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TF Thread 16.0 Vulpes Inculta 16/11/02(Wed)07:22 No. 24181 ID: 037ee1 Stickied

File 147806775013.jpg - (63.89KB , 750x638 , 1411536584242-1.jpg )

It's about time.

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)14:29 No. 26551 ID: 85d120

Could you reupload pls? :/

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)14:32 No. 26552 ID: ad5fed

any chance for a reupload :( connection seems broken just as i was looking at it?

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/05/27(Sun)15:16 No. 26553 ID: 6548e7


was sadly only able to download 1/3 of the main folders before it got deleted from MEGA. Would be really cool if a reupload was possible.

Gamefriend 18/05/27(Sun)17:10 No. 26554 ID: 8910b7

Sorry guys, deleted it myself. Have to add a few things.
Will reload it today or tomorow :-)
But be fast than.

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)18:17 No. 26555 ID: b11616


Thank you my guy

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/27(Sun)18:17 No. 26556 ID: b11616


Thank you my guy

Gamefriend 18/05/28(Mon)10:07 No. 26558 ID: 5f958b


Gamefriend 18/05/28(Mon)10:07 No. 26559 ID: 5f958b

as promised here is the revised link

Vulpes Inculta 18/05/28(Mon)12:26 No. 26561 ID: 85d120


Vulpes Inculta 18/05/28(Mon)15:44 No. 26562 ID: b02552


Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/05/29(Tue)09:33 No. 26563 ID: 66bfe6


I thank you a thousand times for this, has anything in folder 1 changed since the first upload? why is the unsorted one called 5 and not 4?

Gamefriend 18/05/29(Tue)10:28 No. 26564 ID: bd4a0e

In 1 where a few things added and folder 5 got a change in the name. There is a folder with 4 but that is not related to the topic.
Hope there was a good bunch of new stuff for you and everyone else :-)

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/05/29(Tue)12:24 No. 26566 ID: 66bfe6


I was asking because for ease of download i did zip folder downloads, if stuff has been added in 1), that means i need to re-download it to get the complete thing.

I don't even know how much of it is new, as i wanted to download everything before looking through it >.<

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/04(Mon)03:27 No. 26569 ID: e9e30d

File 152807564626.png - (267.78KB , 750x750 , 1501906473795.png )

Wow, That collection is legendary. You are a god amongst men.

Gamefriend 18/06/04(Mon)17:09 No. 26570 ID: 234069

No problem. Glad to see people are happy about it. Hope I could encourage some people to post again. lately there were very few posts. Would be nice to see some new pay-comics again.

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/05(Tue)05:30 No. 26571 ID: 00d5a9

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/06(Wed)01:02 No. 26572 ID: f72ee6

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/13(Wed)10:29 No. 26575 ID: 68b837

File 152887859120.jpg - (588.46KB , 1600x2000 , werehorse.jpg )

horse TF's are nice, not normally my go to fap animal for TF, but holy shit i love this picture.

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/13(Wed)20:28 No. 26576 ID: fba890

Great collection, but now I am curious, what is in folder 4?

Gamefriend 18/06/13(Wed)22:46 No. 26577 ID: 1453cd

Before the questions come, I took the link down myself for now. Was on longer than most others. Eventually I will post it again.
Hope everyone who got it enjoys it :)
And to answer your question: that’s a secret ;)

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/14(Thu)02:27 No. 26578 ID: 761d5c

If you would, maybe split up some of the larger folders into sub-folders for next time. I only got about half of it after two days because the downloads kept getting stuck on the big folders. Little pieces are more manageable.

Also, 5)/tf-threads/tf01 has all the files duplicated.

Thanks for posting.

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/06/14(Thu)23:32 No. 26582 ID: 490c7f


Pro-Tip for downloading MEGA Folder Links:
1.) Select entire folders and select 'download as ZIP'
2.) use Chrome, not Firefox
3.) (temporarily) deactivate being asked to manually select a save location for every download.

The first one helps with transfer speeds as initializing, downloading, decrypting and then saving every single file can severely impact possible download speed.

The second tip follows from the first, as Firefox's Cache wasn't built for multi-gigabyte temp files and likes to crap out a lot with huge MEGA downloads.

