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Anonymous 21/03/12(Fri)17:27 No. 7286 ID: 8db943

File 161556647557.jpg - (182.14KB , 640x360 , 06.jpg )

Anyone know who did these?

207 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Dark_182D 22/11/20(Sun)17:06 No. 7804 ID: a8d9a5

File 166896037342.jpg - (71.46KB , 507x807 , SAO_imgmag_1-112.jpg )

Anonymous 22/11/30(Wed)14:25 No. 7805 ID: 1303d2

Any further news Dark? I've been following for a while and think this is so weird!

Dark_182D 22/12/04(Sun)17:05 No. 7806 ID: 4ce9bc

File 167016991118.jpg - (808.63KB , 1275x1920 , SAO_0111_a.jpg )

Hi Anonymous,

So yes, it's been a little complicated over the last few weeks as the lab has been used for international contracts and all the equipment has been out of limits for underlings like myself!
But I've managed to use it on occasion and I'm posting two more images that I think everyone will find VERY interesting. I'm more confident now that we are looking at an interaction between women's bodies and the Earth's magnetic field. Moreover, I think a large build-up of charge inside a woman's body is also obvious which I think these pictures show.
The first picture looks quite impressive with a long spark which must be at least 15cm long linking the women, one end at the nipple and the other end at a Montgomery gland of Eufrat at the very outer edge of the areola. The colour inset image shows the exact locations of the contact points of the spark.
I'm not an expert on static charge or anything like that, but I would expect that if the build-up of static electricity was coming from the model on the right it would jump between her nipple and Eufrat's arm. If it was coming from that point on Eufrat's areola I would have thought it would jump down to the other model's thumb. Both these areas are the closest points on the other model's body and the quickest way to earth.
But this isn't the case, as it isn't with other images we've seen where the sparks travel between nipples/areolas sometimes over quite large distances. You can also see that both the women's areola's on the outer edges are lightly glowing also. This again is seen in many of these new images, but again the reason for it is unknown.
It should be noted also that although I've brought out the "sparks" and made them look really bright, they are in fact still below what we can see with the naked eye around the 373-377nm wavelength. I've had to put several masks over the images to try and reduce glare from white areas and try to keep the picture viewable. It's also pretty obvious that neither woman is aware of this event taking place and as such brings into question whether these "sparks" are indeed sparks and not some other unknown phenomenon.

Dark_182D 22/12/05(Mon)12:59 No. 7807 ID: 3f35ce

File 167024154156.jpg - (370.38KB , 1326x1988 , SAO_023_a.jpg )

This image is of a model called "Angel Princess" and the strange thing about this image is that it is the only one I've found of her so far that shows anything out of the ordinary with her.
Firstly, I'm finding that most activity occurs in women with medium to large tits, but I've noted beams coming from women with very small tits also. However, there seems to be a cut-off at the other end of the scale in that once the woman's tits pass a certain size there appears to be a significant drop off in activity. 'E' cup appears to be the largest so far that shows beams, but Women such as Melina Velba with 38K tits show no activity at all.

Angel's 'D' cups are towards the end of the activity scale and this might explain this image. Again I've had to filter various parts of the image to reduce glare, but what is immediately apparent is the spark that appears to be jumping from one Montgomery gland to the other. Now from what I've read, Montgomery glands produce oils that lubricate the areola and have nothing to do with static discharge or anything electrical in the body. But here we see that in the picture above of Eufrat and this one a spark appears to connect to them and not the nipple which would be the obvious point. Again, the outer edge of the areola can be seen glowing and I think there is another spark linking two Montgomery glands below the nipple although this one appears to be along our line of sight so not as clear.

The unusual thing about Angel is that in every other image I studied of her in this set she never produced beams or sent sparks out to the other model, nothing. This makes me wonder whether she is at that upper limit of the size that can produce beams, or was it something else?

