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The Group (an outtake) [Mf inc cons anal oral] The Storyteller!5XbE4VjR8E 18/10/18(Thu)00:40 No. 25836 Board: /elit/ ID: 35ee87 [Reply]

Sometimes, particularly when you're writing a longer story, you might end up writing something that doesn't really fit with the flow of things, or it doesn't sit right with the characters normal behaviour, or there's just some other nagging problem that means you have to go back and do a rewrite of the problem section.

Now rewrites suck, but if you're very lucky you'll catch the problem when you're only a couple of paragraphs in, and so the rewrite isn't really a terrible pain in the ass.

On the other hand, the outtake below is an example of what happens when a problem section isn't caught quickly enough, in this case because it was way too much fun to write it.

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"Dad. I want you to be my first."

"You're... not kidding... are you?"

"I want you Dad, I want you to make a woman of me. I want you to make love with me, right here, in my bed. I want to feel safe, and warm, and protected, and Loved, and cared for in your arms Dad, and I want to feel you inside me."
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Filing criminal charges against an officer Anonymous 19/11/24(Sun)08:07 No. 1747 Board: /civ/ ID: 3561af [Reply]

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How do I file criminal charges on an officer? Long story short, an officer illegally confiscated my firearm. I have already filed a complaint for violation of US Code Title 18 Section 242, Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law. They took it/filed it as a "complaint," however. I want to make sure this officer faces this as a criminal charge, not a simple "complaint." What procedure should I follow? I live in Tennessee if that is relevant

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Anonymous 20/08/22(Sat)01:55 No. 1910 ID: 9e9ab3

What specifically happened? Have you talked to a lawyer about this?

Anonymous 21/01/20(Wed)20:50 No. 1964 ID: 835021

Don't bother. The American legal system is of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. I don't know what firearm you lost, but the value of it is MUCH less than what you'll have to spend to actually go through with this.

Additionally, I'm wondering what you hope the gain out of this? You won't change anything with the police as a whole even if this one officer were punished to a reductio ad absurdum level (drawn and quartered, perhaps?). So... is your aim revenge against someone you feel wronged you...?

A waste of time, waste of effort, waste of thought. Move on with your life. Buy a new gun. The system fucked you and you have no recompense. Welcome to America; get used to it.

Anonymous 21/01/22(Fri)08:44 No. 1971 ID: 781be8

Get pics of that cop from social media, his dox, and any info that is easily traced back to him such as usernames.

Using Tor, a crap laptop, Tails OS (Linux Mint if you're lazy), and public wifi that doesn't require ID, create social media accounts that are loosely linked to that cop. Not his actual name, but cropped pics of him with half-assed opsec and his usernames.

Never ever use the crap laptop to connect to the internet in your own home. Take the battery out of it after you shut it down at the library or starbucks or wherever you get wifi. Never put the battery in unless you are in public, away from home, work, etc.

Make accounts on various social media sites and far right sites that all reuse profile pics, user names, and very weak passwords.

Posing as the cop, post vile racist shit and how much you hate women, LGBTQ+ people, post hate facts, all sorts of shit. Sexually harass women using this account.

Leak screencaps of the account using a throwaway on reddit or leftypol.

Using Tor and another account, post his dox and the passwords to his account on the same.

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Cartoonsaur Anonymous 21/05/14(Fri)18:51 No. 15494 Board: /pco/ [Reply]

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Anyone that has Cartoonsaurs pateron please upload updates here, his animations are incredible and I know many people would entire seeing them on here.

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Anonymous 21/07/13(Tue)17:23 No. 15597

Well the full thing is on xvideos now, and since no one cared I’m not even gonna ask for his future projects

Anonymous 21/08/12(Thu)21:48 No. 15659

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Anyone have Frankies Friends and willing to share?

Anonymous 21/11/24(Wed)08:35 No. 15762

Helluva Couple leak anyone?