The Third one will greatly increase your chances of actually getting the files, as Chrome rarely struggles with the actual download, cache retention or decryption parts of MEGA downloads, but can sometimes hickup in presenting the save dialogue because it has to 'make' the file by decrypting cache data, which in certain cases can take longer than the internal timeout time for the dialogue, and it simply never opening. If you've set it to always put downloads into the same default folder tho, it virtually will never fail to just hand the decrypted file off to the OS's filesystem.

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/06/17(Sun)00:01 No. 26585 ID: bae7a0

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/06/17(Sun)00:03 No. 26586 ID: bae7a0


Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/06/17(Sun)00:05 No. 26587 ID: bae7a0


Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/06/17(Sun)00:06 No. 26588 ID: bae7a0


Vulpes Inculta 18/06/17(Sun)04:34 No. 26589 ID: 59cc7f


Vulpes Inculta 18/06/17(Sun)14:05 No. 26591 ID: 736664


My connection interrupted when I originally tried to download it, any idea when you'll upload it again?
Cheers anyhow.

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/17(Sun)19:01 No. 26592 ID: ed6ea8

whats /tf-threads/tf1?

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/18(Mon)04:38 No. 26593 ID: 5f5003

What anime is this?

Also, can anyone reccomend any hentai videos with furTF?

Gamefriend 18/06/18(Mon)07:47 No. 26595 ID: 072ca4

Not quite sure how long it will take. But I guess not more than 5 weeks thats the maximum. Hope I can make it earlier. Because my NAS, were I save all this is down I have to wait till it’s back from repairing to add new content to the folders 1 and 3. After this I’ll post it again with Mega.

Gamefriend 18/06/18(Mon)07:50 No. 26596 ID: 072ca4

I’m not quite sure. But when I’m not completely wrong those must be the old tf threats of 7chan. Were for download some time ago.

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/18(Mon)09:42 No. 26597 ID: 989dab

The new GeGeGe no Kitaro.

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/20(Wed)10:03 No. 26598 ID: dab165

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/20(Wed)10:04 No. 26599 ID: dab165

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/20(Wed)10:05 No. 26600 ID: dab165

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/20(Wed)10:06 No. 26601 ID: dab165

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/21(Thu)06:18 No. 26603 ID: 64343f

File 152955472136.jpg - (501.14KB , 914x1280 , 1289244261_nken_3a.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/21(Thu)06:26 No. 26604 ID: 64343f

Some could share some of these jobs
I would appreciate it very much: D

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/23(Sat)05:13 No. 26605 ID: be0c86

What is the name of this manga?

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/23(Sat)21:55 No. 26606 ID: 857ea2


Vulpes Inculta 18/06/24(Sun)09:11 No. 26607 ID: 68b837

File 152982426918.jpg - (1.94MB , 1898x1100 , 1529643073_watsup_purrrrlywhites_png.jpg )

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/30(Sat)05:12 No. 26610 ID: 2a2f3a

File 153032837843.png - (1.14MB , 914x1000 , Chromosomefarm-609345-COLORING_JOB_Toothastrid.png )

Vulpes Inculta 18/06/30(Sat)11:27 No. 26611 ID: 4ae162

File 153035087928.jpg - (171.45KB , 1280x672 , e3577c222a6e6a55ea2e0cb1bb101e52.jpg )

Does anyone have the rest of this comic?


The artist uploaded the last few pages on FA, but deleted them later. I know it looks pretty shit, but eh...

Pic unrelated.

comic ano 18/07/02(Mon)04:46 No. 26613 ID: 85c45f

Does anybody have Shortcuts 2 from Angrboda please

The Collection Gamefriend 18/07/05(Thu)11:17 No. 26614 ID: 0e38e1

File 153078224571.jpg - (191.65KB , 1280x1208 , 0BAC8F59-EC09-40B8-8EC2-7DBAB20137C0-25558-0000217.jpg )

Hey guys, on Saturday I’ll poste “The Collection” for the second time. There is a lot of new stuff in folders 1 to 3.
To make some people happy I’ll also post as an extra two parts of folder no.4, but don’t expect to much. Also be fast. It will only last for an week

Vulpes Inculta 18/07/06(Fri)07:12 No. 26615 ID: 00d5a9

The Collection Gamefriend 18/07/07(Sat)20:17 No. 26619 ID: d2ef90

File 153098746322.jpg - (183.26KB , 1280x938 , 142F15FD-B41C-4AFC-9818-1FEBA660A9A0-22255-00001C2.jpg )

