# .-- .- .-. -. .. -. --. by ponbiki - 10/02/15 @ 07:30 AM CEST
--... -.-. .... .- -. / .... .- ... / -... . . -. / -.-. --- -- .--. .-. --- -- .. ... . -.. / -... -.-- / --- ..- - ... .. -.. . / .- --. . -. - ... / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -... . .. -. --. / -- --- -. .. - --- .-. . -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -... . .. -. --. / .-- .- - -.-. .... . -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -... . .. -. --. / - .-. --- .-.. .-.. . -..
# /be/gone by N3X15 - 03/20/15 @ 12:11 AM CET
Since nobody came forward to moderate /be/, and it's illegal everywhere, it's been removed again.
The site recode is still in progress. We've just moved all of our templates over to Twig.
# No, I'm Sazpaimon. by Found - 12/19/14 @ 10:46 PM CET
It's Christmas, and we've been thinking. You suck. But it's okay, we're here
to help. Check out our new /777/, it's /selfhelp/ -
You're Pathetic, We're Pathetic, We Can Do This!
If you want to suggest /777/s for the future, use
this thread. If you just want
to help me be a better person, post your thoughtful, meaningful, and probably
hurtful messages here.
# New Stuff? New Stuff! by Sazpaimon - 05/27/14 @ 06:26 AM CEST
Hey guys, remember me? I added a couple new features I just know you guys will love:
- Suport for WebM files has been added on a trial basis. Check out this /7ch/ thread for more information.
- I've added support for backlinks. This makes it really easy to see who's replied to a particular post without having to memorize post numbers.
As always, you can head to /7ch/ to discuss these and any other potential new features to make your shitposting experience easier than ever.
# 7chan stuff and junk by ponbiki - 03/28/14 @ 11:28 AM CET
Get on IRC so we can mock you
Use your own client to get to irc.7chan.org #7chan or feel free to use the old simple web client courtesy of Eman. You can also check out the new #7chan statistics page courtesy of Semilevel
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If you want to chat on mumble hit it up at mumble.7chan.org:64738
Tune in to 7chan radio directly or use the web player
Watch some movies with the channel7 crew on the web player or with your own movie player