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Anonymous 13/12/26(Thu)22:49 No. 20529 ID: 62cce3


Are you really going to hang the story up over me?

Anonymous 13/12/26(Thu)23:02 No. 20530 ID: 62cce3

If so, then I was lying please continue ;_;

Anonymous 13/12/27(Fri)07:00 No. 20533 ID: 835513

OP would you please make a story about dirty fat middle age man and loli, just like those otohime arts you posted on cake? Either way, you're still my hero!

Anonymous 13/12/28(Sat)12:45 No. 20542 ID: c1b02f

Even though the wait is long, and the chapters short, i thoroughly enjoy this piece and am never disappointed. Keep up the good work OP

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 13/12/29(Sun)08:42 No. 20546 ID: 61bc43


I had an idea for a much shorter story kicking around; maybe I'll do it when Roommates is finished.

Anonymous 14/01/02(Thu)22:47 No. 20575 ID: 98cbb4


OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/01/03(Fri)08:02 No. 20581 ID: 61bc43


Shit, you summoned Cthulhu.

Fortunately for you, he just wanted more Roommates, so humanity lucked out.


Thanksgiving rolled around and I went home to visit my family for the first time since I'd gone off to college. It was weird, actually. When you're at home, you don't notice things changing because it's gradual and you're there the whole time. When you're gone for a few months and then return, things have progressed in your absence and it takes some getting used to.

I guess it's true what they say; you can never really go home again.

After Thanksgiving was over, my mom and grandmother insisted I take leftovers up to college with me so I could "have some good, home cooking instead of that cafeteria food". That's how I ended up with some turkey, mashed potatoes, half a pumpkin pie, and something made of sweet potatoes covered in slightly burnt marshmallows that I had never liked but was too polite to refuse when my grandmother insisted I take some.

After the long drive back up to college, I deposited my food in the fridge and tossed all my clean laundry (hey, I don't have to feed the washer and drier at home a bunch of quarters every time I use them) into my closet and flopped onto the couch. Going home had been good. It had seemed weird while I was there, but now that I was back in the apartment at school, this seemed weird after being at home for a couple of days. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Sara wandered into the living room somewhat listlessly, then immediately perked up and ran over with a grin to hug me when she saw I was back. I hugged her back and tousled her hair and asked how her Thanksgiving was.

"We had KFC," she said, somewhat bitterly. Bill's cooking skills apparently weren't up to a Thanksgiving dinner and he'd just gotten a bucket of chicken, some mashed potatoes, and a soft drink for each of them. He could have taken her to the school cafeteria, where they were serving a turkey dinner for students who couldn't be home for the holiday, but I didn't mention that. Maybe he didn't know, and I didn't want to make him look bad.

I consoled her by letting her nibble on some of the turkey I'd brought home, and then she devoured the sweet potato stuff, so I guess she liked it. Saved me the trouble of getting rid of it, too.

Not much else happened after that for a while. We watched more movies, played some video games and a board game or two, got in a few more tickle fights, but nothing you'd want to hear more about. Oh, and I passed my finals with flying colors, even Professor Monotone's class.

Finally, Christmas came. It didn't feel like Christmas. I remember when I was a kid and it slowly built up to Christmas every year. Now when Christmas comes it feels like, "already?!"

We got a whole month off for Christmas and New Year, so I packed my stuff and prepared to head home. Being as they had no family to return home to, Bill and Sara were staying at the apartment. I kinda felt sorry for her; it was her first Christmas without her parents, and she wouldn't be getting very many presents since, you know, no parents. So I got her two gifts.

The first I gave her the day I left for Christmas break. I'd cleared it with Bill beforehand, just in case he got mad about the gift; it was his name on the lease, after all.

Sara lit up when I told her I had a present for her and she could open it now. It was just a big cardboard box I'd found, cut the lid off of, and set over her present, so she lifted it up and then gaped at her present. Then she bounced up and down in excitement, hugged me around the waist, and thanked me over and over.