As promised, here again is the Collection.
This time with some updates including parts of folder no.4 because some people were quite curious about it’s content.
Hope you all enjoy it :)

Vulpes Inculta 18/07/10(Tue)05:16 No. 26620 ID: 83e7ea

File 153119257996.jpg - (877.85KB , 1754x1240 , 69618845_p0.jpg )


Vulpes Inculta 18/07/19(Thu)00:33 No. 26630 ID: a4d84f

did he post more around that image on anything? I see his stuff on pixiv and FA but only saw that one. I think I've gotten off on just that one a couple dozen times already

Vulpes Inculta 18/07/21(Sat)04:25 No. 26632 ID: 28b70e

File 153213990422.jpg - (2.02MB , 1220x1668 , Webp_net-resizeimage.jpg )


Anyone have the most recent folder that was shared? It went down.

Vulpes Inculta 18/07/21(Sat)04:28 No. 26633 ID: 28b70e

File 153214010062.png - (2.29MB , 1155x1694 , Webp_net-resizeimage2.png )

aaand another one

Vulpes Inculta 18/07/21(Sat)18:25 No. 26635 ID: 632bc0

Anybody have Interludes 7 or 8, or any of the new locofuria stuff, like the werewolf titles, animalization or avoiding extinction?

Vulpes Inculta 18/07/21(Sat)18:27 No. 26636 ID: 632bc0

File 153219044555.jpg - (183.40KB , 829x1280 , horse_sex_transformation_sequence_5.jpg )

nerfherder 18/08/01(Wed)06:30 No. 26646 ID: 755ca0

Does anyone have this tf comic?

nerfherder 18/08/01(Wed)06:33 No. 26647 ID: 755ca0

And because I'm not ungrateful.

nerfherder 18/08/01(Wed)06:34 No. 26648 ID: 755ca0

nerfherder 18/08/01(Wed)06:35 No. 26649 ID: 755ca0

anony 18/08/03(Fri)20:54 No. 26651 ID: e97ba8

thanks do you have more?

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/04(Sat)07:35 No. 26653 ID: 989dab

that was fucking hilarious. Thanks a lot!

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/05(Sun)20:43 No. 26655 ID: 726797

File 153349462179.jpg - (616.14KB , 926x1200 , 69276425_p0_master1200.jpg )

I tried purchase the "Animalization", "chavin stone" and "feline powder", but was always appearing regional error, maybe that's why it's been hard to find.

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/13(Mon)06:32 No. 26659 ID: 8dbc79

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/15(Wed)09:04 No. 26661 ID: 8dbc79

x 18/08/19(Sun)04:45 No. 26662 ID: e4121d

File 153464675891.png - (687.03KB , 1400x900 , CARROT-TFsn.png )

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/22(Wed)16:28 No. 26665 ID: 9eca8a

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/22(Wed)16:31 No. 26667 ID: 9eca8a

File 153494829516.jpg - (820.99KB , 847x1200 , 70320188_p3_master1200.jpg )

DragonDyTy 18/08/24(Fri)16:39 No. 26673 ID: 7e2286

Who knows whose art is this?

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/24(Fri)21:00 No. 26674 ID: 38793b

Anyone have Transformational Geographic Issue 1 ?
From little napoleon and w4tsup

Vulpes Inculta 18/08/30(Thu)00:20 No. 26675 ID: 3e6015

I guess that makes this 1000.

anon 18/09/13(Thu)05:52 No. 26702 ID: e97ba8

File 153681075899.png - (744.38KB , 1600x538 , bullma.png )

any have new locofuria comics?

Transform Fan Comics Vulpes Inculta 18/09/15(Sat)21:13 No. 26709 ID: 071249

File 153703879565.jpg - (581.08KB , 1024x1527 , favorite_transformations_by_transform_fan_comics-d.jpg )

Anyone have any Transform Fan comics??

Vulpes Inculta 18/09/21(Fri)17:18 No. 26723 ID: 9c7961

I'm looking for people interested in making a little group to share paid stuff.

