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Anonymous 14/06/13(Fri)07:35 No. 21935 ID: 3551e9

Naw, the author says he writes. Until he drops the next chapter, it's just an assumption. So yeah, take it and run with it. Something is better than nothing. Even if it isn't on par with what is written so far. The sad truth is that this thread is likely to dry up and die before OP ever finishes, so someone take it and do it justice. OP had his chance.

Anonymous 14/06/14(Sat)01:31 No. 21937 ID: 584c50


yeah, how about no? go fuck yourself

Anonymous 14/06/14(Sat)04:16 No. 21938 ID: 03cb57

How about "the author is a lazy fuckstick who can't sit his ass down and write and if someone else comes along and takes over at least it's something rather than the stream of nothing we've had for two fucking months"

FapArtist 14/06/14(Sat)07:09 No. 21939 ID: def92b

It's not gonna be the same. Just be patient. There are other stories to read in the meantime. Most stories that are 'taken over' lose their appeal in one chapter and ruin the original author's intention. Besides, other stories have waited longer for an update than this and they were brought back. Give him more time.

Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)06:22 No. 21944 ID: cd59d4


How about the author doesn't owe anybody in this thread anything whatsoever? If you're so impatient in seeing this story finished, stop whining and finish it yourself. Otherwise stop whining.

Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)06:24 No. 21945 ID: 3551e9

Ha ha ha, go fuck myself. Nope, instead I think I will just fuck you over with mundane, unimaginitive bullshit chapters. Flooding this thread with paragraph after paragraph forcing you to search for an OP post (if there should ever be one). All the while taking the shine and glimmer off the thread. In the end killing it , even if OP decides he wants to back, it will be a bastardized notion of it's former self. Cheer!


Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)12:40 No. 21946 ID: 5d83f9

Just make a new thread called "Unofficial Roommates continuation". People who don't like it can hide it.

Problem solved, shut up now everybody.

Anonymous 14/06/15(Sun)18:29 No. 21948 ID: 0b6a74

anyday now

FapArtist 14/06/15(Sun)22:45 No. 21951 ID: 0f8bc3

Thank the Mods. At least I know where to find justice when I lose faith in people.

Anonymous 14/06/16(Mon)00:23 No. 21952 ID: 3b90b2

thx based mods

Anonymous 14/06/20(Fri)06:14 No. 21970 ID: 9fd531

I think OP got stabbed by his ex-girlfriend again but this time OP done dead

TallThinker!9N4nUN7jEY 14/06/27(Fri)06:54 No. 21989 ID: 833a89

Maybe he actually got stuck in a post-apocalyptic world this time...

Off in the distance there appears an odd grouping of clouds. No, smoke, alternating in large and small groupings...

"Send new router."

Anonymous 14/06/28(Sat)07:48 No. 21993 ID: 5cf2e6

maybe OP can give us a sign that he's still alive?

Anonymous 14/06/30(Mon)14:45 No. 22009 ID: b07e95

come my son

Anonymous 14/07/01(Tue)20:05 No. 22015 ID: a3580c

op is kill

not op 14/07/01(Tue)20:29 No. 22016 ID: 23fc02

Hey, OP. It's my birthday tomorrow. You should totally give us some kind of update on how you're doing. The best birthday present will be knowing that you are still alive in this barren, post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Anonymous 14/07/02(Wed)11:34 No. 22021 ID: 32530c


Anonymous 14/07/03(Thu)04:51 No. 22026 ID: 9fd531

OP diddly done dead

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