It was a five gallon aquarium with half a dozen brightly-colored fancy-tail guppies in it. All male, since they were the prettiest and I didn't think a self-sustaining population was the best idea since I didn't know how responsible she'd be for the little fish. They looked kinda like betas, but wouldn't fight each other and were about as hard to kill as gold fish, so they made excellent pets for kids.

Bill pointed out the fish food I'd also gotten her, the filter and how it worked, and a little booklet that described how to take care of guppies. She was ecstatic.

Then I handed her second gift (some hair clips, ribbons, and other jewelry and ornaments a girl would like. Nothing fancy or expensive, but hey. That aquarium wasn't cheap.) and told her she couldn't open it until Christmas morning. She grinned in anticipation and ran to stick it under the two foot tall Charlie Brown Christmas tree Bill had acquired (I call it that because it was so beat up and pathetic, not because it was a license product or anything.). She beamed at it for a moment, then seemed to crumple dramatically.

"I didn't get you anything."

I tousled her hair and laughed at her, telling I didn't expect her to get me anything and I only got her something because she was so special. Bill told her she had a whole month to find a present for me and that seemed to return her to bouncy and excitable mode. I said my goodbyes and made the long drive home.

Nothing notable about the trip home, except a minor fender-bender where some woman talking on her phone didn't check before changing lanes and clipped my bumper; we exchanged information and her insurance company covered the cosmetic damage, so it was all good.

The month at home for Christmas was good, but right about the time I'd finally gotten back into the swing of being home again, it was time to return to college for the spring semester. Once again, I said my goodbyes and made the long drive up to school.

I arrived at the apartment, immediately got tackle-hugged by Sara before I even got all the way into the door, and Bill made an appearance long enough to say 'hey' and help me carry some things up to the apartment. Then he vanished again and left his little sister bouncing up and down enthusiastically, telling me all about how awesome her fish were and she'd named them Dori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, and Hank. I asked why Hank, and she just shrugged and said he looked like a Hank before running into her room and running back, leaping over the back of the couch and landing on it with all the grace and speed of a gazelle on amphetamines. Where do kids get all that energy from? I admired her pale, shapely legs (though, disappointingly, she was in shorts and not a skirt or panties) and she stuck them out in front of her, propping her bare feet on the coffee table and dramatically thrusting the object in her hands at me.

A Christmas present. Ah.

I unwrapped it and discovered she'd gotten me a very nice sweater, forest green, with a zip-up tube collar. She seemed desperate to know if I liked it, and I assured her I did and put it on to prove it. It really was a nice sweater.

I still had a day or two before classes, which I'd already signed up for (the registrar wanted me to file a degree plan, but it wasn't required until my sophomore year and I still hadn't decided what I wanted to major in.), and I spent the time goofing off around the apartment. Bill, being Bill, was gone the entire time, apparently buying every textbook on the course list and pumping his professors for information on what the courses would be like before they even started. Personally, I'd learned from my first semester and decided not to buy any textbooks until after the class had started; that way I'd only buy the books we actually used instead of wasting money on a bunch of them and finding out we'd only be tested on one or two and the rest were basically superfluous. And I'm not making the mistake of paying $100 for a book I won't even use and selling it back for $20 again. If you ask me, the college textbook industry is basically organized crime and everyone involved should be shot.

So while Bill was off being the perfect student, I was just lazing about the apartment.

So it was, while I lay on my bed browsing web comics on my laptop, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

Sara peeked her head inside, then came in and looked around curiously. She'd only been in my room once or twice.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"Um... I need your help with something."

She was blushing. She always looked so cute when she did that.

"Sure. What sort of help?"

"Um... I think I have a bug bite or something. It's swollen and kinda sore, but not itchy or anything."

"Ok, c'mere and let me have a look at it," I said, as I set my laptop aside.

She stood next to my bed and raised her shirt up.


Her right nipple was swollen and puffy.

"Is it all right if I touch it?"

She nodded and I reached out and gently stroked it with a fingertip.

