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zeneslev 23/11/16(Thu)19:01 No. 824614

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Journal thread

Talk about your daily life, feelings, IRL stuff

Previous thread: >>823462

45 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
derp 24/01/15(Mon)10:14 No. 825913

Should I go to Chicago and go to college with my ancap friend's brother, or stay in my ancap friend's parents' house in Marietta and get free rent to manage the AirBnB?

If I knew I would be successful, I would definitely want to go to college, but I'm not optimistic.

Generally I would lack the discipline or whatever for college, but in this case I was thinking maybe it would help if we could be study buddies.

Managing the AirBnB would be better financially, but I would prefer the living situation in Chicago.

I really don't want to live without friends, and I do have enough savings to live on for the medium term, but I also really shouldn't keep postponing my career.

poe 24/01/16(Tue)01:43 No. 825948

File 170536578073.jpg - (59.61KB , 850x1397 , __haruhara_haruko_flcl_drawn_by_s10021__sample-4e6.jpg )

go to work nigger

I have an interview Wednesday, wish me luck with the evil humans

Miku Fanboy 24/01/18(Thu)10:22 No. 825999

Sleep. Wake in the wee hours. Get up around noon. Shower. Dad drives me in the Lexus to Dr. Berg's office. I pay with credit card. They have me look in a machine as before. They measure my eyesight. They give me Valium and ibuprofen. They put a mask and hair net on me and put in eye drops. They have me set aside my phone because the GPS can cause interference. They do the LASIK surgery. My distance eyesight is instantly better, but my very close vision is a bit worse. My eyes sting a little. They tape clear plastic covers over my eyes and give me drops and sleeping pills to take home. Dad drives me home. I don't take the sleeping pills, but I go to bed anyway. 

p4ch3c0 24/01/18(Thu)17:23 No. 826001


why would you let someone carve your eye open

4chan user 24/01/18(Thu)21:45 No. 826021

"Why would you get surgery for something that's affecting your entire life and look?"

Nyan Cat 24/01/19(Fri)00:43 No. 826025

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I am enjoying finally seeing some snow at home and will be going on a trip to go skiing in a couple days! ⛷️🏔️

Cryomancer 24/01/19(Fri)01:40 No. 826027

*goes blind* Sorry chud, science is real!!

Marisa Kirisame 24/01/19(Fri)06:38 No. 826036

"blah blah shit that didn't happen"?

Sonichu 24/01/19(Fri)10:44 No. 826038

Is your vision better?

ian 24/01/23(Tue)13:00 No. 826245

Yeah, it's great.

N3X15 24/01/30(Tue)19:49 No. 826323

My mom misled me about the weight limit and I had to pay an extra eighty dollars for my checked bag on top of what I already paid, for less than ten additional pounds. Perhaps I should have trashed some of my stuff right there

Marisa Kirisame 24/02/02(Fri)22:16 No. 826360

just put random stuff from your luggage into the airwolfing dutyfree bag. Ask for one for free if you're a cheap airwolf.

