato stuff, so I guess she liked it. Saved me the trouble of getting rid of it, too.

Not much else happened after that for a while. We watched more movies, played some video games and a board game or two, got in a few more tickle fights, but nothing you'd want to hear more about. Oh, and I passed my finals with flying colors, even Professor Monotone's class.

Finally, Christmas came. It didn't feel like Christmas. I remember when I was a kid and it slowly built up to Christmas every year. Now when Christmas comes it feels like, "already?!"

We got a whole month off for Christmas and New Year, so I packed my stuff and prepared to head home. Being as they had no family to return home to, Bill and Sara were staying at the apartment. I kinda felt sorry for her; it was her first Christmas without her parents, and she wouldn't be getting very many presents since, you know, no parents. So I got her two gifts.

The first I gave her the day I left for Christmas break. I'd cleared it with Bill beforehand, just in case he got mad about the gift; it was his name on the lease, after all.

Sara lit up when I told her I had a present for her and she could open it now. It was just a big cardboard box I'd found, cut the lid off of, and set over her present, so she lifted it up and then gaped at her present. Then she bounced up and down in excitement, hugged me around the waist, and thanked me over and over.

It was a five gallon aquarium with half a dozen brightly-colored fancy-tail guppies in it. All male, since they were the prettiest and I didn't think a self-sustaining population was the best idea since I didn't know how responsible she'd be for the little fish. They looked kinda like betas, but wouldn't fight each other and were about as hard to kill as gold fish, so they made excellent pets for kids.

Bill pointed out the fish food I'd also gotten her, the filter and how it worked, and a little booklet that described how to take care of guppies. She was ecstatic.

Then I handed her second gift (some hair clips, ribbons, and other jewelry and ornaments a girl would like. Nothing fancy or expensive, but hey. That aquarium wasn't cheap.) and told her she couldn't open it until Christmas morning. She grinned in anticipation and ran to stick it under the two foot tall Charlie Brown Christmas tree Bill had acquired (I call it that because it was so beat up and pathetic, not because it was a license product or anything.). She beamed at it for a moment, then seemed to crumple dramatically.

"I didn't get you anything."

I tousled her hair and laughed at her, telling I didn't expect her to get me anything and I only got her something because she was so special. Bill told her she had a whole month to find a present for me and that seemed to return her to bouncy and excitable mode. I said my goodbyes and made the long drive home.

Nothing notable about the trip home, except a minor fender-bender where some woman talking on her phone didn't check before changing lanes and clipped my bumper; we exchanged information and her insurance company covered the cosmetic damage, so it was all good.

The month at home for Christmas was good, but right about the time I'd finally gotten back into the swing of being home again, it was time to return to college for the spring semester. Once again, I said my goodbyes and made the long drive up to school.

I arrived at the apartment, immediately got tackle-hugged by Sara before I even got all the way into the door, and Bill made an appearance long enough to say 'hey' and help me carry some things up to the apartment. Then he vanished again and left his little sister bouncing up and down enthusiastically, telling me all about how awesome her fish were and she'd named them Dori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, and Hank. I asked why Hank, and she just shrugged and said he looked like a Hank before running into her room and running back, leaping over the back of the couch and landing on it with all the grace and speed of a gazelle on amphetamines. Where do kids get all that energy from? I admired her pale, shapely legs (though, disappointingly, she was in shorts and not a skirt or panties) and she stuck them out in front of her, propping her bare feet on the coffee table and dramatically thrusting the object in her hands at me.

A Christmas present. Ah.

I unwrapped it and discovered she'd gotten me a very nice sweater, forest green, with a zip-up tube collar. She seemed desperate to know if I liked it, and I assured her I did and put it on to prove it. It really was a nice sweater.

I still had a day or two before classes, which I'd already signed up for (the registrar wanted me to file a degree plan, but it wasn't required until my sophomore year and I still hadn't decided what I wanted to major in.), and I spent the time goofing off around the apartment. Bill, being Bill, was gone the entire time, apparently buying every textbook on the course list and pumping his professors for information on what the courses would be like before they even started. Personally, I'd learned from my first semester and decided not to buy any textbooks until after the class had started; that way I'd only buy the books we actually used instead of wasting money on a bunch of them and finding out we'd only be tested on one or two and the rest were basically superfluous. And I'm not making the mistake of paying $100 for a book I won't even use and selling it back for $20 again. If you ask me, the college textbook industry is basically organized crime and everyone involved should be shot.

So while Bill was off being the perfect student, I was just lazing about the apartment.

So it was, while I lay on my bed browsing web comics on my laptop, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

Sara peeked her head inside, then came in and looked around curiously. She'd only been in my room once or twice.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"Um... I need your help with something."

She was blushing. She always looked so cute when she did that.

"Sure. What sort of help?"

"Um... I think I have a bug bite or something. It's swollen and kinda sore, but not itchy or anything."

"Ok, c'mere and let me have a look at it," I said, as I set my laptop aside.

She stood next to my bed and raised her shirt up.


Her right nipple was swollen and puffy.

"Is it all right if I touch it?"

She nodded and I reached out and gently stroked it with a fingertip.

"Does that hurt?"

She shook her head.

