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Anonymous 15/05/10(Sun)01:30 No. 23530 ID: 7ede13


Anonymous 15/05/11(Mon)22:58 No. 23541 ID: 411cdd

I will bump once more!

Anonymous 15/05/12(Tue)12:09 No. 23543 ID: 7c949a

Ever heard the term "Let sleeping dogs lie?" It. Is. OVER! Unless someone is up to the task of attempting to continue this story, there is no reason why this post should bumped. It is a good story, and we all know it, but it's done.

OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 15/05/31(Sun)21:46 No. 23622 ID: c03f3c

Hey guys, just letting you know I'm not dead. I had an accident and I've been in the hospital. Because my life didn't have enough drama.

I'm home again, but I'm still going through physical therapy and am in a lot of pain, but I should make a full recovery.

Meanwhile, I have lots of free time with which to pick up where I left off and continue the story, but to be honest the pain meds are really fucking with me so I don't know how likely that is.

So don't get your hopes up, but don't lose all faith either. We'll see what happens.

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