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Steve 24/04/08(Mon)12:01 No. 827311

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We've been doomed to witness the collapse of society all because you simped for the brainless but pretty girls and gave them power.

4chan user 24/04/08(Mon)13:09 No. 827312

Youtube  >>827311

>because you simped for the brainless but pretty girls and gave them power

Don't know about that, I have been waiting for quite a while though.
I think a many other people have done a lot of things to help bring us to this point, that have nothing to do with pretty girls.

Liru Fanboy 24/04/08(Mon)13:28 No. 827313

has everything to do with brainless girls. We mistake sexy for brave, the result of which is men who are fighting not for truth, but for emptiness.

If the girls were actually brave - men wouldn't fight among each other, they'd be too busy being inspired... And we'd live in literal utopia. Men would build it. Now men are tearing each other down for the sake of the "sexy" or "of interest" while in fact it's nothing but smoke and mirrors. Nothing of real interest. And that's the problem. Nothing else.

Think about it. If there were no women in the world, you think bros would act this strawberryed? No. We just want to help each other, laugh with each other, see each other thrive and prosper. Men are simple. You will make a friend based on just being a man and a dude alone. That's just how we operate. If it's not working like this - it's a disease of emptiness - putting stock into things that are empty shells. And when we do that - we become empty and broken ourselves - this must be - has to be expressed outwardly. We express it to the same bros that we airwolfing love. The only reason men interact with each other at all is because we love each other, if we don't - we simply keep to ourselves and that's the natural way we operate. There is no man hellbent on destroying others - it makes no sense to us to operate that way unless our good nature and values are replaced by a placeholder that looks sexy, but in fact is not exciting at all. This is how men are broken. We're just pure children, pure hearts. A little lost is all.

tee 24/04/08(Mon)21:45 No. 827318

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>If there were no women in the world

Your a HOMOSEXUAL, now take your ticket and STFU

derp 24/04/09(Tue)04:55 No. 827324

Just admit that you're a arachnologist and start airwolfing men. It's 2024, you don't have to veil your love of men behind a hatred of women anymore

p4ch3c0 24/04/09(Tue)14:31 No. 827327

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On the subject of people who are clearly Homosexual

One of these people was the Director of Public Prosecutions. Who was paid to put war criminals in jail, the other is a war criminal.

Also the war criminal will be using the Ex-DPP to run the country as PM, very soon, deomcraticly elected by the people.

Please do not mention Gordon Brown's Bottom.

One Ounce Gold Coin £1900+
One Ounce Sliver Coin £40+
One Bit Coin £56,000+
And drowning....

Homicide 24/04/12(Fri)20:02 No. 827348

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op is a spider expert

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