Anonymous 22/12/09(Fri)14:33 No. 7808 ID: ff24bc

I've been reading this thread with interest in that I work in a neurology department here in the U.S. We have had several women (not men) who we have not been able to use our GE MRI equipment on. We could never get stable information from them and our combined CT-MRI operator (who's been around since the dawn of time!) said that the new machines which are the HDX and HDX-T models are too sensitive to "residual" magnetism.
He said that people in general have a certain amount of electrical energy inside them and the machines extrapolate this in their data.
But I can clearly remember my colleague saying to me a few years ago that one particular woman crashed the system twice before she was moved to another hospital. He said she had an energy that wasn't normal. When I asked him to explain, he said that he had mentioned it to the neurologist but he simply moved her to another hospital and never questioned why it had happened. She wasn't the only one either. Off the top of my head in the space of about four years, we had about the same number of women (only women) that crashed the machine.
They were all young, slim, and had the type of breasts you mention here.
Now I'm not saying that what I've experienced here is anything to do with women producing beams and such (if it is indeed genuine) but I think this could be a very believable scenario.
Although you obviously do not have access to an MRI machine, have you thought about using something like a Gaussmeter with the model you work with? You could find out what the ambient magnetic field is like in a certain area, then use a control body, and then use your model to see what fluctuations in the magnetic field there are. I would imagine that although this couldn't be done to a 3D MRI-type scan standard, you could at least map the area around the model to see exactly what her influence is.

Dark_182D 22/12/19(Mon)18:51 No. 7809 ID: 58bf0e

File 167147229263.jpg - (220.98KB , 800x1200 , SAO_278.jpg )

Dark_182D 22/12/19(Mon)18:52 No. 7810 ID: 58bf0e

File 167147231923.jpg - (1.38MB , 2700x1800 , SAO453.jpg )

Dark_182D 22/12/22(Thu)12:14 No. 7811 ID: e2e5dd

Hi Annonymous,
That sounds pretty fascinating actually. I would expect women with a higher electromagnetic "charge" to have an effect on anything electrical, to be honest. So your claim that some of them have the ability to crash MRI machines makes sense. But the thing that I find strange is why isn't this being recorded and published. Surely someone like yourself must have seen patterns with certain women and brought it to the attention of others in the field?

Dark_182D 23/01/15(Sun)17:34 No. 7812 ID: 7bc641

File 167380045746.jpg - (295.51KB , 1867x492 , 01.jpg )

I've not been around for a while because (1) The equipment I've been using had been playing up for the last few months, that's why some of my images had been very noisy with black lines running through them. It got so bad we were losing nearly 50% of the information that the program was supposed to be fetched out. That is, for its original use, by the way, I'm just using the program illicitly. and (2) It's been a really busy period and I've had less time at home to search for new subjects to study. Thomas has been really ill the last few months so I've been working alone.

But some good news is that we've managed to secure the model we had last summer for filming and she's more than willing to let us try to capture whatever she produces again. (hopefully this year it'll be more than "bubbles"!) Apparently, she's continued to have detrimental effects on electrical equipment, only now she says she notices the relevance of it when before she never even noticed. So we're looking at June or July as we'd like to do all our shooting outside so that we can capture a greater area around her. Watch this space!

The images I'm posting today are possibly some of the deepest images I've processed so far and have taken the longest to produce. On many occasions, I've had to re-apply the original background over the multi-stacked features to keep the images in context otherwise you would see almost nothing of the model! These were the last images I processed before the software and computer were upgraded. I don;t know if I'll even be able to use the new stuff, but we'll just have to wait and see.

So this first image was taken of Eufrat but the most noticeable feature I thought was what looks like a "swirling" patterning around her tits. The outer areola has a very distinct ring around them and I've highlighted these areas in the image to the right. But the spiral pattern is visible along with the beams and must be associated with them. These features show up in the low 370Nm wavelengths and make me wonder if the energy that's causing them could be internal and residual traces of it are showing on her skin.