If you are interested message me at hiimjesus123@gmail.com

Vulpes Inculta 18/09/26(Wed)22:27 No. 26725 ID: 8627c2

File 153799367365.png - (1.78MB , 1800x1080 , U71yJJc.png )

Vulpes Inculta 18/09/26(Wed)22:28 No. 26726 ID: 8627c2

File 153799371574.png - (1.93MB , 1800x1080 , Offhmvs.png )

Vulpes Inculta 18/09/26(Wed)22:28 No. 26727 ID: 8627c2

File 153799373885.png - (2.38MB , 1800x1080 , 4aCampW.png )

Gregory Gay 18/09/27(Thu)11:10 No. 26728 ID: ea1f05

Someone has Becumming 6 and/or 7?

Could share Becumming 5.

would be very nice.

Vulpes Inculta 18/09/30(Sun)22:07 No. 26729 ID: d1bdfb


Vulpes Inculta 18/10/17(Wed)03:07 No. 26734 ID: 9a3edc

File 153973843239.jpg - (230.60KB , 847x1200 , DpjTqIlV4AEvxEN.jpg )


Vulpes Inculta 18/10/20(Sat)02:11 No. 26737 ID: 39de62


Vulpes Inculta 18/10/21(Sun)07:20 No. 26739 ID: c0a485

I made some personal edits to blackshirtboy's dino pebbles, Ill post the original first

Vulpes Inculta 18/10/21(Sun)07:26 No. 26740 ID: c0a485

Changed head and knocked off the fat

Locofuria Animalization Cris 18/10/23(Tue)01:43 No. 26829 ID: 419e55

File 154025178239.jpg - (206.31KB , 1280x828 , 3_Cheetahs_web.jpg )

Does anyone has Animalization by locofuria, i will be very glad if someone will share : cojak1234@wp.pl

Vulpes Inculta 18/10/23(Tue)18:20 No. 26830 ID: be2ce3

Vulpes Inculta 18/10/23(Tue)18:21 No. 26831 ID: be2ce3

Vulpes Inculta 18/10/24(Wed)02:27 No. 26832 ID: 758ee8

An old black rat picture I always liked so tried fixing the anatomy.

Vulpes Inculta 18/10/24(Wed)02:28 No. 26833 ID: 758ee8

File 154034090650.jpg - (393.58KB , 980x1093 , musclebunnytweakedbiggirl.jpg )

Also made a second edit to make her look more like his later work. Had to change the color of the shirt so... other assets stand out

where do I go hurk 18/11/09(Fri)12:25 No. 26873 ID: 042d2e

I feel like this thread has died a horrible death, but where am I to go

Vulpes Inculta 18/11/09(Fri)23:30 No. 26874 ID: 4d7075

Nah it's still kicken. Better then most of /fur just slow that's all.

TF Thread 17.0 Gamefriend 18/11/11(Sun)11:23 No. 26877 ID: e920c0

File 154193183573.png - (252.41KB , 1280x1120 , g7e9iKL2.png )

Maybe we should start a new thread, to revive it.

Vulpes Inculta 18/11/16(Fri)03:55 No. 26882 ID: 9a3edc

File 154233692731.jpg - (452.15KB , 1447x2048 , DsB8L4MVsAAarIk_jpg large.jpg )

via Kidzuki on Twitter https://twitter.com/tsuki_ray

Vulpes Inculta 18/11/17(Sat)06:26 No. 26883 ID: 4305ce

File 154243241680.jpg - (798.62KB , 1022x1100 , froggy4 copy.jpg )

24181 Vulpes Inculta 18/11/17(Sat)19:29 No. 26884 ID: f765d5

Vulpes Inculta 18/11/21(Wed)04:49 No. 26885 ID: e1b501


Vulpes Inculta 18/11/27(Tue)17:31 No. 26893 ID: e4326b

File 15433362687.jpg - (2.05MB , 5884x8334 , feline_curse_#10-19.jpg )

Found this here:
feline curse by locofuria

locofuria nat 18/12/10(Mon)19:50 No. 26941 ID: 85c45f

your link https://strigis.com/topic/1649-feline-curse-by-locofuria-female-cat-transformation/ does not work

Vulpes Inculta 18/12/12(Wed)19:58 No. 26943 ID: e247c2

Any kind soul around that'd be willing to share Beta Collie if they have it? Would be a greatly appreciated christmas gift.

Axillia!!SvAQplL2L4 18/12/17(Mon)05:22 No. 26947 ID: f247d6

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