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OP!!L1ZTV3LGZl 15/05/31(Sun)21:46 No. 23622 ID: c03f3c

Hey guys, just letting you know I'm not dead. I had an accident and I've been in the hospital. Because my life didn't have enough drama.

I'm home again, but I'm still going through physical therapy and am in a lot of pain, but I should make a full recovery.

Meanwhile, I have lots of free time with which to pick up where I left off and continue the story, but to be honest the pain meds are really fucking with me so I don't know how likely that is.

So don't get your hopes up, but don't lose all faith either. We'll see what happens.

Anonymous 15/05/31(Sun)22:56 No. 23623 ID: e3f4e3

oh god i cant believe you're back
we've missed you so much man

we would absolutely love it if you continued the story, it's fantastic and it's been forever since you updated last.. but make sure you take care of yourself first. hope you're doing alright, OP. im glad you're alive.

Anonymous 15/06/05(Fri)03:54 No. 23631 ID: 3f3bc1

op im glad youre back! first crazy gf, then nuclear war, now this, well ive been waiting so many years so take all the time you need to get better

Anonymous 15/06/07(Sun)06:40 No. 23634 ID: 95f1c5


Anonymous 15/06/11(Thu)02:23 No. 23656 ID: 411cdd


Anonymous 15/06/21(Sun)06:19 No. 23684 ID: 45533f

Shit, it's going on three years now...

Hope you get less fucked soon, OP. I wait patiently for moar.

Anonymous 15/06/23(Tue)23:42 No. 23688 ID: 6eccbc

I swear to you op I will spread word of the finished story across ALL the Chans. I beg you, please do continue, give us moar!!!!

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