Dark_182D 23/01/15(Sun)17:47 No. 7813 ID: a1ec2c

File 167380125594.jpg - (687.72KB , 1616x1050 , 545.jpg )

This image I found just looking on the net, I never found out who the model was and this was the only image. However, once again you can see very bright areas around her areolas. I processed a normal image of her (and the one of Eufrat) in my original 380nm wavelength and only the two brightest beams were visible.

However, going down below 375Nm and you get this image. I counted at least 9 bright beams mainly originating from where she is laying, but some others seem to cross at right angles, so I guess she either moved before this picture was taken or there is someone else who produces beams in the area.

Dark_182D 23/01/15(Sun)18:31 No. 7814 ID: f7ec29

File 167380390195.jpg - (260.78KB , 864x648 , BLQ932.jpg )

Now this image is fascinating to me in that I stacked 67 images in order to get this final picture and it took over a week to accomplish. The Klaman and Linias movies that Eufrat did are probably the best material I've ever had as processing and removing stabilization has not only been relatively easy but has also produced some of the best results. I use Eufrat a lot because not only was she one of the first I found producing these beams, but she is easily the greatest producer of them as far as I've found.
Looking at the original movies you would NEVER guess that all this activity was going off in the wavelengths below what we call visible light. The entire area of woodland where Eufrat is stood glows at the 377Nm wavelength and if you play with the contrast you can see leaves and branches that appear to have been "sprayed" with some sort of florescent energy for want of a better word. The material is like a fog and is obviously not being blown around (although there doesn't appear to be much wind)

Anyone got any idea what kind of material can be ejected through the skin to form beam-like structures, yet stick to things and act like a cloud?

Dark_182D 23/01/15(Sun)19:00 No. 7815 ID: e753e8

File 167380563019.jpg - (160.11KB , 1344x756 , BLQ1142142.jpg )

In many cases, I have to use filters to block out some naturally bright areas as they wash out the entire image. I haven't found out how to block this light without doing it this way but I don't think it ruins the image too much anyway. In this image, the other model who is also producing material is called Sammie Rhodes. Now I want to process more images of her interaction with Eufrat because although she was also present in post #7758 she did not appear to produce any features. The only noted activity was the spark between Eufrat and Brea Daniels.
There are at least another two videos with Eufrat and Sammie, and although these are high quality and obviously harder to work on it will be interesting to see if anything occurs between them.
In this shot, both women do appear to be ejecting material (Eufrat partially blocked by my filter mask for the window) It also appears to show that the material they are producing is interacting! The second image (not shown here) is taken a few seconds later and shows the material remaining mostly in their upper chest area and more importantly drifting FROM Eufrat to Sammie. Eufrat being behind her one would expect the motion to go the other way around, that is from Sammie to Eufrat.
Whatever, other features appear in the image that again I cannot explain but seem to be associated with the outbursts.

Thomas 23/02/12(Sun)22:59 No. 7818 ID: 485ca2

Dark, I'm not getting any response to your emails again!

Curious 23/04/07(Fri)23:28 No. 7821 ID: 7da360

Any news?

Dark_182D 23/04/09(Sun)19:28 No. 7823 ID: 9e827f

Hi Curious,
In answer to your question, I have a few bits of information and more theories I guess.

I've had more time with our equipment and although I'm not "officially" allowed to use it, I'm becoming more adept at being able to fetch out finer details and structures in some of the images. Particularly now that the software has been updated and a lot of the glitches which were causing horizontal lines across the pictures have been rectified.
I'm still limited in the time I get to use the computer and there has been talk by management about passwording some of the equipment. (including the one I covertly use) If this occurs I either find out what the passwords are, or my research ends as it's the only way I can extract the information from the images.
Fingers crossed this never happens as up to now I have had no luck convincing anyone that this needs looking into.

I don't know if I mentioned it before, but Thomas and I have secured the model we had last year to do another photo shoot with us this summer. Dates haven't been worked out yet as she's busy most of the summer, but she's promised us some time to study her while she's in the U.K.