Weeabot 24/02/14(Wed)10:23 No. 826525

I was born in southern California, but only lived there until two years of age. I actually have a few vague memories of the time. My parents were making money doing various side jobs: raising lovebirds, babysitting children, maybe others. One day a stray lovebird came barreling into the house through an open door and knocked itself out on a mirror. One of the girls we babysat would cry until she puked. I don't remember if my parents had regular work at the time, but I do remember being unsupervised much of the day so most likely they did. I remember experiencing an earthquake, being astounded by how the milk in my sippy cup swayed side to side and playing red light/green light (or maybe toddling around thinking I was playing) with neighborhood children. I can't remember his name now, but I brought one of those kids with me as an invisible friend when we abruptly moved to an unpopulated area of Missouri. We lived there on a hill in a demobilized, partially remodeled mobile home. It was a 15 minute walk to our only "neighbor" who, fortunately, had young children. My first best friend was a girl named Sara, redheaded I think. Her little brother may have been strawberried. I remember playing alone most of the time, nontheless, as my older sister and I did nothing together but fight, and Sara's house was a long walk throuhg tick-infested woods away. I also remember spending more time with my father during this period than any other time in my life. Years later I would learn he had been unemployed, and that we had moved there as much to escape increasingly violent SoCal as a he had gotten a contract as a farmhand--which dematerialized after we moved halfway across the country. By the time I was six I clearly understood that my mother hated my father, and loved my sister more than me, but I had no idea why. When I was eight, we moved to slighly-less-rural northeastern Oklahoma, where my mother's extended family was based. Back then I would recieve letters and birthday money from my paternal grandmother, who lived far away in Hawaii--neither she nor my father ever made mention of any aunts or uncles or cousins and it never occured to me to ask. We spent a few years in one neighborhood, then moved to another when I was in the 2nd grade. My parents surpised me, picking me up from school in a U-Haul out of the blue. I was actually pretty happy about it, as I was having a horrible time in school, unable to make friends and falling behind in spelling. Our new house was smaller than the old house, but my parents had managed to actually buy it with some help from my maternal grandmother. Across the street lived an older boy who became my new best friend. At first we crashed toy cars and made castles from blocks together, but eventually he taught me to steal and smoke cigarettes. He had a go-kart and his father was a well-armed ex-marine (most likely a dishonourable discharge) who was married to a classic southern homemaker--they might have been infertile, as he was adopted. We got into every kind of trouble; I often blamed him for things I had done because I was a coward. School didn't get much better, although I began to get straight As for a few years. In my new school smart kids got bullied worse than strawberried kids, and I developed the peculiar habit of being late almost every day. I can't explain how this happened, except that my whole family seems to suffer from OCD in one way or another. Sometimes I wasn't getting ready for school because I had to watch some show (I didn't necessarily enjoy watching those shows, but felt I'd rather not miss any continuation of the plot), other times I'd be waiting in the car while my mother went back to the house four or five times to check something or pick up something; many days it was as much a mystery to me as anyone else how it took three or four times as long as could be expected to get from my house to school. As the bullying got worse, so did my performance in school. I still aced every test, but stopped doing homework in the fourth grade. By the time I graduated elementary school, I had learned to trust only people outside my peer group. In Jr. High, however, I made my first same-age friend who generally was not setting me up to be humiliated. I also continued my friendship with the boy across the street, which had escalated to "gang" membership. There would be five of us at its peak, who considered ourselves a branch of the Crips--all of us were white. Between eighth and ninth grade some of us splintered off to join the "born again" movement--myself included--which was an ill-concieved and short-lived experiment. Mostly it turned out we intended to use youth groups to meet girls, but there were better ways to meet girls who would actually put out. By High School I was smoking pot again, quit Boy Scouts, and began to dress fully goth; my family moved to a bigger house in a better neighborhood as well, effectively ending the dubious friendship with the boy across the street (who was now busy working, etc), but it was really only a few minutes walk away, so we still found time to make trouble now and then and I made other, even more dubious friends my own age. High school was somewhat liberating, although still in the midst of an oppressive 99.9% white rural town. My parents had been through a lot with my sister at that age, and seemed to take more of a hands-off approach with me. She relocated to California for a few years, which gave me a chance to actually communicate with my mother. My father spent nearly all of this time at work or in a deep, exhausted sleep--which had been his custom since we moved to Oklahoma. A year in to High School I quit band on principle, which continued to nag at my subconcious for the rest of my life. Nothing had been more fun than band in 7th grade, and it was intensely fun. I wasn't much of a :nigra:et player though, and--while on vacation, despite calling several times to remind him that I would come back, and signing up for eighth grade band formaly--one day the director decided I was quitting and wrote me out of marching formation. When I came back from vacation, he was surprised to see me show up for practice--althogh I had spoken to him on the phone myself to tell him the exact date I would return. He said it was lucky though, because he'd lost a few clarinet players as well, and although there was no place for me in the :nigra:et lineup he'd let me hold a clarinet and pretend to play while walking around on the field. He just took a kids pride and crushed it like that. I didn't quit alone--his best tuba and french horn players left with me. We joined choir instead, which turned out to be almost as fun--even though it didn't benefit from an additional "sport activities" budget for playing halftime shows at football games. Choir also afforded me the opportunity to end being bullied once and for all, not to say I wouldn't be humiliated many times over in the years to come.

