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John Smith 21/06/23(Wed)07:35 No. 47835

File 162442651727.jpg - (98.63KB , 736x697 , E8464DAF_DF93_46EA_9D33_287FE1CB0A27.jpg )

There's nothing cuter than kemonomimi characters being balls of sunshine.

John Smith 21/06/26(Sat)21:33 No. 47836

>rambling about manga

Yup. Pretty /eh/.

John Smith 21/07/02(Fri)02:28 No. 47838

"Kemonomimi" loosely translated means "animal ears/tail." Basically, animals represented in humanoid form.
Catboys or 'nekomimi' are the most popular.

John Smith 21/07/02(Fri)05:46 No. 47839

File 162519756764.gif - (1.03MB , 204x195 , afroheadshake.gif )

The atomic bomb is directly responsible for this. Such a strong culture reduced to a nation of 40 year old virgins masturbating to cartoon beastiality. It really is fascinating - and as such, it does not belong here.

John Smith 21/07/02(Fri)13:38 No. 47840


John Smith 21/10/17(Sun)00:37 No. 47942

It's still a strong nation, it's just a strong nation that also enjoys
>cartoon bestiality
as you so eloquently put it.

Remember, Japan peaked as a power in the 80s, decades after the war.

John Smith 21/11/03(Wed)01:18 No. 47971

White people enjoy real-life bestiality.
Kemonomimi isn't bestiality.

John Smith 21/11/04(Thu)05:05 No. 47973

I feel a catgirl/catboy hybrid would be a bad idea.

Imagine if she goes into heat and won't stop whining and rolling on the floor, or he's marking everywhere. You could spay and neuter them, but they'll lose interest in sex and become fat, losing their charm in the first place.

In fact, human-sized pets of any kind sounds like a terrible idea.

John Smith 21/11/05(Fri)18:59 No. 47975

Pets in general aren't a good idea. Too many pet owners are urban dwellers whom only get a domestic animal to smother their feelings onto against their intrinsic will.
The only reason why dogs are oversold is because people suck at inter-human relations.

John Smith 21/11/05(Fri)22:19 No. 47977

Watching people literally smothering their pets, and you see the animal doesn't want to be there, makes me really uncomfortable actually. It is like they tried forcing themselves on people, failed, and then moved to force their love on an animal. It is like these people can't take a hint.

I could vocalize my discomfort, but it's always ignored.

John Smith 21/11/12(Fri)05:16 No. 47992


>It is like they tried forcing themselves on people, failed, and then moved to force their love on an animal. It is like these people can't take a hint. I could vocalize my discomfort, but it's always ignored.

My parents in a nutshell.

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