# Captcha by N3X15 - 11/22/11 @ 08:11 AM CET
Most of you may notice that captcha has been appearing on all boards for a few hours (or days) and then vanishing. I'd like to clarify what's going on so there's no confusion (especially since half of you never go to /7ch/, which you should if you have any questions).
First of all, 7chan is not going to permanently globally enable reCaptcha. However, some individual boards with a high propensity for spam, such as /fag/, have had captcha enabled for now.
In addition, we've recently added a feature to our software to allow us to globally enable captcha on all boards for a period of time for any reason. Captcha has been enabled over the past few months repeatedly, as the other chan is rather unstable and keeps going offline. When that happens, we get flooded with all kinds of riff-raff who proceed to whine about our standards or shit all over the boards. Since half of us are off playing Skyrim or Saints Row the Third at any point in time, we've enabled captcha to slow the boardshitting to a pace we can handle.
Hopefully this will clear things up for you all.