One day in choir, a jerk was poking me in the back, trying to get a reaction out of me. I gave him one. I turned around, and shouted at the guy "Alright, you want me pissed off I am. You think you can kick my ass? Then do it, right here, right now. I'm tired of your shit asshole. I know I won't win, but if you want a fight then lets do it right the airwolf now. Come on!" There were seventy or so students in the choir and the director, all of them looking at us. He backed down. He didn't have the balls to respond in front of anyone, just wanted to get away with bullying me on the sly thinking I'd never make an issue of it (to his credit, this was the only available means of making an issue of it: the school faculty were complicit in the system of bullying, discrediting and surpressing students who complained to teachers or parents and promoting students who bullied others by fixing their grades--you'd like to think it's not true, but this is Oklahoma and High School football players on roids literally ruled the entire town as they were the only thing seen as an asset. They couldn't be charged with crimes, even if they did get arrested; they couldn't be held accountable for failing classes, because they have to get a chance to play in front of college recruiters; and they absolutely would not be accused of bullying, even if they were, because the school based its reputation on theirs). It had to be loud, in public, and witnessed by enough people that no one could doubt my story. It didn't end the system of bullying in the school, but it got me an exemption--they realized I'd stand up for myself from that point on, bloody nose and broken bones or whatever. The choir director didn't ask us to leave class or meet in his office after or anything; he just let it go. We were back to singing in a moment. I know, it all sounds incredibly gay; it was even more gay than that to live through, trust me. Also during my second year of high school I got into computers pretty seriously. I did a whole lecture on VRML for the Computer Orientation class (the second one I had to take because our shitty school system had newly implemented one during Jr. High and then newly implemented one a few years later in High School) before accelling in CS1 and CS2 (used to get into competitions with another student for who could write the assignmets with the least number of lines; we made some for loops you wouldn't want to think about--his family ran the only ISP in town). Outside of school things were still rather shit. I had been in a garage band with some goth friends, and played a couple of memorable shows (for audiences of about twenty people), but it turned out they took themselves very seriously and wanted me out because I wasnt as "good" as they were (two of the four actually went on to be semi-professional musicians; maybe there was something to it). It was a humiliation beyond belief--to be rejected by the most rejected people in the whole town. I also got braces--about four years too late--which were put on by a dentist who ended up going to prison for taking pictures of girls when they were knocked out, and my mother finally confessed that my sister was sired by a different father. She described him as a wild, hippie surfer guy and never said that she loved him more than my father, but I finally understood our family dynamic for the first time. My guess is that she got pregnant by my father in order to force a marriage to someone she saw as more stable (he was a Navy medic at the time) but that she didn't account for my father not planning to be married and have kids at that time in his life or maybe I was a complete accident, but either way my existence ruined things for them and she felt more comfortable blaming him than herself because she never really loved him to begin with. They still haven't divorced, even though I told them they should--when I was 16. By senior year I had become something of a social conduit, the only person who could stand between the four or five genious kids in special classes, a small contigent of goths, bullies who'd come to terms with not being able to assault me anymore, and the larger student body which consisted of various other minor cliques. I also had a friend whose overt sexual behavior toward me started numerous rumors about us that very much enhanced my reputation. In fact we did end up having sex, my first time (when I was already 18), and she was very accomodating to my embarrasing performance; we also had sex another time that was interrupted by my parents. That would be the only sex I had in High School, at a time when sex was paramount to all social aspects of life. I had been working part time since I was 15, first frying chicken for a competitor to KFC and then washing dishes for a bistro, but the best work-like experience I had at the time was actualy Stagecraft class in the theatre at High School. I learned to work light and sound boards, make stage props and decorations, and all kinds of other greatness; plus being in Choir I could take on-stage roles as well--although the lead parts were reserved for "sponsored" kids (whose parents made donations to the school or were otherwise disgustingly popular, and not necessarily talented at all). Between that, the CS classes, and the lessons I'd learned in Boy Scouts years earlier, I took on a jack-of-all trades attitude. I can't do everything, but I can figure out how to do anything pretty quickly. In 2002, I graduated. After one more summer of part-time work, I managed to get into a university about an hour away from my home town. I say 'managed' but I was about ten points over the required ACT score with a 24 I got the morning after staying up all night after having a car wreck on the way to a first date with a girl that went really well despite having to call my parents after to tell them I'd lied about going over to a friend's house and wasn't even in town, etc. I chose the university I went to mostly because several of my friends were also going or already there (I had more friends that had already graduated than in my own class). Within the first thirty minutes of arriving at the university, I was invited to a party (right in front of my who family, who were helping move my stuff and didn't need to know I intended to go to alcoholic parties). The first two years were packed with pure awesome, except for my performance in class. The classes I went to were alright, but I was often