"Does that hurt?"

She shook her head.

I rubbed it a few more times with my thumb, then pressed down on it. She winced.

"Is that sore?"

"A little. It's not all itchy like a mosquito bite though."

I gently squeezed her nipple and the skin around it and discovered a small, but definite mass underneath it. Then I examined her left nipple; it wasn't puffy like the other one, but it was definitely more convex than it had been. I felt around that one and didn't find evidence of anything growing underneath it, but it was definitely following form of her other nipple.

It looked like Christmas had brought the gift of the onset of puberty to Sara.

"I think that's normal for a girl your age, Sara."

"It is?"

"Yup," I said, rubbing both her nipples. Strictly to make sure I wasn't misdiagnosing it, of course.

"Why's it doing that?"

"Well... it means your breasts are starting to grow."

"They are?!"

She was startled. She also seemed horrified, or at least unprepared for the revelation.

"Yup. Don't worry, it'll take a while, and you'll get used to it. It's perfectly normal for a girl your age. It just means you're growing up."

She still seemed taken aback at the news, but I decided to push my luck. It'd been months since I'd had any real fun with her, after all.

"Have you noticed any other changes elsewhere?"

"Like what?"

"Down here," I said, poking her pubic region through her jeans.

"I dunno. What kind of changes?"

"Well, why don't we have a look? Pull your pants down."

She fumbled with her button and zipper, then tugged her jeans down. After waiting for a few seconds, I dryly commented that she should probably pull her panties down too and she blushed, chuckling a little. She slid them down and I took the opportunity to examine her crotch from a few inches away.

Still pale and milky white, with that distinctive freckle on the lip and the tip of her clitoral hood peeking out. Not a single trace of peach fuzz anywhere. I gently caressed her labia with my fingertips, still marveling at how silky soft they were, and slightly squishy, like marshmallow. Then I parted her lips and looked in there for the second time; still that clean, moist pinkness, with just that arc of vestigial inner labia meeting to form her hood. I probed in there with my index finger, feeling along the inside of her slit, very gently pressing my fingertip against the opening to her holy-of-holies for a moment before using it to lift her hood and examine the tiny bump beneath it; I rubbed my fingertip in circles over it two or three times before she squirmed out of range, looking nervous.

"Is anything different down there?"

"Nope, everything looks the same."

"What would be different?"

"Mostly just some peach fuzz."

"Peach fuzz?" She wrinkled her nose and eyebrows, and her tone conveyed that I'd just said something ridiculous.

"A little bit of hair, like peach fuzz."

"Girls grow hair down there?"

"Sure do."

"So my privates will look all hairy like yours?"

I laughed and shook my head; I wasn't THAT hairy.

"No, most girls shave down there. Most girls shave their legs too. You aren't getting fuzzy legs, are you?"

She said she didn't, but I insisted on checking and she pulled her pants off entirely, panties around one ankle, so I could check. I examined them closely (mostly just staring at her crotch, honestly) and ran my hands up and down her legs; not a single trace of fuzz.

I guess while puberty was just barely starting to make her breasts bud, it hadn't kicked in anywhere else.

She sat on my bed, still with her jeans on the floor and panties around one ankle, and asked how long it would take for her breasts to grow, and how hairy she'd get (she found the concept disgusting) and how often she'd have to shave. I confessed to being unsure of the answers and explained that every girl was different, then described some of the changes I'd seen in my older sister (the one I mentioned showering with) for her.

I paused in the middle of our conversation to shift position and tried to adjust my pants so they were more comfortable.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, I'm... getting hard again."

"Oh. Really? I thought that only happened when it felt good."

I offered a half-hearted explanation that it could happen when you saw a pretty girl naked, but she seemed less than interested in the explanation.

"Can I see it again?"

It took all of my restraint not to tear my pants off then and there. I got my pants off, removing my bulging boxers, and finally freed my erection. The cool air in the room felt good on my junk.

"I can touch it, right?"

"Go ahead, kiddo."

