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  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

We are in the process of fixing long-standing bugs with the thread reader. This will probably cause more bugs for a short period of time. Buckle up.

There's a new /777/ up, it's /Moldy Memes/ Check it out. Suggest new /777/s here.

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

WebM is now available sitewide! Please check this thread for more info.

h ## Mod ## 11/01/15(Sat)19:01 No. 330

File 129511446678.jpg - (53.83KB , 551x461 , c39c4e0b7b6f4432fbf199376ce7c854.jpg )


I know you didn't read the header, so now I have to make a sticky to remind you how to NOT BE RETARDED AND GET BANNED.
The two main things are Request threads and /pco/ shit. First: If you have the mental capacity of a two year old and missed the link at the top that says "Need an image source?" Click that shit before you get a fat, sweaty, merciless ban courtesy of yours truly.
Second: /pco/ shit is now /co/ shit. Don't post it here. Ever. The concept is not hard.
HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT! If you read this post, (which you probably didn't) you just avoided getting banned! YEAH! YOU DID IT! CONGRATULATIONS!
Have fun pounding away at your cock. Your semen keeps 7chan alive!

h ## Mod ## 11/01/15(Sat)19:04 No. 331


I know you didn't read the header, so now I have to make a sticky to remind you how to NOT BE RETARDED AND GET BANNED.
The two main things are Request threads and /pco/ shit.
First: If you have the mental capacity of a two year old and missed the link at the top that says "Need an image source?" Click that shit before you get a fat, sweaty, merciless ban courtesy of yours truly.
Second: /pco/ shit is now /co/ shit. Don't post it here. Ever. The concept is not hard.
HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT! If you read this post, (which you probably didn't) you just avoided getting banned! YEAH! YOU DID IT! CONGRATULATIONS!
Have fun pounding away at your cock. Your bodily excretions keep 7chan alive!

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