to hung over or burnt out to make it to many others. I picked up a hippie girlfirend within a week and a tight circle of ne'er-do-wells to call friends even faster. We did everything wrong; it was awesome. The University had to make new policy regarding the use of over-the-counter medication on campus because of us. They didn't make new policy regarding the use of illicit drugs on campus, but we did a lot of that too; and off-campus. We became something of a presence in the only electro-nightclub in our corner of the state (maybe one of only two electro-nightclubs in all of Oklahoma at the time) for our enthusiastic dance team (myself included) and extremist narconautism. Two years of this nearly burned out my cerebral cortex; got me busted by housing staff for use of marijuana in the dorm; and nearly kicked out of school altogether. I spent third year taking online classes and running a party house with a roomate. Ours was the alternative to the frat nonsense happening just down the street. No one was ever raped at our parties, though nearly all attendants were most certainly drugged. It was like an immobilized Furthur with somewhat less altruistic liberation and somewhat more self-destructive recklessness. What I remeber of those times is pretty good, even the time I had no money and nothing to eat but a jar of peanut butter. All good things must come to an end however, and at some point I realized that a life of heavy intoxication and part-time work would lead to suicide. I made a mission of getting back into school and graduating with a decent GPA. It took work, and bold disregard for the rules. I made the Dean of Student Affairs a personal friend--set out to do this specific thing first--and used his influence to get fast-tracked into the school's forgiveness policy, deleting several poor grades and taking the classes over. He to referred me to teachers that could authorize using transfer classes from online universities to fill in gaps in my general education requirements (even if the classes only vaguely resembled the requirements). In fact we had some history; he'd been the one to assign punishments for me and my peers when we were caught putting "All your base are belong to us" on a university billboard--something he'd actually found to be more silly than offensive; and it was he who stood up for me when I got busted for smoking in the dorm: he arranged for an extension to give me time to pack my things and to meet with the Dean of Housing to make my case that I had done nothing harmful to anyone other than myself--which he heard, and appreciated, but made note that it came down to university policy being against the use of illicit substances in the dorm, to which I had to acquiesce (we actually had an intellectual discussion about it; wish I had recorded it, shit was deep) and arranged for a punishment other than complete banishment from the university--he had me meet with a counselor to discuss my "drug problem" for a few weeks. I think he was surprised at first that I did in fact come back to school, determined to graduate. The guy was my hero, and I think it goes back to he himself was a pothead when he was younger. Around this time my hippie girlfriend was purchased by her uncle. He paid for her enrollment in a better university and membership in the Sorority his wife had been in. This is a girl who had no interest in greek life, was doing very well in University despite her constant weed smoking, and who already had a good relationship with her parents who were pretty well off themselves. I had met her uncle just once, when I attended one of her family's get togethers (where all of them smoked pot) and took note that he called her new hairsyle "saucy" (she had recently cut it short and gotten a frizzy perm)--a few weeks later he bought her, like a piece of merchandise, and she broke it off with me immediately. Last I heard from her she was doing some kind of nude modeling for another eighty-something creep. Whatever, I hooked up with a Japanese exchange student; fixed all my grades, and felt much better about myself. I also got a job working for the University in their IT department. I spent one year working in a public computer lab, where I helped innumerable people open their email, save documents in Word, load webpages, and listen to MP3s--most of the people I helped had no idea what a computer was. Nonetheless I was fired for not doing things like checking how much paper we had every hour (which was about the same every hour) and not "taking initiative" to go on missions around campus (in which only students who'd been working there for two years were allowed to actually do things, and besides I was already maxing out the 20 hours per week students were allowed to work). Joke was on my boss, becaue I immedately got a job assisting conference classes, which was in a different department at the time (Audio/Visual or something like that), eventually this department was merged into the same one I had previously worked for and I had the same boss (who not so secretly hated me for reasons I will never understand) again. I graduated before she had the opportunity to "not renew" my contract again. We actually had one conflict at the time, where in I had fixed up a conference room so that the professor could appear on video, transmit overhead projections, broadcast video from DVD or VHS and/or screencast from a pc with constant full-duplex audio. A more "experienced" technician insisted that this was not possible, disconnected all the wires I had set up without testing anything, and recommended that she dismiss me from working on that room after I fixed it a second time. She did not end up dissmissing me (who knows, maybe she asked the professor who would have said that in fact I did make his classroom work) from anything, but made it clear that no argument nor physical proof would override her trust in the more trusted technician. Actually I have to thank her and her staff for preparing me to work in a professional field, and not just because they taught me the valuable lesson that professional adults are just as petty and stupid as preschool children, but that we all got professional photos produced in-house to attach to our resumes and we all had some business-like experience to write on those resumes on our way out of University, unlike the majority of the student body who'd never worked a day in their lives (not even to flip burgers).

