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Anonymous 14/09/15(Mon)04:57 No. 16006 ID: 5684df

Unfortunately, no. His tumblr hasn't been updated in over a month, and after asking around, most of the followers of the project assumed he had abandoned it.

Anonymous 14/09/17(Wed)11:24 No. 16022 ID: 8983bd

this is probably the best thing I have ever seen :3

Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)03:07 No. 16072 ID: 774ed1

File ppppuWiiU2_SceneSwitch.swf - (3.40MB )

1-9 for select a specific scene
0 to re-enable random scene select
Also the music quality is restored.

Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)10:08 No. 16074 ID: 3f4d67


love thissss

Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)14:41 No. 16075 ID: 8cf897

>Press X to fap

Only thing that would make it perfect is if it was like the other interactive version, where you could choose which girl remains on screen.

But hey, I'll take what I can get.

Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)23:43 No. 16080 ID: de8243

Well you could try and go for it, be worth a shot.

Anonymous 14/09/30(Tue)14:22 No. 16097 ID: 774ed1

File ppppuWiiU2_SceneSwitchv2.swf - (3.41MB )

Modified >>16072 to the specifications of >>16075
spacebar toggles whether characters are allowed to switch automatically.
S, D, R, and P are used to select a specific character and locks it to them.
Also added a few of gscot's more recent modifications (an animation from Peach and Samus)

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