Shounen Ai Volume 5 Anonymous 19/03/07(Thu)01:20 No. 50029 Board: /sm/ ID: 0bd6be [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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Anonymous 19/09/05(Thu)06:15 No. 52265 ID: 0c2b55

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Anonymous 19/09/05(Thu)11:55 No. 52266 ID: 0c2b55

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Anonymous 19/09/06(Fri)08:08 No. 52278 ID: 5df192

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Meelo And Asami Sato From Avatar The Legend Of Korra Hentai Images Please evo1 23/09/06(Wed)16:21 No. 37148 Board: /ss/ ID: 153f35 [Reply]

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Love Meelo And Asami Sato From Avatar The Legend Of Korra

DMT Anonymous 20/05/10(Sun)07:37 No. 13784 Board: /rx/ [Reply]

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Is this video accurate or just a fake recipe?

Anonymous 20/05/11(Mon)08:14 No. 13785

Not accurate, reminds me of the Gatorade meth

am i sexy by any means? VirgoB1tch13 23/04/01(Sat)12:59 No. 124367 Board: /men/ [Reply]

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Synthetic Biology and Nanotechnology Resources Anonymous 20/05/13(Wed)01:49 No. 16919 Board: /sci/ ID: c95db8 [Reply]

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What are the best resources and textbooks for learning about synthetic biology and nanoscience/nanotechnology? The wiki doesn't have anything on those.

Also, what other /sci/ boards are out there?

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Anonymous 20/07/24(Fri)01:06 No. 16959 ID: b17623

420chan has been around for a while. unfortunately, activity on the stem board is slow. but the content there is decent.

Anonymous 21/02/03(Wed)11:16 No. 17240 ID: d80523

also have interest in it

Anonymous 21/02/03(Wed)11:40 No. 17241 ID: 307cde

Scientists have long proven the negative effect of radiation on humans. It is enough to recall the accident in Chernobyl and the number of people who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the disaster, who fell ill with radiation sickness. So thats why I bought geiger counter on https://ecotestgroup.com/products/agent-r/ for checking level of radiation

Closet Homosexual 22/03/22(Tue)09:14 No. 109011 Board: /di/ ID: 309a36 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Hi hi! Just thought I might post some of my stuff here if that's ok

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Closet Homosexual 23/09/10(Sun)01:38 No. 109651 ID: 53c225

you are so gorgeous

Closet Homosexual 23/09/27(Wed)20:11 No. 109678 ID: 67e7f0

Wifey material 100%

Closet Homosexual 23/11/27(Mon)02:32 No. 109724 ID: bdefe4

Gotta check back in on this thread

Underage Erotica Anonymous 18/05/04(Fri)07:38 No. 25530 Board: /elit/ ID: 5ea536 [Reply]

I recently read two books that contained underage sex/desire, and found both fascinating.

The First was Tampa by Alissa Nutting, and the second was End of Alice by A.M Holmes. Both books are highly sexually graphic.

Tampa is about a young female teacher who is sexually attracted to fourteen year-old boys and will do anything in her power to seduce them.

End of Alice is narrated by a middle-aged pedophile who is serving a life sentence in prison. He receives correspondence from a 19-year-old girl who plans to seduce her 12-year-old neighbour. He encourages her and gives her tips on seducing children and delights in the girl's letters detailing her progress.

What I am looking for: A highly erotic book where the main plot is focused on underage sex and/or desire. The more graphic the better.

What I am definitely NOT looking for: Violence or child murder, a book about overcoming abuse or anything that is poorly written or reads like amateurish fan-fiction.

Other books I have read on this theme were Lolita, and books by Anais Nin. Lolita was well written, but obviously lacked any graphic sex scenes, while Anais Nin didn't really captivate me for some reason.

Books that seem to roughly match what I am after, but havent read yet i've listed below:
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Anonymous 18/06/23(Sat)14:56 No. 25654 ID: 9d49ee

Firefly by Peirs Anthony

Shadow 18/06/23(Sat)15:46 No. 25655 ID: 44728f

Firefly has a scene in it, but it is not the focus of the book. Rather the book is somewhere between a monster horror book and the erotic tales told by a woman that has issues.

Anonymous 19/02/19(Tue)02:46 No. 25972 ID: 287f90

In Peirs Anthony's biography, he considers the sex scene between the 5yo and the adult in firefly to the most erotic thing he ever wrote.

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