Steve 24/02/16(Fri)02:06 No. 826546

AI is starting to develop fake personalities at this point

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/03/13(Wed)06:12 No. 827016

Sleep. Wake after noon. Shower. Roommate has an eye inflection. His parents go out to dinner together for the first time in a while, but return yelling at each other. I eat beef and onions, as I sometimes do. In the wee hours, I go to the post office. Go to bed.

O.P. 24/03/15(Fri)22:20 No. 827051

File 171053761217.jpg - (201.34KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault (1).jpg )

My father-in-law is gifting my children the tower in the attached photo. This is the example provided by the construction contractor. It will be on a bluff at the edge of a mineral lease. My wife hates this, I like this. Strangely my children are indifferent.

Miku Fanboy 24/03/16(Sat)01:19 No. 827052

A friend from high school died a few days ago. Apparently he smoked a blunt that was laced with something, probably fent. Experiencing a complex variety of feels tonight

symbion 24/03/16(Sat)01:32 No. 827053

File 171054914437.png - (517.07KB , 768x576 , GItdrZWWUAAV1rn.png )

I want one of these, but with some type of enclosure on the top so I could be sheltered from the rain. If I could just see over the treeline I would have a wonderful view of one of my properties. I've looked into towers before, but this one material-wise looks like it may be much more reasonable in price.

What did they quote you? Circumstances?

Sonichu 24/03/16(Sat)01:46 No. 827054

I wish AI would develop paragraphs

Weeabot 24/04/06(Sat)22:18 No. 827300

Sleep. Wake in the afternoon. Lie in bed all day. Go to bed in the wee hours. 

PrettyPony 24/04/07(Sun)00:35 No. 827302

lol me for the past 3 days

He-Man 24/04/07(Sun)06:55 No. 827303

Over four years have passed since my hallucinations began.

Panawave 24/04/07(Sun)11:57 No. 827304

what do you hallucinate?

h 24/04/07(Sun)19:11 No. 827306

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Ol' Dick Chain-y is getting ready for the season.

derp 24/04/09(Tue)15:56 No. 827329

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there's just no depth to me when the sun rises. and it's not that people are awake and alive - I spend my time alone, probably something about neurochemicals or something, but it's like my brain shuts off during the day. Comes night time - I'm cruising, I trip harder every night than I used to trip on an eighth of mushrooms. I just come alive and my mind becomes so sharp like a razor, I can just slice through the heavens and hells as if I'm Bob Ross itself... Shit's a airwolfing journey - every night, everything comes into clarity, everything comes into focus....

It's not that I become dumb or cannot function - I can do everything, just no longer have this airwolfing philosopher's stone in my hands. Just kind of become a normie ig. wtf do I do? Days are getting longer... It brightens my mood and life and I love nature getting green and alive and warmth outside, but... donno. I have mixed feelings about this....

Can someone tell me when neurochemicals get pumped when the sun goes down? Makes life so much deeper and more interesting!!!

Bob Ross 24/04/09(Tue)18:37 No. 827331

Any particularly neat ones?

Spider Expert 24/04/10(Wed)18:48 No. 827332

File 171276772368.jpg - (46.35KB , 500x500 , signal-2024-03-29-14-12-53-479-1.jpg )

They went with this model of band tower. It's on the property host security cameras and a wifi or other wireless repeater. There is a shed out there too for tool storage and hanging out.

Spider Expert 24/04/12(Fri)13:47 No. 827342

Youtube  Went to see Civil War the other night

Looking for unrealized comedy/cliche, it delivered on that score I'd say 6 out of 10
It's portrail of Photo journalist as narcissistic rich/middle class kid scum looking for a free holiday in some else misery was really well done, as the low level sub-narrative.
Most striking (pun intended), was the lack of drone warfare in the film.
I can only think the democrats did not want the link between Obama the greatest exponent of drone warfare and a civil war in the USA. As Obama has killed more civilains than anyone else on the planet with drone weapons.
Having the Black femae solider shoot the president at the and having the very delibrate underage White child like actress shoot the picture of Her doing it.
Should be become a .gif soon.
So for Kate Adie and every other blood hound.
This songs for you...

Spider Expert 24/04/12(Fri)14:28 No. 827345

hey wolf slut, I see you want one of these, keep in mind it will most likely get struk by a lightning, so make it lighting proof

poe 24/04/12(Fri)16:27 No. 827346

Almost no lighting where the tower we were talking about is to be built. Dry climate.

O.P. 24/04/13(Sat)14:28 No. 827358

better not to take chances. All it takes is one strike.