She shifted her position on the bed, not noticing her panties sliding off her foot and onto the floor, and took me in her hand, feeling my erection up and down with fascination. I glanced at the clock and confirmed that Bill had only left for the book store twenty minutes ago; he'd be gone for hours, searching for all the right books, standing in line, etc.

After months of no erotic activity, it was go time. I lay back on my bed, propping myself up on my pillows, and reveled in the marvelous sensation of a little girl exploring my genitals. After a minute or two, she seemed to have exhausted the novelty of my crotch after seeing it for the first time in months and leaned away.

"Are you going to finish?"

"Do I have to?" she asked reluctantly.

I considered trying to guilt her into doing it by telling her how sore it'd make me, but I resisted the temptation.

"No, you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. It'd just be nice, that's all."

She thought about it for a long, agonizing moment, then shook her head.

"Nuh-uh. I don't want my brother coming home while we're doing it."

"Oh, right. 'cause it's a secret."

"Yeah. Secret."

"Ok. I understand," I said, a little disappointed, but not willing to push it any further.

"Why don't you get dressed then and we'll play some video games?"

She grinned and slid back into her panties, then ran into the living room holding her jeans above her head, shouting, "I get Princess Peach!"

Anonymous 14/01/03(Fri)08:14 No. 20582 ID: 763f61

God damn you are a massive cock tease!

Anonymous 14/01/03(Fri)13:34 No. 20585 ID: cd59d4

On the one hand, I believe OP enjoys the tease and buildup.

On the other hand, it makes for a fantastic fucking story.

Keep doing what you're doing, at your own pace, and don't change a goddamn thing. This is easily one of the best stories on /elit/

Anonymous 14/01/03(Fri)17:53 No. 20587 ID: 98cbb4

Huh, I didn't think my summoning would have worked.

Well, I am assuming it is a one-time sort of thing.
Keep up, OP.

Anonymous 14/01/03(Fri)18:41 No. 20588 ID: 054fb4

Author gets malaria and dies.

Anonymous 14/01/04(Sat)08:44 No. 20591 ID: a76841

When your on a secluded island for the holidays (and then some) you miss a lot...

Cthulu has taste, does he not?

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/01/05(Sun)05:19 No. 20598 ID: 61bc43


I'm curious to know more about the situation, if you feel like describing it.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/01/07(Tue)07:08 No. 20613 ID: 61bc43

The Yellowstone supervolcano has erupted. The radioactive fallout from the nuclear war was finally settling down out of the atmosphere, and the permanent cloud layer from the meteor impact was thinning somewhat, letting sunlight through for the first time in weeks, and now this shit. Fuck my life. As I choke on the sulfurous fumes and wade through the waist-deep ash seeking shelter from the nuclear winter enveloping the earth, I realize that an African has stolen my bicycle and smoked my AIDS medication in an attempt to get high.

Fuck my life.

Of course, my misfortune is your gain; the best artists are the ones who suffered, right?


This semester was going to be great. I had three classes on Mon-Wed-Fri scattered throughout the whole day, but Tues-Thur I only had one class, and it was first thing in the morning. Once it was over, the rest of my day was free.

Better still, one of my M-W-F courses was actually a PE course, alternating jogging and gym exercise. I was still worried about the infamous Freshman Fifteen and wanted to gain some muscle to attract girls.

I'm not entirely sure why I was still worried about attracting college girls then; I really was only concerned with one girl at the time, and she was far from college age. After a while I just stopped caring about girls my own age; I wonder when it actually happened. I also often wonder how my life might have turned out differently if I'd actually gotten a girlfriend my own age. I'd like to think for the better.

Regardless, I had set myself up with an easy workload for the semester, and had two days where I only had a morning class; the best part was that Bill, being Bill, not only had three courses M-W-F, same as me, he also had three courses T-Th, meaning he'd be out of the apartment all day. And since two of them were afternoon classes (3:00 and 5:00), that meant I was guaranteed some time alone with Sara twice a week, something that made me far giddier with anticipation than was strictly appropriate.

