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Anonymous 14/04/14(Mon)08:13 No. 21544 ID: 02feac


why OP, why did you split it in two parts!?

Anonymous 14/04/14(Mon)09:18 No. 21545 ID: 8b52ee

You are the most magnificent bastard, I need more!

Anonymous 14/04/16(Wed)08:17 No. 21554 ID: 142660

I don't want to sound like a jerk, but am I the only one getting tired of the "I'm going to hell for this" joke?

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/04/17(Thu)07:07 No. 21562 ID: 61bc43


I believe I already explained why. :-p

Anonymous 14/04/17(Thu)17:35 No. 21566 ID: 47a00e

It's getting kind of stale, yeah.

Anonymous 14/04/19(Sat)09:23 No. 21574 ID: db1e71


I know why you're doing it, but it was kinda short. Not really long enough to fap to. While I can appreciate building suspense, I'm sad panda for waiting longer for part two of this post. :(

Please, make my weiner happy.

Anonymous 14/04/19(Sat)20:56 No. 21576 ID: 3551e9

Yeah, feels like it's getting a bit stale. I understand the slow pace and the build up, but this felt like filler. Not a lot of originality, basically a repeat of an earlier chapter in an effort to segway into what I assume will finally be the reciprocation to her. While it's not bad, it's definitely not on par with the rest of the story thus far. And while I understand it was meant to be a "teaser" it came off more as a disappointment. For it to have been a true teaser, I feel like more efforts should have been out in.

Anonymous 14/04/19(Sat)23:16 No. 21578 ID: 770442

Well, you can't really know that. We have no idea what is in store. Granted, she will more then likely go a little further this time, we have no idea just HOW far that is. Not to mention the whole drops leading to a flood thing that was mentioned earlier in the story. That's just my opinion though, I'm not trying to call anyone an asshole. In any case, I have no problems with the writing, I think it's great OP!!.

Anonymous 14/04/21(Mon)23:13 No. 21588 ID: db1e71

I keep checking back here every day for part two....

Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)06:00 No. 21590 ID: 02feac


Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)08:47 No. 21591 ID: 1904bf


Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)08:52 No. 21592 ID: 7ab636

What was the other story he said he was working on?

Anonymous 14/04/22(Tue)19:32 No. 21593 ID: a3580c

Thanks, OP. Don't be discouraged by some of the criticism here, you should focus on whatever is happening in your life. An untroubled OP is a good OP.

Also, don't die. Please.

not+op 14/04/24(Thu)09:28 No. 21600 ID: 23fc02


Anonymous 14/04/25(Fri)03:56 No. 21607 ID: 770442

You know what I just realized. This fucker hasn't even KISSED her yet! (on the lips of course.)

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)06:23 No. 21636 ID: db1e71


So does he have the next part ready and just isn't posting, or... what?

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)07:55 No. 21638 ID: c122cf

That sums up the situation nicely.

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)18:07 No. 21642 ID: e43357

In other words: Yes.

Anonymous 14/04/28(Mon)20:00 No. 21643 ID: 770442

Honesty, who WOULDN'T get a kick out of making their fans wait? NO ONE, that's who. That is the way that writers work, have worked, and always WILL work.

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