Weeabot 24/04/15(Mon)13:43 No. 827382

Narcissism, psychopathy, machiavellianism, sadism, and dark empathy, these personality traits form the dark tetrad, they are "dark" in that they are all totally-selfish, hyper-individualist, and ruthlessly-pragmatic.
More importantly, they are actually markers of both extreme success and extreme failure, it is because of their correlation with great levels of acheivement that our culture discourages them, for our culture is ruled by those who spread a gospel of weakness to the masses to keep them in their position as slaves, while they alone get to keep hold over the mindset of masters.
They are very cold-logic thinkers untainted by the enotional hysteria and groupthink that we have been conditioned by the educational, media, and healthcare institutions to permit having governance our minds for multiple generations now. Just watch the illogical evidence-bereft responses i have tailored this post to provoke from the other anons ITT. We've lost the ability to think, to consider alternative ideas to the ones weve been presented with. We lack imagination and curioisity. Worse, we've lost our connections with our shadow archetypes, the darker sides of us have been purged from us, and we have a term for when this happens to animals: they've been tamed, domesticated, made dependant upon those who have conditioned them towards docilty and obedience.
I am a libertine, a holdout of old /b/, one who rejects all ethical standards for the sake of maximizing my own happiness and pleasure while minimizing my own suffering and misery, so neither the Primeians nor the Satanists of today would accept me.
For example, both groups reject pedophilia and racism, but I am unbounded by moral restrictions, and I have no objection to any form of what they would consider to be "bigotry" or "sexual perversions".
I have no opposition to anything at all on principle, for someone like me what you do matters not a bit, but who your actions affect and how they affect them matters entirely, its not about whether harm is done or benefit is gained, but whom it is that is being harmed or whom it is that is benefitted.
I care about my own well being and my own interests, which also means that I care about the well being and interests of those whose happiness is a source for my own joy, and whose misery is a source for my own sorrow.
Egoism means selfishness, but it does not mean not caring for anyone else; it means being led by your own feelings, your emotions and sensations - and that includes those which come to you through your interactions with others.
It means moral reletivism, but not of the vulgar self-sacrificial sort youd see among the weak of will, rather it is a worldview that sees the landscape of differing perspectives as a battlefield of competing memes upon which you must fight to increase the number of people who agree with your own views and decrease the amount of viewpoints that contradict your own - a major part of this being you enforcing your will upon others, a form of self-centered "justice" where you seek to govern the conduct of others and make them behave as your preferences would have them act.
Seeing your own opinions as superior to all others, and having the strength of will to forcibly impose them, and adherence to them, upon all others.
Here, hypocrisy is a virtue, for you have made yourself as Bob Ross unto yourself; your will is divine, perfect, and unquestionable, precisely because it is yours, you are the ultimate authority on what is right or wrong - and the standard is set by whether something displeases you, whether it causes you to feel positively, or whether it doesn't affect you at all.
For all you know, the only thing that exists is the part of you that acts as a receiver for sensory data (the sum of all you could possibly experience, including internal experiences such as your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and memories).
The only thing that constitutes the world external to that part of you is sense data, but not the sense data that comes to anyone or anything aside from you, no, it's specifically the sense data that you experience which exists for you, and so that should be all that matters to you, how you feel, not how you think that someone else feels, that doesnt matter beyond the ways in which the latter may influence the former.
When someone else eats, you do not get to taste the food nor is your hunger sated to any degree, so why should anyone else's desire or need for food be a matter of implicit importance to you? From your perspective, It should have no inherent value to you at all unless it indirectly affects you and how you feel - but then you are acting on your own feeling, not that of the hypothetical other.
Now, just because i say you should focus on your own hedonic will doesnt mean to make a subhuman beast of yourself and just mindlessly pursue the nearest sources of physical or psychological gratification, you must constrain your self-interest with rationality. Use your heart as your compass, to point out to you what you goals should be, but use your brain as your map, to chart out the beat path towards the greatest hedonic gratification overall, even if it means navigating through pain in the short term for the sake of greater pleasure in the long game. The secret about what it is that differentiates the psychopaths with power from those languishing behind bars or rotting in the streets or basements, is that the former variety is just as motivated by self-interest, but that unlike the latter, they were intelligent enough to pass the marshmellow test lf delayed gratification and long-term planning, they behaved more intelligently and acted with better restraint by following a plan.
I encourage you to do this as well.
Another thing is to cultivate your own strength, and im talking more broadly here, not just physical might, but all forms of power: skills, knowledge, connections, etc. Anything that can be of advantage or utility to you.
The only judge of whose actions are best is the outcome of ones conduct, those who are rewarded with better results that allow them to outmatch or outlast those with competing ideas are vindicated by their victories. Aside from this there can be no objective standard for saying what does or does not constitute "degeneracy", what the majority of those who complain about what they label as being "degen" take issue with seems to be motivated by peer pressure and nothing more, most certainly not the basis they claim their opinions come from.