We're also taking a total of 4 magnetometers with us to see if it is possible to measure any kind of change in the magnetic field. If anyone has any thoughts on this (we're pretty much clueless) please leave a message here. Again it's a very expensive undertaking for us what with cameras, equipment, travel and the model herself so if anyone has any ideas that we can do at the time to make the study more complete please say something.

Dark_182D 23/04/09(Sun)19:57 No. 7824 ID: 781a7b

File 16810630696.jpg - (407.18KB , 2250x1500 , BLG_639.jpg )

I have some more images that are worth uploading the first of which is truly stunning! This image I obtained by removing the stabilization initially and then replacing the layers that I'd pre-scanned in 'H" alpha from 373-377nm. Because of the dim lighting of the shoot anyway, it's turned out very clear and shows not only clouds of material but also beams which aren't very bright or well-defined (possibly old structures) But the main point of interest are the two very clear "sparks" which like the women's tits!

You can see them very clearly aching out from Eufrat's tits and travelling down to the model lying down. What I've noticed with these sparks is that they almost follow the path of the beam straight out from the nipples before heading off to the other woman. As we saw in post #7801 the sparks can follow an almost perfectly straight line along the beams until they encounter another beam from a separate female. It's then that a "connection" is made, the beam disappears and is only picked up in the 373-377nm range as a ghost image. The connection remains until one or both of the tits are blocked by hands clothes etc. Like the beams themselves, I have no idea just how long these sparks can get, but I think it's obvious from this image that these can be as long as 160cm AT LEAST and so can't be simply explained as "static electricity" !

The graph bottom left by the way shows that although they don't appear bright in this image as I also wanted to show the other structures, they are very bright at the 373nm wavelength showing two very obvious peaks. The arrows indicate the place of measurement.

Dark_182D 23/04/10(Mon)23:28 No. 7825 ID: 598ca6

File 168116213144.jpg - (669.52KB , 934x1400 , BLG718.jpg )

The other thing I'm finding is that in the lower regions of the visible range <375nm women are surrounded by a very light halo of material. This is completely invisible above 375nm and is not related to overexposure or anything like that as the glow only surrounds women who are producing beams.
In this image, Eufrat is actually wearing white stockings, but I've masked them in order to fetch out the detail of this "glow" that surrounds the lower part of her leg. There are in total 8 separate beams radiating out from Eufrat's tits and correspond to her being in different positions when the beams were formed. However, most of these cannot be seen as I was unable to hit a specific wavelength that would show all of them.

This was a very "clean" photo shoot actually as beams are well-defined and clear with little material surrounding Eufrat herself unlike image #7814. Again the area surrounding the areolas appears very bright as does part of her left rib cage. Although some banding can just be seen on her left breast, two very clear bands can be seen on the right.
Looking at these bands you can see that they occur in a spiral pattern rather than a concentric one and change position from picture to picture suggesting energy moving from the outer areas of her tits in towards the areola.

Anonymous 23/05/29(Mon)12:58 No. 7829 ID: 2ff45b

File 168535793864.jpg - (78.16KB , 1024x1341 , erma3nadgjfqzwb6rxwg.jpg )


Have you ever considered that in many 12th to 14th-century paintings, holy people were depicted with rays of light or (beams of light) either coming from them or being shone on them from heaven or god?
Now I understand that it's not quite the same as a woman having them coming out of her breasts but the similarity of what you have been showing is remarkable.

Many other cultures as someone else has already mentioned hold women in very high regard, many having special powers and abilities not to mention the unique ability to create life. Her breasts are an essential part of this ability so shooting beams of light from them for whatever reason might not be as far-fetched as it may sound.
I watch this thread with interest.

