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OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 14/08/14(Thu)05:15 No. 22274 ID: 6683c5


Dunno how forced it can be, given the foreshadowing from previous instances where she suddenly ran off while he was touching her. He just got surprised, blurted out the wrong thing, and she wigged out.

More will come, when and as I'm inspired to write. What with changing jobs, having to deal with health issues and going to court over my psycho ex, I've been really wrung out over the last couple months and need to recharge the batteries.

But I'm starting to feel the urge to write again...

Anonymous 14/08/14(Thu)06:27 No. 22276 ID: dd9a09


That's great. This is a good story, and it deserves to be written. I wouldn't take criticism too seriously though. I like the story, and while I was a little disappointed at the last chapter, (a little short, and yeah, I kind of wanted to see more happen than really did), I'm still thrilled to see where it goes! Keep it up! Fans are waiting!

Anonymous 14/08/15(Fri)15:12 No. 22286 ID: 726b8f


Anonymous 14/08/19(Tue)02:54 No. 22313 ID: c59fe2

Bump for more

Anonymous 14/08/21(Thu)23:11 No. 22326 ID: b07e95


Anonymous 14/08/29(Fri)00:04 No. 22353 ID: 10fceb

Just found this thread today, and oh my god. This is the best piece of elit I've ever read. OP, please keep doing what you're doing and don't listen to anyone else. I LOVE the slow pace and hints of romance. Will be checking this thread every day now. Also, as a self proclaimed artist I took the liberty to make a few sketches of the scenes from your story.

Anonymous 14/08/31(Sun)06:18 No. 22359 ID: 763f61

Well I just went to make a document for this story, and its almost 35k. Has anyone else made a document and is it online? Because if so you may want to link it.

Also OP if you ever make a asstr account LINK IT! I want to follow you, if I knew where you lived I would be following you IRL.

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