Pedophilia, for example, has a very strong case to be made for itself in evolutionary psychology, keep in mind im talking heterosexual relations between an adult male and child female, and by "child" I mean in the clinical/biological sense of "sexually immature".
You see, by taking her as a lover during these developmental periods, the nonce takes advantage of two elements, one element is of female psychology, in which all orgasms produce oxytocin and bonds her emotionally to whomever or whatever she perceived to be the source of her stimulation or arousal, and the second element is of her developmental psychology, in which her mind is at its most plastic, being molded easily and solidifying upon whatever was imprinted upon it within these formative years.
Effectively, he produces a lifelong bond with a female mate by mating with her before she is due to become capable of bearing his offspring, the relationship bond of her to him is strong.
So, if the relationship is permitted by their environment to persist until she reaches the age of sexual fertility, she will be there for the chomo to bear him many children, keep in mind that most men who are attracted to litle girls are attracted to females of all ages, they are peados also, not exclusively, additionally, even those few lacking an attraction to reproductively viable females would still remain attracted to their victims due to the same psychological effect that allows an old couple to remain just as attracted to one anotber in their age as they had been when they first got together in their youth.
The pedo reproductive strat is pair bonding to the extreme, wife husbandry, and it has historically worked very well as a mating strategy for human males. Too well, as it is a sort of cheat code for men, particulary in that it grants success to males of low genetic quality and low social status.
Part of the reason that our culture hates it is because of how effective it is at permitting dysgenic males to breed with lowered difficulty.
We call it a paraphilia put of disgust for the sake of insult, but evidence does not bear it out as such, as it is far too prevelent (about 50 percent of the adult heterosexual male population displays the capacity for sexual attraction to prepubescents, making it more common of a sexual trait than the urge to cheat on one's partner) and it seems not to manifest as a paraphilia does (most often theres no experiential trigger, its just there on its own, inborn, not learned), combined with a good reason for its existence among men in evo psych, its more likely just another mating strat that our culture had turned against, casting it as (particularly strongly) disfavored, like tourney mating and adultery.
Ome thing of note is that ive included this example (of paedophilia) in particular due to how the masters of our modern culture are the ones responsible for conditioning our disgust and hatred for child lovers, yet they are also known to rampantly engage in such practices amongst themselves, probably due to how well they know of its advantages in terms of improving relationships and fecundity when removed from those who punish practitioners of the mating strategy.
How many of these wealthy old men, jewish and gentile bred, have wives many times younger than they? How many of these wives were first laid with before they had experinces their first menustrations? There's certainly a darker world behind the territories of the rich, powerful, and (in)famous.
We could have used discrimination and bigotry like racism (particularly loxism) or sexism (particularly misogyny) as the example, from game theory to genocentrism examined more closely to basic logic of how best to benefit or advantage oneself (and ones genes) over others, but thats way less controversial in a webspace like this, and so has been covered to death by far better explainers than I.
But let me say this: human females are not really people when mankind is viewed in evolutionary terms, they act more as resources for males to acquire, use, barter with, and compete over. Foids are more like tokens than they are players in the game of human societies and evolution. The best thing for any civilization to do is strip them of rights completely, and make chattel slaves of them, not people but the property of men. The same should be done with sexually immature (prepubescent) males, aka little boys.
The future of any human society lay in its children, so the culture that surrounds the ways in which their offspring are raised is probably the most important aspect of it in determining its prosperity.
What i ask in this and in all other things is this: to reconsider whether what we think of as being good or bad is actually so, perhaps what we know to be undesired is actually beneficial when perceived more objectively and over a larger scale and longer time frame than just the immediate effects upon individual cases.
A good civilization is not one that guarantees individual safety and comfort, but stablity and continual improvement for the society as a whole, id rather a dangerous and eugenic nation than one that sinks into decline out of concern for its constituents, and an unwillingness to allow the sacrifice of the worst and most unfortunate few for the sake of the whole being continually strengthened.
I implore you to respond to this post authentically, and not with consideration of what other anons may think of your reply.
As a proudly racist misogynist nationalist and capitalist who sees societal eugenics as the highest possible cause, i am most certainly not vaush, destiny, or one of their pathetic ilk, they are weak in body and are consumed by the same slave morality that possesses the normies of liberal democrats or conservative republicans. By which i mean, the have fhe conventional moral standards set first by Primeianity and then adapted into secular ethical philosophies like utilitarianism and deontology.
Fyi, each lf the above exist without legs, as socratic questioning quickly reduces each down to being matters of their own personal preferences, individual valuations, ala egoism, but pretentiously obscured through unnecessary layers of argumentation. Certainly there is no basis to call religious nor irreligious moral concepts "objective" as none could avoid the ultimate conclusion that they only matter as a concern to anyone for reasons that they are what the advocate feels best about. Its all inherently subjective and therefore relative to any one observer's point of view.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/04/17(Wed)23:43 No. 827404