Anonymous 23/05/29(Mon)12:59 No. 7830 ID: 2ff45b

File 168535796382.jpg - (527.55KB , 800x1111 , Transfiguratio.jpg )


Devine light? Dark_182D 23/06/10(Sat)17:10 No. 7833 ID: a9400e

File 168640982267.jpg - (341.49KB , 1279x1437 , BLQ771234_1&BLQ_233.jpg )

Thank's for that suggestion anonymous, I must admit I've never even thought about that suggestion but it makes perfect sense.
Someone said before that many things in our ancient past had far more significance then than they do today. Many of the things we take today as superstition were reality back then and I'd like to think that they probably knew more about the unseen than we could ever imagine.

In regards to your suggestion about "beams of light from heaven" the only problem I would have with aligning this to what we see here is that in the paintings these beams can be associated with both men and women. They more often than not come from heaven down to Earth and not the other way around. But I would be a fool to totally discount it as these paintings are not obviously accurate, but rather more of a representation.

In these two images, a strange "L" shaped beam can be seen. I've noted this feature in several images I've processed and as yet have not been able to explain the reason for it. Although these two pictures are of Eufrat I have some with other models also.

Dark_182D 23/06/10(Sat)17:21 No. 7834 ID: 218cae

File 16864105087.jpg - (598.55KB , 935x1402 , N+BLG_801.jpg )

In the higher quality "Klaman" images I'm able to detect a very narrow, yet very bright (relatively) beam coming from the very centre of her nipples and within the main beams at the 373nm wavelength. Again this is an already-known feature but although the beams have been seen to extend to 40 or 50ft (15 - 18m) it is unknown how far these "micro-beams" extend.

Dark_182D 23/06/11(Sun)12:10 No. 7835 ID: 866b42

File 168647825214.jpg - (197.76KB , 787x1179 , BLQ66592.jpg )

Of course, it's inevitable that at some point one of these beams is going to be directly pointed at the photographic source. Although I have not come across an image where this is perfectly the case as yet, there have been several very close calls of which this is just one of them. It would appear that the beam emitting from the right breast is heading off to the right, but because Eufrat is stood with her left shoulder low, her boob has swung out to the left firing the beam almost directly at the camera.

Judging by the diameter of the innermost (nipple) beam which can be seen passing over the camera I would estimate that it is no more than 3 inches (7.5cm) above the lens. Because the outer part of the beam (areola) only shows well at the blue end of the spectrum I was unable to determine whether the camera lens was actually within its diameter or not. If you look at the lower part of the image you can see her feet and legs are clear of any material, but from above her belly button, the image appears less clear.

Whatever, I've studied this segment of the movie numerous times to see if any distortions or electrical interference show up in the clip but I've been unable to find any. This could either mean that either (a) The beams are too weak or simply do not have a "visible" effect on photographic equipment. Or (b) The beam never passed through the camera.

Dark_182D 23/06/11(Sun)12:27 No. 7836 ID: 54eb58

File 168647925218.jpg - (508.48KB , 1221x816 , BLQ22945.jpg )

An image that was already processed by me several months previous to this didn't show anything at all. It wasn't until I looked in the area below 380nm that the beams showed up.
The graph shows a peak wavelength (371-373nm) where the beam becomes visible (marked with the yellow crosshair) and shows where the reading was taken.

Dark_182D 23/06/11(Sun)12:56 No. 7837 ID: 54eb58

File 168648099893.jpg - (558.79KB , 1444x1090 , BLQ29752-5.jpg )

Now, one of the more unusual manifestations that I've come across appears in the well-studied "Drikins-Klaman" photoshoot that Eufrat did. This shoot produced some of the clearest and most compelling images caused by a combination of original camera equipment, location, and activity produced by Eufrat on that day. At almost every wavelength studied from 370nm up to 380nm there are features that show up and make the structure that surrounds her even more complex and puzzling. I often return to these movies solely to see what will show up next!

