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Anonymous 14/09/08(Mon)22:44 No. 15934 ID: f4d785


I might try my hand at this but it's probably not gonna look good...I did try to emulate -8's style once in a NSFW animation but it didn't come out looking that great.

Maybe I'll just make it an original animation altogether if it fails.

Anonymous 14/09/09(Tue)12:12 No. 15945 ID: fea425

any news from cubespoon?

Anonymous 14/09/15(Mon)04:57 No. 16006 ID: 5684df

Unfortunately, no. His tumblr hasn't been updated in over a month, and after asking around, most of the followers of the project assumed he had abandoned it.

Anonymous 14/09/17(Wed)11:24 No. 16022 ID: 8983bd

this is probably the best thing I have ever seen :3

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