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I've just been approached be very seedy little man hustling like teenage boy on the corner 53 and 3rd. Trying to get me to get our glorious leader out the country. Seems he wants to use his green, that he's got for the good old US of A. Yes, The Great "Rishi Sunak", is a green card carrying member of the USA. Not only that though he wants a quiet flight out of the country on election day. He does not want be around 'When brexitieers come looking for him with a rope', so rumours have him quoted as saying. Seems he wants to be on a private jet wheels up by 8:30am. Come election day. Yep first to caste his vote and first to leave this sinking Island. He's got a 7:30am prime breakfast time news slot, for all the TV and Radio. Although he like hs quick exit via helicopter to the airport and the a waiting private jet played down.
Well that news from waltzers at the fairground that is the UK, as we face rejoining the EU without a wimper. Let alone a refourmedium.
Well hope you enjoy having a second hand PM, to be fair he was unelected. Well you've been saddle with one of our princes. You could have them on talk shows as a matching set.

He-Man 24/04/18(Thu)23:52 No. 827415

Thoughts too embarrassing to tell anyone but 7chan: 

Yo mama such a slut, I just set a new all time record for strongest orgasm. 

This is the most paranoid I've felt in a long time. But it's okay because I can always simply remind myself that Jews aren't real and they can't hurt me. 

*eats one edible* Hm, I wonder if I have a tolerance. *eats another* Brain: Kaboom! 

Homicide 24/04/20(Sat)05:32 No. 827431

Youtube  Well, it's over. The abusive asshole who knocked up my older sister and made my childhood hell is dead.
He used to give me shit for being a fat kid despite being a massive shithouse himself. Homeboy tapped out before 50 from a heart attack. Guess he ate his just desserts at last.
I remember being in a shoe store at the mall with him(my mom would make me go out with this monster during summer break) around the time Daft Punk's Discovery dropped. It was the kind of store that was sort of trendy and had TVs playing music videos for pizazz.
The video for One More Time was playing and I couldn't keep my eyes off it. Anime was rare back then and only old heads can tell you how enthralling it could be to see it anywhere in public.
I couldn't keep my eyes off it, and he noticed and bullied me about it. He said something like "Oh I bet you wanna look like THAT" when the singer was on screen.
Fast forward to today, and he's about take a permanent dirt nap while anime is mainstream. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to track him down and blow his head off in minecraft for years, I regret that I didn't take my chance to do it personally, but in the end there's no bigger humility then death and there's never been a bigger opportunity to celebrate, celebrate and dance so free. One more time.

W. T. Snacks 24/04/20(Sat)23:46 No. 827438

So, when I was a boy, a little boy, we used to do hardcore drugs with our friends. Well one of them and I would say in most ways the most hardcore of them all - was called Salvia. So we did this innocuous looking little drug, back in those days they referred to as "Mexican tripping weed". Many trips were had and we we're in more than one occasion stuck there for decades and decades and probably more since you could easily loose recollection of ever being on this planet let alone human.. and yeah, that was that, still think about her to this day... She a bit forceful in some ways, but a real one nevertheless. Hope you guys are ok. Love abounds.

Sonichu 24/04/21(Sun)20:29 No. 827448

Youtube  >>827431
guessing this ain't jam, although tonight

derp 24/04/21(Sun)20:32 No. 827449

Youtube  >>827431

similar theme

r000t 24/05/12(Sun)18:54 No. 827717

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I get a sales bonus on the 15th. I am going to buy this right when it hits my account.

Optimus Prime 24/05/12(Sun)21:01 No. 827718

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> propane powered trolling motor

Whats the runtime on something like that?

Cryomancer 24/05/12(Sun)22:18 No. 827719

11 Lbs bottle, manufacturer rated 5 hrs at WOT

I will be using a 20 lbs bottle. I'm putting on a honwave tender.

tee 24/05/13(Mon)00:41 No. 827721

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Thats more efficient than i was expecting.

tee 24/05/13(Mon)02:21 No. 827724

It's for my tender, so it will hardly ever be at more than 70% throttle.
I'm sick of gas. Finding ethanol free wherever I am, dealing with stabilizer, jerry cans with old gas, cleaning carbs, and fuel filters, getting gas on my hands or in the water. All just for my tender. Propane is shelf stable indefinitely and can be used in a generator and heater. Electric isn't an option, I have solar, but not really enough to charge a large outboard LiPo, and i am more worried about a battery fire than a Propane bottle.

That's all my reasoning.

symbion 24/05/13(Mon)03:33 No. 827726

He thinks "lithium batteries" "explode"

Mudkip 24/05/13(Mon)05:01 No. 827729

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You dont really use lithium batteries for stuff like that, deep cycle lead acid best for this despite size and weight.
Propane would be just as available to you as gas out in those circumstances since most campers use it for something or another.


Yes, they can and do explode.

O.P. 24/05/13(Mon)12:38 No. 827733

You are wrong. But it's up to you to figure out how. Protip: you won't.

poe 24/05/13(Mon)13:52 No. 827739

this is incorrect information

Conductor Cat 24/05/13(Mon)14:21 No. 827741

I asked my dad, and he said you are wrong.


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