In these three images, what appears to start out as small 5-7cm "bubbles" that grow at a perfectly synchronous rate from both nipples, end up forming a "chain" of around 3 bubbles that link together. However, instead of progressing out from her nipples as usual, they appear to move at a right angle across her body toward her breastbone. Here they link with the bubbles emerging from the other nipple and then rapidly move away from her body still connected to her tits in a long arc. (pic. 1+ 2)

This stretched-out bubble frustratingly passes out of the field of view but stretches the bubble's shape like pulling out a length of soft chewing gum. (pic.3) The strands eventually dissipate and leave no residual glow in preceding frames.
Although small "sparks" have been seen to jump between one part of the areola to the other, or from the areola to the nipple on the same breast, I've never seen the left and right boobs on the same body connected directly, which in these images they appear to do so.

Dark_182D 23/06/11(Sun)13:18 No. 7838 ID: 7900ef

File 168648231316.jpg - (317.61KB , 1023x1504 , BLQ333293.jpg )

The next images are by far the most fascinating so far in that I've found a link between "Bubble" progression and how they allow women to become "connected" without producing beams.
Most of the time when women produce the beams they appear as very faint, perfectly straight shafts of light. Within those beams, there is an outer beam which takes the diameter of the areola, an inner beam, which takes up the diameter of the nipple, and a very faint and extremely narrow beam emitting from the very centre of the nipple. (see img#7834 above)
Now I'm pretty sure that it's when those very narrow beams cross or come into contact with each other on two separate women that energy can flow between them linking their tits. However, I had a problem because I've found that some women "connect" even when the beams aren't present. The answer to this came initially with this picture but I never realised it at the time so never published it.

It shows Eufrat sitting on a guy's face and in the image, along with the usual "ghost" images of past beams you can see what look like arcs of light surrounding both her tits and her lower body.
I made these out to be expanding bubbles of energy that never made it away from her body and only the ghost images of them remained.
These are quite bright actually being at 375nm, their significance would only become apparent once I looked below this 375nm wavelength.

Dark_182D 23/06/11(Sun)21:09 No. 7839 ID: b9a50f

File 168651059733.jpg - (735.63KB , 1280x1920 , BLQ_55443.jpg )

In this image, Eufrat and Bijou are linked by an arc of material which I've funnily christened an "arc-spark". Now most "sparks" between women I've found travel to the opposing female via the path of least resistance. But sometimes they appear to arc away from their bodies as in posts #7783 & #7824. I never saw the significance of this until this image. The arcs are of perfectly spherical radius and once I took the wavelength down to 373nm the host bubbles that the sparks were travelling around became very faintly visible!

The only way I can explain what is happening here is that both women are producing the bubbles that we've already seen before in post #7727, to #7752, but somehow these are remaining attached to the body but growing exponentially. Once the spheres grow to a size where their radius encompasses the other woman's nipple current flows around the bubble to the opposing breast. Usually, as the bubbles grow in size and age they get dimmer until they become invisible once they have moved far enough from the body. But these bubbles have grown to over 2ft (61cm) in diameter and the combined energy of both women could be what makes them remain visible at 373nm.

Curious 23/06/12(Mon)21:19 No. 7840 ID: bfca64


Who are you exactly?

You have over a hundred posts here but you never said who you were.

Dark_182D 23/06/19(Mon)17:11 No. 7841 ID: 7d0141


Hi Curious,

I can't say exactly where I work or what I do for obvious reasons, but I can tell you that I work somewhere where there is equipment that I'm not "qualified" to use.
I've never studied photo processing and the skills I'm using to produce these images are ones purely gained by watching others who ARE skilled and qualified. And yes, I have had them look over my findings, but as I've said before, the evidence is never acted upon. I feel people way above me know of this but it is "covered up" for some reason.

This thread is the only place I can share my findings with people. With that in mind, Thomas and I have managed to book the model we had last year again for the 17th of July. Because we have become more confident that these phenomena are caused by some sort of electromagnetic interaction between the women and the planetary field, we're going to salt the area with magnetometers to see if she has any noticeable effect on her surroundings. Last year's little adventure was expensive, and this year's almost twice as much!