It wasn't until several weeks into the semester, however, that anything happened.

It was a Tuesday. I admired Sara's bare legs and panties (pale pink with a red ribbon on the front) at breakfast, headed out for my only class of the day, and after returning from class I had immediately stripped down to a t-shirt and boxers and sat on the couch with a bowl of cereal to play the latest Call of Duty game. Playing through the campaign took up most of the day, and by the time I beat it, I heard Sara coming into the apartment with her key. She tossed her backpack to the floor, greeted me with a hug as I put away my plate from lunch, then skipped off to her room and shut the door. I glanced at the clock and decided it was time for my workout; I still wasn't seeing much gain from the exercise, but since I'd started my PE class I'd noticed that my workout was less tiring, so I guess I was making some progress. I went into my room and shut the door, then started stretching out.

Right as I had finished my stretches and gotten onto the floor for pushups, there was a gentle knock on my door.

"Come in!"

Sara peeked through the door, spotted me face-down on the floor, and came in, staring at me quizzically.

"What are you doing?"

"Working out."

"Can I watch?"

"Sure," I said, not really seeing the appeal of watching someone exercise, but not opposed to spending time with her. She sat on the edge of my bed and watched intently as I did pushups, situps, bicycle kicks, and then a couple chin ups on the bar I'd set in my closet door.

By the time I finished, I'd worked up a sweat, and, casually, stripped off my t-shirt and boxes and grabbed a towel as if I were on my way to the shower. Then I stopped next to Sara, still sitting on the edge of my bed, as if I'd just remembered she was there. My crotch was roughly at the same level as her face, and it was clearly distracting her as she kept glancing at it, then to my face, then back to my crotch.

"So what's up, kiddo? Did you need something?"

She shrugged, then responded, "Nah, I just wanted to see what you were doing." Then she turned her full attention to my crotch.

"Your penis gets hard when it feels good, right?"

"Sure does," I responded, liking where this conversation was going.

"A couple weeks ago, I think you said it got hard if you saw a pretty girl naked, right?"

I confirmed that this was true.

She nervously brushed her hair out of her face (she kept doing that; maybe she needed a haircut?) and met my eyes, then asked, as if she was afraid of the answer, "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"You're very pretty," I assured her.

She blushed shyly, then hesitantly smiled.


"Really. I think you're a very pretty girl."

"So... if I was naked, your penis would get hard then?"

I grinned and replied, "Why don't you take your clothes off and we'll find out?"

She giggled and immediately slid her skirt off onto the floor, and I reached out and tickled her. She shrieked and laughed as I continued tickling her, then yanked her shirt off over her head and tossed her onto the bed to resume tickling her. After a while, I pressed my lips to her belly button and blew, making an enormous fart noise, and she shrieked hysterical laughter and tried to wiggle out of my grasp. Finally, I relented and she gasped for breath, grinning up at the ceiling.

I admired her bare chest and noticed that while the right nipple, still puffy and swollen, didn't seem to have changed, her left one was definitely puffier than last time I saw her topless, though not as much as her right nipple. After a while, she raised her head to look at my penis and said, disappointingly, "It's not hard."

"You're not naked yet," I said, grinning. She still had those cute pink panties on. She mouthed an "oh" and quickly slid her panties off and tossed them onto the floor, then lay back on the bed, legs straight out and arms stiff at her side.

I admired her face, which really was pretty, framed by her long, light brown hair that verged on blonde here and there, her flashing blue eyes, her perfect pink lips, the freckles scattered across her face like a dusting of pale tan sand on a white beach. I followed the graceful curve of her neck to the flat, milky white plain of her chest, interrupted only by the two warm, pink mounds budding on it. From there, I followed her smooth, flat belly down to the cleft of Venus, her thin, shapely legs, and down to her perfectly formed feet, toes pointed downward toward me. She looked like a painting by a Renaissance master; the sight practically left me breathless and my heart wasn't pounding, but racing.