I rubbed it a few more times with my thumb, then pressed down on it. She winced.

"Is that sore?"

"A little. It's not all itchy like a mosquito bite though."

I gently squeezed her nipple and the skin around it and discovered a small, but definite mass underneath it. Then I examined her left nipple; it wasn't puffy like the other one, but it was definitely more convex than it had been. I felt around that one and didn't find evidence of anything growing underneath it, but it was definitely following form of her other nipple.

It looked like Christmas had brought the gift of the onset of puberty to Sara.

"I think that's normal for a girl your age, Sara."

"It is?"

"Yup," I said, rubbing both her nipples. Strictly to make sure I wasn't misdiagnosing it, of course.

"Why's it doing that?"

"Well... it means your breasts are starting to grow."

"They are?!"

She was startled. She also seemed horrified, or at least unprepared for the revelation.

"Yup. Don't worry, it'll take a while, and you'll get used to it. It's perfectly normal for a girl your age. It just means you're growing up."

She still seemed taken aback at the news, but I decided to push my luck. It'd been months since I'd had any real fun with her, after all.

"Have you noticed any other changes elsewhere?"

"Like what?"

"Down here," I said, poking her pubic region through her jeans.

"I dunno. What kind of changes?"

"Well, why don't we have a look? Pull your pants down."

She fumbled with her button and zipper, then tugged her jeans down. After waiting for a few seconds, I dryly commented that she should probably pull her panties down too and she blushed, chuckling a little. She slid them down and I took the opportunity to examine her crotch from a few inches away.

Still pale and milky white, with that distinctive freckle on the lip and the tip of her clitoral hood peeking out. Not a single trace of peach fuzz anywhere. I gently caressed her labia with my fingertips, still marveling at how silky soft they were, and slightly squishy, like marshmallow. Then I parted her lips and looked in there for the second time; still that clean, moist pinkness, with just that arc of vestigial inner labia meeting to form her hood. I probed in there with my index finger, feeling along the inside of her slit, very gently pressing my fingertip against the opening to her holy-of-holies for a moment before using it to lift her hood and examine the tiny bump beneath it; I rubbed my fingertip in circles over it two or three times before she squirmed out of range, looking nervous.

"Is anything different down there?"

"Nope, everything looks the same."

"What would be different?"

"Mostly just some peach fuzz."

"Peach fuzz?" She wrinkled her nose and eyebrows, and her tone conveyed that I'd just said something ridiculous.

"A little bit of hair, like peach fuzz."

"Girls grow hair down there?"

"Sure do."

"So my privates will look all hairy like yours?"

I laughed and shook my head; I wasn't THAT hairy.

"No, most girls shave down there. Most girls shave their legs too. You aren't getting fuzzy legs, are you?"

She said she didn't, but I insisted on checking and she pulled her pants off entirely, panties around one ankle, so I could check. I examined them closely (mostly just staring at her crotch, honestly) and ran my hands up and down her legs; not a single trace of fuzz.

I guess while puberty was just barely starting to make her breasts bud, it hadn't kicked in anywhere else.

She sat on my bed, still with her jeans on the floor and panties around one ankle, and asked how long it would take for her breasts to grow, and how hairy she'd get (she found the concept disgusting) and how often she'd have to shave. I confessed to being unsure of the answers and explained that every girl was different, then described some of the changes I'd seen in my older sister (the one I mentioned showering with) for her.

I paused in the middle of our conversation to shift position and tried to adjust my pants so they were more comfortable.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, I'm... getting hard again."

"Oh. Really? I thought that only happened when it felt good."

I offered a half-hearted explanation that it could happen when you saw a pretty girl naked, but she seemed less than interested in the explanation.

"Can I see it again?"

It took all of my restraint not to tear my pants off then and there. I got my pants off, removing my bulging boxers, and finally freed my erection. The cool air in the room felt good on my junk.

"I can touch it, right?"

"Go ahead, kiddo."

She shifted her position on the bed, not noticing her panties sliding off her foot and onto the floor, and took me in her hand, feeling my erection up and down with fascination. I glanced at the clock and confirmed that Bill had only left for the book store twenty minutes ago; he'd be gone for hours, searching for all the right books, standing in line, etc.

After months of no erotic activity, it was go time. I lay back on my bed, propping myself up on my pillows, and reveled in the marvelous sensation of a little girl exploring my genitals. After a minute or two, she seemed to have exhausted the novelty of my crotch after seeing it for the first time in months and leaned away.

"Are you going to finish?"

"Do I have to?" she asked reluctantly.

I considered trying to guilt her into doing it by telling her how sore it'd make me, but I resisted the temptation.

"No, you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. It'd just be nice, that's all."

She thought about it for a long, agonizing moment, then shook her head.

"Nuh-uh. I don't want my brother coming home while we're doing it."

"Oh, right. 'cause it's a secret."

"Yeah. Secret."

"Ok. I understand," I said, a little disappointed, but not willing to push it any further.

"Why don't you get dressed then and we'll play some video games?"

She grinned and slid back into her panties, then ran into the living room holding her jeans above her head, shouting, "I get Princess Peach!"

Anonymous 14/01/03(Fri)08:14 No. 20582 ID: 763f61

God damn you are a massive cock tease!

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