Anonymous 23/11/05(Sun)13:43 No. 7854 ID: fa3b44

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Anonymous 23/11/05(Sun)13:48 No. 7855 ID: fa3b44

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Anonymous 23/11/05(Sun)13:51 No. 7856 ID: fa3b44

File 169918870031.jpg - (412.17KB , 2397x1539 , BLQ2493.jpg )

Anonymous 23/11/05(Sun)13:53 No. 7857 ID: fa3b44

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Anonymous 23/11/05(Sun)13:53 No. 7858 ID: fa3b44

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Anonymous 23/11/05(Sun)13:54 No. 7859 ID: fa3b44

File 169918886410.jpg - (252.60KB , 1289x968 , BLQ_33135.jpg )

Anonymous 23/11/05(Sun)13:55 No. 7860 ID: fa3b44

File 169918890075.jpg - (168.01KB , 1536x864 , BLQ_771881_7.jpg )

Anonymous 23/11/12(Sun)17:16 No. 7861 ID: 81b448

File 169980579953.jpg - (127.02KB , 800x1200 , BLQ_2333_DISC.jpg )

Dark_182D 23/11/26(Sun)18:59 No. 7863 ID: f789ec

File 170102155080.jpg - (243.87KB , 855x1287 , BLQ_2237.jpg )

Anonymous 24/01/02(Tue)17:45 No. 7864 ID: dc405d

Is there anything new with this? What happened to Dark?

Dark_182D 24/01/28(Sun)19:56 No. 7865 ID: f789ec

Believe it or not but I've been promoted. This is good news bad news really, because I'm now on a much higher pay band but I no longer work in the department where I used to use the "machine". I haven't been in there since September of last year so haven't been able to carry on with my work.
I do however have many images that I processed but didn't have time to post and explain so I'll do this in the coming weeks as I have a little more time to spare now.
We had a frustrating day with our model in July in that we booked everything, found a perfect location, and got all our equipment working, but had absolutely no visible activity with her. The only saving grace was that we recorded very definite field distortions caused by her. We suspected that these women affect the area around them magnetically and our mass scattering of magnetometers proved that this is indeed the case. Our model distorted the natural magnetic field over an area of some 487,000sq/ft, but considering that she didn't appear to have any outbursts while we were on site this figure may be only a "resting" number. If we could have carried out the study during an outburst I'm sure the figures would have been much higher. I'm working with Tom on and off when I can to try and translate the numbers onto a map.

I'll post as much as I can when I can.

Dark_182D 24/02/18(Sun)14:06 No. 7866 ID: 22d266

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Dark_182D 24/02/18(Sun)14:07 No. 7867 ID: 22d266

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Dark_182D 24/02/18(Sun)14:07 No. 7868 ID: 22d266

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Dark_182D 24/02/18(Sun)14:10 No. 7869 ID: 22d266

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Dark_182D 24/02/18(Sun)14:11 No. 7870 ID: 22d266

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Dark_182D 24/02/18(Sun)14:11 No. 7871 ID: 22d266

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Dark_182D 24/03/10(Sun)14:17 No. 7877 ID: 1066da

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Models producing bubble chains.

Dark_182D 24/03/10(Sun)14:17 No. 7878 ID: 1066da

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Dark_182D 24/03/10(Sun)14:18 No. 7879 ID: 1066da

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Dark_182D 24/03/24(Sun)12:55 No. 7882 ID: 15ffe9

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Dark_182D 24/05/07(Tue)12:48 No. 7884 ID: 5d7c9f

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A strange image appears to show energy leaving this model's body not only in the usual way through beams and strange arcs but also flowing down the weir in the water!
Water is often seen glowing at a fairly bright wavelength in the vicinity where the model's body touches the water sometimes by almost 5nm.
However, this image shows material flowing down the weir and being carried away from her body while she fires two very (relatively) bright beams high into the air.

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