"Spread your legs apart," I asked, and she immediately complied, giving me a better view of her smooth, pale slit, graced with the dark freckle on one side and just the tip of her hood peeking out from between her lips. Everything I'd ever been taught told me that this was wrong, immoral, forbidden, but something this beautiful, this awe inspiring, couldn't be wrong.

She raised her head to get a better look at my nether regions, and grinned when she saw my rapidly growing erection.

"You really think I'm pretty?"

"Yes. I really think you're pretty."

She sat up, tucked her legs under herself, and placed her hands in her bare lap.

"I can touch it, right?"

"Of course!" Did she even need to ask?

She immediately took my shaft in her hand and felt it up and down, rather than stroking.

"It gets really uncomfortable if you don't finish, right?"

"That's right."

She cupped my balls in her other hand and peered at them closely, then met my eyes again.

"You get sore right here?"

"Sure do."

"What's it feel like?"

Oh boy.

"Well... It's hard to explain to a girl. But they get really sore, and if a girl doesn't help you finish, it takes days to feel better."

She released my genitals and put her hands in her lap, seeming contemplative for a long moment. Before I could ask her what was wrong, she looked up at me again and I swear it looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I got your penis hard the other day and I didn't help you finish. I'm sorry. I was scared Bill would come home and I didn't want him to know, so I didn't, and..."

"It's ok, sweetie. I understand. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"But it hurt, right?"

Only my ego.

"A little. But it went away after a while."

She sniffed, then took my shaft in her hand again and began stroking.

"Well today I'm not gonna let you feel bad, ok?"

Fine with me.

I enjoyed the pleasurable sensation of her little hand wrapped around my shaft and jerking at a steady pace for about a full minute, then I decided that if I was going to hell, I was getting reservations at the hottest table. It was time to see how eager she was to learn.

"Hey, kiddo? You want to try something new?"

"What's that?"

"Something that'll really make me feel good. Even better than this."


"Do you know what a blowjob is?"

She let go of my dick and brushed her hair back, looking at me innocently as she shook her head.

"Nuh-uh. I heard some boys from class talking about it, but I don't know what it is."

"It's... kind of like a special kiss. Girls give it to boys they really like, and it feels really good, even better than what you're doing right now."

She brushed her hair back again and leaned back, resting her weight on her elbows and giving me another wonderful look at her naked body.

"How's it work?"

"Well, basically you put my penis in your mouth."


"It's not gross!"

"You pee from there!"

"Well, not right now!"

She giggled at that, then shook her head in disbelief.

"No way! That's weird!"

"It's not weird."

"Girls really do that?"

"Only if they really like the boy."

She suddenly got a serious look on her face and sat up again.

"Do girls really do that? Put boys... things in their mouths?"

"Of course they do. Here, I'll prove it."

I picked up my laptop, googled 'blowjob', then brought up a couple of pictures. She stared in fascination.

"That is so gross. Why do they do that?"

"Because they like the boy they're doing it to, and want him to feel really good."

She closed my laptop, a look of consideration on her face.

"Do you want to try it?"

She wrinkled her face in displeasure and asked, "What's it taste like?"

"I have no idea," I replied honestly. "It can't taste too bad since girls do it all the time."

Yes, I was subtly pressuring her into sucking my dick, and no, her simple and innocent 11 year old mind didn't suspect that. I am definitely going to the special hell for taking advantage of her.

She held one finger to her chin and twisted to one side in a gesture of nervousness or embarrassment, staring at my penis and making an odd noise in the back of her throat.

"Tell you what, if you're too scared to try it, why don't we do something easier?"


"Kiss it."

"Kiss it?!"

"Yeah. Just kiss the head."

"Nn-nn." She shook her head and blushed.


"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"


"Bawk, bawk-bawk-bawk!"

She slapped me on the thigh and grinned.

"Cut it out!"

"Only if you kiss it, sissy!"

"Do I have to?"

"No, you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. But you'll still be a sissy." Then I clucked at her some more.

She grabbed my penis, squeezing more than was really comfortable, closed her eyes, puckered up her lips, and darted her head in, barely brushing the tip of my penis with her lips.

"There! I did it! Now stop calling me chicken!"

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm just teasing, you know that, right?"

She nodded absentmindedly and touched her lips with her fingertips, as if expecting them to feel different.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"

She shook her head.

"Now, you wanna try it for real?"

She gave a comical expression of disgust, shook her head wildly so her hair flew everywhere, and made a "blblblbbbl!" sound with her cheeks. I laughed; regardless of whether or not I was inappropriately sexually attracted to her, she really was funny.

After a moment, she laughed too, smiling nervously. Then she opened her mouth and leaned forward toward my penis, then jerked away at the last second, blushing. She did this several more times, and kept getting a laugh out of me. Then she did it again, this time making a "scarmf!" noise like a cartoon character taking a bite out of something and snapped her teeth a few inches away from my penis.

"Whoa, now!"

She giggled for a while, wiggling her butt into a more comfortable position on my bed, then seemed to sober. She reached out and gently squeezed my shaft from its base all the way up to the head and squeezed that as well. She still seemed nervous.

"Tell you what, why don't we make this easier: all you have to do is close your eyes and open your mouth and I'll put it in there, just for a few seconds."

She twisted her mouth to one side and cocked her head in serious contemplation.

"And I'll only put the head in."

"The pink part?"

"Right. Just that part, not the whole thing."

She instantly relaxed and started squeezing the head and tugging on it gently, as if to see what it would be like in her mouth.


"Just for a few seconds."

She sat up straight and closed her eyes.

"There's a good girl! Now open your mouth..."

She opened her mouth only a little and winced in anticipation.

I leaned forward and put my hand on the back of her head to hold her steady.

"Now remember, no teeth."


I pressed the tip of my penis against her open lips and she closed her mouth; after a moment, she opened it again, still only a little. I gently pressed against her lips until she stopped resisting and felt the head slide into her mouth, feeling her lips shut around my shaft just behind the head.

Oh shit. The feeling was indescribable. I could feel her breath from her nostrils blowing onto my shaft, and my head felt warm and moist. It was great. I could feel as her tongue moved back to avoid contact with my penis, ran out of room, then returned to its rest position, sliding under my head. I shivered at the sensation of that warm, moist appendage's touch.

This tableau held for what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only ten seconds. Then I slowly pulled most of the way out of her mouth and gently slid back in, keeping my promise to only insert the head. I did this four or five times before pulling out entirely. She opened her eyes and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand; a deep red blush was spreading across her face, her ears, and down her neck.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

She shook her head.

"So... what's it taste like?"

She pondered for a moment, then shrugged.

"I dunno. Not like anything I ever tried before."

"Well, have you ever had a boy's penis in your mouth before?"

"No!" she exclaimed, giggling.

"Well, there you go then!"

I reached down and tickled her armpit and she slapped my hand, smiling.

"You wanna try it with your eyes open this time?"

She waffled for another minute or so, then opened her mouth for me.

Fuck yes, Tuesdays are gorram awesome.

Anonymous 14/01/07(Tue)08:47 No. 20615 ID: 29ed6e

Wow! Amazing as always! Can't wait the moment Main Char french kiss Sara or eat her pussy!

Thank you OP.

Anonymous 14/01/07(Tue)13:12 No. 20618 ID: f944c2

A wonderful installment OP , can't wait to see what happens next.

Anonymous 14/01/07(Tue)13:49 No. 20619 ID: c1b02f

> Tuesdays are gorram awesome.

I like you.

Anonymous 14/01/07(Tue)15:03 No. 20620 ID: b341ba

shhh, be patient. Let the master work.

We have all the time in the world.

Anonymous 14/01/09(Thu)11:00 No. 20627 ID: a6c7e8

I absolutely love this series, you sir are the greatest ELIT loli writer That I have ever seen. Keep up the good work!

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